This blog post focuses on using foreach tags to generate dynamic Sql, including the following three scenarios:

  1. Foreach implements the in collection
  2. Foreach implements bulk inserts
  3. Foreach implements dynamic update

1. Foreach implements in collection

Assume that there is a requirement to query all qualified users according to the set of user ids passed IN. At this time, we need to use IN IN Sql, such as ID IN (1,1001).

First, we add the following methods to the interface SysUserMapper:

/** * Query user ** based on user ID set@param idList
 * @return* /
List<SysUser> selectByIdList(List<Long> idList);
Copy the code

Then add the following code to the corresponding sysusermapper.xml:

<select id="selectByIdList" resultType="com.zwwhnly.mybatisaction.model.SysUser">
    SELECT id,
    FROM sys_user
    WHERE id IN
    <foreach collection="list" open="(" close=")" separator=","
             item="id" index="i">
Copy the code

Finally, add the following test methods to the SysUserMapperTest test class:

public void testSelectByIdList(a) {
    SqlSession sqlSession = getSqlSession();

    try {
        SysUserMapper sysUserMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(SysUserMapper.class);

        List<Long> idList = new ArrayList<Long>();

        List<SysUser> userList = sysUserMapper.selectByIdList(idList);
        Assert.assertEquals(2, userList.size());
    } finally{ sqlSession.close(); }}Copy the code

Run the test code, the test passes, the output log is as follows:

DEBUG [main] – ==> Preparing: SELECT id, user_name, user_password, user_email, create_time FROM sys_user WHERE id IN ( ? ,?)

DEBUG [main] – ==> Parameters: 1(Long), 1001(Long)

TRACE [main] – <== Columns: id, user_name, user_password, user_email, create_time

TRACE [main] – <== Row: 1, admin, 123456,, 2019-06-27 18:21:07.0

TRACE [main] – <== Row: 1001, test, 123456,, 2019-06-27 18:21:07.0

DEBUG [main] – <== Total: 2

The log shows that the contents of the foreach element eventually generated an Sql statement of (1,1001).

Foreach contains attributes:

  • Open: string at the beginning of the loop content.
  • Close: String at the end of the loop.
  • Separator: Separates each loop.
  • Item: Each value taken from the iterator.
  • Index: If the parameter is set or array, the value is the current index value. If the parameter is Map, the value is the Map key.
  • Collection: The name of the property to iterate through.

You might wonder, why is the value of collection a list? How do I set this value?

In the example above, there is only one collection parameter. We set the collection property to list, which could also be written as collection. Let’s take a look at the default processing logic in DefaultSqlSession:

private Object wrapCollection(Object object) {
    DefaultSqlSession.StrictMap map;
    if (object instanceof Collection) {
        map = new DefaultSqlSession.StrictMap();
        map.put("collection", object);
        if (object instanceof List) {
            map.put("list", object);

        return map;
    } else if(object ! =null && object.getClass().isArray()) {
        map = new DefaultSqlSession.StrictMap();
        map.put("array", object);
        return map;
    } else {
        returnobject; }}Copy the code

Although the code works fine with default values, it is recommended to use @param to specify the parameter name, as shown below:

List<SysUser> selectByIdList(@Param("idList") List<Long> idList);
Copy the code
<foreach collection="idList" open="(" close=")" separator=","
         item="id" index="i">
Copy the code

If the argument is an array argument, collection can be set to array by default.

/** * Query user ** from user ID array@param idArray
 * @return* /
List<SysUser> selectByIdArray(Long[] idArray);
Copy the code
<select id="selectByIdArray" resultType="com.zwwhnly.mybatisaction.model.SysUser">
    SELECT id,
    FROM sys_user
    WHERE id IN
    <foreach collection="array" open="(" close=")" separator=","
             item="id" index="i">
Copy the code

Although the code works fine with default values, it is recommended to use @param to specify the parameter name, as shown below:

List<SysUser> selectByIdArray(@Param("idArray")Long[] idArray);
Copy the code
<foreach collection="idArray" open="(" close=")" separator=","
         item="id" index="i">
Copy the code

2. Foreach implements batch inserts

Suppose you have a requirement to batch write an incoming set of users to the database.

First, we add the following methods to the interface SysUserMapper:

/** * Insert user information ** in batches@param userList
 * @return* /
int insertList(List<SysUser> userList);
Copy the code

Then add the following code to the corresponding sysusermapper.xml:

<insert id="insertList" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id">
    INSERT INTO sys_user(user_name, user_password, user_email, user_info, head_img, create_time)
    <foreach collection="list" item="user" separator=",">(#{user.userName},#{user.userPassword},#{user.userEmail},#{user.userInfo},#{user.headImg,jdbcType=BLOB},#{user.createTim e,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP})</foreach>
Copy the code

Finally, add the following test methods to the SysUserMapperTest test class:

public void testInsertList(a) {
    SqlSession sqlSession = getSqlSession();

    try {
        SysUserMapper sysUserMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(SysUserMapper.class);

        List<SysUser> sysUserList = new ArrayList<SysUser>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            SysUser sysUser = new SysUser();
            sysUser.setUserName("test" + i);


        int result = sysUserMapper.insertList(sysUserList);

        for (SysUser sysUser : sysUserList) {

        Assert.assertEquals(2, result);
    } finally{ sqlSession.close(); }}Copy the code

Run the test code, the test passes, the output log is as follows:

DEBUG [main] – ==> Preparing: INSERT INTO sys_user(user_name, user_password, user_email, user_info, head_img, create_time) VALUES (? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,?) . (? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,?)

DEBUG [main] – ==> Parameters: test0(String), 123456(String),, null, null, null, test1(String), 123456(String),, null, null, null

DEBUG [main] – <== Updates: 2



3. Foreach implements dynamic update

Suppose you have a requirement to update user information based on the Map parameter passed in.

First, we add the following methods to the interface SysUserMapper:

/** * Update column ** with Map@param map
 * @return* /
int updateByMap(Map<String, Object> map);
Copy the code

Then add the following code to the corresponding sysusermapper.xml:

<update id="updateByMap">
    UPDATE sys_user
    <foreach collection="_parameter" item="val" index="key" separator=",">
        ${key} = #{val}
    WHERE id = #{id}
Copy the code

Finally, add the following test methods to the SysUserMapperTest test class:

public void testUpdateByMap(a) {
    SqlSession sqlSession = getSqlSession();

    try {
        SysUserMapper sysUserMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(SysUserMapper.class);

        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();

        Assert.assertEquals(1, sysUserMapper.updateByMap(map));

        SysUser sysUser = sysUserMapper.selectById(1L);
        Assert.assertEquals("", sysUser.getUserEmail());
        Assert.assertEquals("12345678", sysUser.getUserPassword());
    } finally{ sqlSession.close(); }}Copy the code

Run the test code, the test passes, the output log is as follows:

DEBUG [main] – ==> Preparing: UPDATE sys_user SET user_email = ? , user_password = ? , id = ? WHERE id = ?

DEBUG [main] – ==> Parameters:, 12345678(String), 1(Long), 1(Long)

DEBUG [main] – <== Updates: 1

DEBUG [main] – ==> Preparing: SELECT id, user_name, user_password, user_email, create_time FROM sys_user WHERE id = ?

DEBUG [main] – ==> Parameters: 1(Long)

TRACE [main] – <== Columns: id, user_name, user_password, user_email, create_time

TRACE [main] – <== Row: 1, admin, 12345678,, 2019-06-27 18:21:07.0

DEBUG [main] – <== Total: 1

In the example above, collection uses the default value _parameter, or @param can be used to specify the parameter name, as shown below:

int updateByMap(@Param("userMap") Map<String, Object> map);
Copy the code
<update id="updateByMap">
    UPDATE sys_user
    <foreach collection="userMap" item="val" index="key" separator=",">
        ${key} = #{val}
    WHERE id = #{}
Copy the code

4. Source code and reference

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MyBatis from Entry to Mastery by Liu Zenghui