Small knowledge, big challenge! This paper is participating in theEssentials for programmers”Creative activities.


In CRUD business, it is inevitable to add and subtract columns. If mybatis- Plus is integrated in the project, there are only two solutions without any modification

  • useUpdateWrapperJoining together
  • Write native SQL directly to XML

But neither method is elegant, because both require a long list of names. So I’ll try to implement a custom LambdaUpdateWrapper

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Source code analysis

public LambdaUpdateWrapper<T> set(booleancondition, SFunction<T, ? > column, Object val) {
        if (condition) {
            sqlSet.add(String.format("%s=%s", columnToString(column), formatSql("{0}", val)));
        return typedThis;
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As you can see, it’s pretty easy to just convert SFunction to a database field name and concatenate strings, Set name = ‘new name’ (true, User::getName, ‘new name’)

We could also follow suit and inherit the LambdaUpdateWrapper directly

Code implementation

public class MyLambdaUpdateWrapper<T> extends LambdaUpdateWrapper<T> {

    public MyLambdaUpdateWrapper(Class<T> entityClass) {

    /** * specifies that the column is incremented *@paramColumns refer to *@paramValue Indicates the increment */
    public MyLambdaUpdateWrapper<T> incrField(SFunction
         columns, Object value)
       ,> {
        String columnsToString = super.columnToString(columns);

        String format = String.format("%s = %s + %s", columnsToString,columnsToString, formatSql("{0}", value));


        return this;

    /** * specifies that the column is decrement from *@paramColumns refer to *@paramValue Decreases the value */
    public MyLambdaUpdateWrapper<T> descField(SFunction
         columns, Object value)
       ,> {
        String columnsToString = super.columnToString(columns);

        String format = String.format("%s = %s - %s", columnsToString,columnsToString, formatSql("{0}", value));


        return this; }}Copy the code

The code to call the service is as follows

MyLambdaUpdateWrapper<AgentInfo> updateWrapper = new MyLambdaUpdateWrapper(AgentInfo.class);

updateWrapper.incrField(AgentInfo::getRealBalance, amount);
 updateWrapper.eq(AgentInfo::getId, agentId);
 // Call update (..) of ServiceImpl.
 return update(updateWrapper);
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