I have also been with Scarf for 6 years since its 9th anniversary.

It was on September 16, 2015 when I joined Sifl. The sky was overcast and it rained a little, which seemed to render some atmosphere. At that time, I was still a fresh graduate and a front-end rookie. I just wanted to focus on my work. I still used jQuery as the technology stack and did PHP projects with front-end and back-end unseparated. Finally, thanks to my hard work, my boss is living the life he wants.

I just entered the workplace, there are still too many technical do not understand, including do not know how to turn over the wall Google, so Baidu and I think not connected. When searching questions on baidu, I jumped to think no, feeling that I found a new world, with questions and answers, columns, a pure and fresh technology world, which immediately attracted me to register as the 9999+ user.

At the beginning, I liked to brush the “Question and Answer” section very much. After all, I had also met the problems encountered by others or would encounter them in the future one day, and I could think about how to answer the questions, and learn the ideas mentioned by others in the answers, from which I could absorb the knowledge. Here you may be asking, how can you have so much time to brush up. After all, most of the front-end work, really idle, can only rely on their own to improve their technical capabilities. During my hard work and study, the company was prone to collapse. Therefore, with one year’s accumulation of skills, I joined another good company. The company closed down soon after I left.

At that time, Sifl users were really active. There were almost all answers in the [Q&A], and I started to ask my first question. On the same day I asked the question, I successfully solved my problem, which made me even more addicted to the community. Later, I asked a question [Vue-CLI configuration cross-domain proxy does not work], because it is very difficult to clarify the comments in the above reply, one of the responder even volunteered to add my QQ, successfully help me to answer the question, very moved. As a rookie, I gradually helped others to answer their questions. Here may be asked again, you yourself are rookie, do not give a person to speak wrong wrong children ah? Therefore, before I answer the question, I will study the problem and the solution very carefully, write the demo test, and then I dare to comment after confirming that there is no problem. In this way, in addition to their own work problems can be solved, but also to solve the problems of others in the work, the contact with the knowledge is relatively rich.

Then I started writing columns. The first column [Local Notepad based on Vue + Vuex + LocalStorage], got a lot of favorites and thumb ups (don’t go out of your way to see how many, it’s quite a lot for me), and the community reputation went up slowly. The community reputation value has a weekly list day list, see oneself on the list, is also very proud. So I started writing column blogs, and now I have 29 columns on Synopty.com, and one “Vue-manage-system development summary” has received 308 likes.

In 2017, there was Top Writer Review every quarter, which gave some peripheral rewards to the authors of high-scoring articles. It was at that time that I got the first “Sifl T Shirt”. Remember the operation of the little sister at that time “steamed not boiled”?

Inadvertently, two consecutive quarters are on the list, cut black and white two T-shirts, but unfortunately in the later move, they have no, or pretty good look, quality is good. Now the operation activities of Sifou feel very little, the Q&A module is not very active, I hope it is getting better and better! Come on!

This article participated in the SegmentFault Sifter essay “Sifter’s 9th Anniversary”. Welcome to join us if you are reading it.