Dynamic SQL

If: determine whether to concatenate internal SQL according to the condition WHERE: Determine where to concatenate according to whether there is SQL behind where

<select id="findUser" resultType="com.shang.pojo.User">
   select * from user 
     <if test="id! =null and id! = "">
	    id = #{id}
     <if test="name! =null and name! = "">
	    and name = #{name}
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Choose: Similar to switch in Java. Enter only one condition that satisfies when; if all when conditions are not met, otherwise is entered

<select id="findUser" resultType="com.shang.pojo.User">
   select * from user
      <when test="id! =null and id! ='' and name! =null and name! = "">
	      id = #{id} and name = #{name}
	  <when test="id! =null and id! = "">
	      id = #{id}
	      name = #{name}
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Set is similar to WHERE, after which the set is concatenated if a condition exists. Applicable to the update

<update id="updateUser">
   update user 
	   <if test="name! =null and name! = "">
		  name = #{name},
	   <if test="age! =null and age! = "">
		  age = #{age}
   where id = #{id}
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Foreach: You can traverse List, Map, and Array

  • Collection: Specifies the elements to be traversed
  • Item: Each item after the traversal
  • Separator: Defines the separator for the statement inside the foreach
  • Index: indicates the key in map and the index in array
<select id="findAll" resultType="com.shang.pojo.User">
    select * from user where id in
    <foreach collection="ids" item="id" open="(" close=")" separator=",">

<insert id="batchInsertUser">
    insert into user(id,name,age)
    <foreach collection="users" item="user" separator=",">

<update id="updateUser">
    update user
		<foreach collection="map" item="val" index="key" separator=",">
	where id = #{id}
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Bind: used to define variables

<select id="findUserById" resultType="com.shang.pojo.User">
    <bind name="userName" value="name+'%'"/>
    select * from user where name = #{userName}
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