First, talk about your understanding of MyBatis?
2. MyBatis can configure and map native information using XML or annotations to map POJOs to records in the database, avoiding almost all JDBC code and manually setting parameters and fetching result sets.
3. Configure various statements to be executed through XML files or annotations, and map Java objects to dynamic parameters of SQL in the Statement to generate the SQL statements to be executed. Finally, the MyBatis framework executes the SQL and maps the results to Java objects and returns them. (The process from executing SQL to returning Result).
What are the advantages and disadvantages of MyBaits?
§ advantages:
§ faults:
What are the differences between MyBatis and Hibernate?
2. MyBatis directly writes the original SQL, which can strictly control the PERFORMANCE of SQL execution and has high flexibility. It is very suitable for software development with low requirements on relational data model, because this kind of software needs to change frequently and output results quickly once the requirements change. However, the premise of flexibility is that MyBatis cannot achieve database independence. If you need to implement software supporting a variety of databases, you need to customize multiple sets of SQL mapping files, and the workload is heavy.
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How to paginate MyBatis? How does paging plug-ins work?
6, MyBatis has several kinds of paging methods?
What is the difference between logical paging and physical paging in MyBatis?
Does MyBatis support lazy loading? If so, how does it work?
MyBatis level 1 cache and level 2 cache?
What executors do Mybatis have?
2. ReuseExecutor: Perform update or SELECT to search for a Statement object using SQL as its key. If the Statement object exists, use it; if it does not exist, create it. In short, the Statement object is reused;
What does MyBatis dynamic SQL do? What is the dynamic SQL? Can you briefly explain how dynamic SQL is executed?
2. MyBatis provides 9 types of dynamic SQL tags: trim, WHERE, SET, foreach, if, Choose, when, otherwise, bind;
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