This is the third day of my participation in Gwen Challenge

NPM opens the door for developers to connect to the entire JavaScript world. It is the largest repository of software dependencies in the world, with approximately 3 billion downloads per week, containing over 600,000 packages (i.e., code modules). Open-source software developers from all continents use NPM to share and learn from each other.

This article is a common NPM operation in my work, I hope to help you

NPM is compared with common Yarn commands

operation NPM Yarn
Install global dependencies npm install [package] -g yarn global add [package]
Install production environment dependencies and add them to DevDependencies npm install [package] --saveornpm install [package] yarn add [package]
Install development environment dependencies and add them to devDependencies npm install [package] --save-dev yarn add [package] --dev
Add dependencies to peerDependencies npm install [package] --peer yarn add [package] --peer
Add to optionalDependencies npm install [package] --optional yarn add [package] --optional
Unloading global dependencies npm uninstall [package] -g yarn remove global [package]
Unload intra-project dependencies npm uninstall [package] yarn remove [package]

Yarn/NPM Taobao image Settings

The official addresses that yarn/ NPM installation depends on are all foreign (slow). We can set them to the domestic Taobao image to improve the installation speed

NPM Taobao mirror and official mirror switch

#Set to Taobao source
$ npm config set registry

#'After the above named run is complete, we need to verify that the setup is successful and can execute the following command'

#View the currently configured mirror
$ npm get registry
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If you print out the address of Taobao, it indicates that the setting is successful, we can install the dependency faster.

However, sometimes we need to set the image as an NPM official image, such as when releasing NPM packages.

# Set the NPM official image
$ npm config set registry
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Yarn Switch between the Taobao mirror and the official mirror

#Set to Taobao source
$ yarn config set registry -g

#'After the above named run is complete, we need to verify that the setup is successful and can execute the following command'

#View the currently configured mirror
$yarn config get registry
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#Set the yarn official image
yarn config set registry
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Publish a public package with a name starting with @

@angular and @ionic can both start with @. Why not mine? Both belong to the same Organization.

Packages like @teStorg/TestPackName can only be created after a new Organization has been created

How do I create an organization in NPM

For the first step, click Add Organization next to your profile picture

Next, enter the name of the organization you want to create

Note: The organization name must have a unique and valid name, otherwise the name will be invalid

NPM is set to the official image

npm config set registry
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Change the name of the local project package

Note NPM’s restrictions on package names: no uppercase letters/Spaces/sliders! Cannot be the same as the package name on the NPM website!

Modify package.json file with name beginning with @

  "name": "@orgname/xxxxxxx"."version": "0.0.1"
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Replace orgName with the name of the organization created on your NPM site

Version specification

Refer to semantic version 2.0.0

Version: :” X.Y.Z”

  1. Bug fixes, minor changes, added Z
  2. Added new features, but still backward compatible, adding y
  3. There is a big change, not backward compatible, add x

Add the organization name to the local account

Before publishing, we need to add the NPM remote corresponding organization to the local account to ensure that you have sufficient permissions to publish the package

npm adduser --scope=@orgname
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Replace orgName with the name of the organization created on your NPM site

You will then be prompted to enter your account number, password and email address 📮 from the NPM website.


Notes before release:

  1. Can only be releasedpublicThe public’s package

Check that the private field in package.json cannot be true

  "private": false
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  1. You can use the NPM search engine to check whether a package with the same name already exists before sending the package

    Go to the official search for the name of your library before publishing. If there is a library with the same name, you need to change the name otherwise the publication will not succeed

  2. The release number must be different

    Each release requires a new version number; otherwise, the release cannot be normal

    Finally, run the following command to publish the information

npm publish --access public
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Release effect screenshot

Delete/revoke the NPM remote package

We use NPM unpublish [pack] –force to undo the published package

Here is an example: Delete the nsuedu-CLI package under the nsuedu organization

npm unpublish @nsuedu/nsuedu-cli --force
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Even if you undo the package, you can no longer send the package with the same name and version as the package being revoked.

For example, an error message is displayed if you try to release a package with the same name and version after the package is revoked. You are advised to change the package version and name

Recommended alternative to NPM unpublish:

npm deprecate <pkg>[@<version>] <message>

Using this command will not undo your existing package in the community, but it will warn others when they try to install it that the package is no longer maintained

How do I update NPM dependencies


See which dependencies need to be updated

npm outdated
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Install the latest version and replace the package with your own

npm install @package@latest
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Change the default profile picture of user NPM

NPM uses the Gravatar avatar library.

After registration, if you want to change the default profile picture:

  1. Click your profile picture in the upper right corner of the page ->Profile SettingsThe personal Settings page is displayed
  2. Click under your avatarChange Your GravatarEnter theGravatarWebsite, if you do not have an account please register an account.
  3. in theMy Gravatars.
  4. Add email: ClickAdd email address, enter registrationnpmThe email address of the account, then clickAdd.
  5. To add a profile picture: ClickAdd a new image, if the picture is on the computer then selectUpload new, select an image and clickNext, clip the picture,
  6. Click on theCrop Image, select an image level,GIt means everyone can see it,
  7. And then clickSet RatingAnd then clickDo not use this image yet.
  8. Add avatar to mailbox: click the mailbox, then click the desired avatar, then a popup window will appear, clickConfirmIt will be finished in a moment.

NPM site user profile picture synchronization will take a while to see.

Node-pre-gyp installation error resolved

$ yarn config set sass_binary_site -g
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Resolve NPM install permission issue on Mac

NPM is installed in the usr/local/ directory on the Mac system. Although it can be installed using Sudo, there are still problems when using tools such as NPX. So it’s best to move the global directory.

View the currentnpmGlobal installation position

$ npm config get prefix
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Create a new directory under the user directory

mkdir ~/.npm-global
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Set tonpmglobalprefix

npm config set prefix '~/.npm-global'
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Modify the~/.profileEnvironment variable file (create one if you don’t have one)

vi ~/.profile
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Add the following

export PATH="~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH"
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Updating environment variables

source ~/.profile
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Check whether the Settings are successful (compare with step 1)

npm config get prefix
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After that, modules installed using NPM install -g will be installed into ~/.npm-global

~/.npm-global also contains the bin and lib directories, where node_modules is contained.

Reinstall NPM

To test if the configuration is successful, we do not reinstall the global NPM using sudo

npm install npm@latest -g
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/usr/local/lib/node_modules and /usr/local/bin/npm can be deleted after the installation is successful.

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node_modules
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/npm
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Check the installed global packages

NPM list-g --depth 0 /Users/ CLJ /.npm-global/lib ├ ─ [email protected]Copy the code

Modify the ZSH environment variable file

vi ~/.zshrc
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Add the following

source ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.profile
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Save and exit and update the environment variable again

source ~/.zshrc
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Reference Documents:

  • Resolving EACCES permissions errors when installing packages globally

The last

This article is shallow, you are welcome to see the officer comments left your opinion!

Feel the harvest of the students welcome to like, pay attention to a wave!

The articles

  • What is NPM?
  • Understand the basic knowledge of JavaScript module system, and build their own library 🍜
  • How can I add commit hooks and automate code tasks with Git and Husky
  • Three key points of implementation of front-end business component library technology