
I’ve always wanted to build a personal website, and when I learned that Hexo was a fast, simple, and efficient blogging framework, I couldn’t wait to try it out.

What is a Hexo

Hexo is a fast, concise, and efficient blogging framework. Hexo uses Markdown (or another rendering engine) to parse the article and, in seconds, generates a static web page with a beautiful theme.

Install Hexo

Before installation, you must check that the following applications are installed on your computer:

We strongly recommend that you always install the latest version of Hexo, as well as the recommended Version of Node.js.

If you have the above prerequisites installed on your computer, congratulations! The next step is to install Hexo using only NPM.

npm install hexo-cli -g
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1. Build a website

# Create a new website. If Folder is not set, Hexo creates the site in the current folder by default. $ hexo init <folder> $ cd <folder> $ npm installCopy the code

2. Start the server

Hexo S or Hexo Server

Start the server. By default, the url is http://localhost:4000/

After creating a new folder, specify the following directory for the folder:

. ├ ─ ─ _config. Yml ├ ─ ─ package. The json ├ ─ ─ scaffolds ├ ─ ─ source | ├ ─ ─ _drafts | └ ─ ─ _posts └ ─ ─ themesCopy the code


You can modify most of the configuration in _config.yml.

A separate _config.[theme]. Yml file

This feature has been available since Hexo 5.0.0

We strongly recommend that you keep all your topic configurations in one place. This information is useful if you have to configure your topic in multiple places: When Hexo merges theme configurations, the theme_config file in the Hexo configuration file has the highest priority, followed by the _config.[theme]. Yml file, and then the _config.yml file in the theme directory.

[theme]. Yml > _config.yml in the theme directory

New articles

$ hexo new [layout] <title>
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Create a new article. If no layout is set, the default_layout parameter in _config.yml is used instead. If the title contains Spaces, enclose them in quotation marks. Example Hexo new “My new Post”

Generating static files

The command can be abbreviated as generate

$hexo g or $hexo generateCopy the code
  • -d, — Deploy the web site immediately after the deploy file is generated
  • -w, –watch Monitors file changes

Deploy Deploy Command

Deploy the deploy command can be abbreviated as

Hexo d or hexo deployCopy the code
  • -g, –generate Pregenerates static files before deployment

The clean command

  • Clear cached files (db.json) and generated static files (public).
  • In some cases (especially after a topic change), you may need to run this command if you find that your changes to the site do not take effect anyway.

The list command

Listing website information

$ hexo list
Usage: hexo list <type>

List the information of the site.

  type  Available types: page, post, route, tag, category
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You can create a new post by executing the following command.

$ hexo new [layout] <title>
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You can specify the layout of the article in the command. The default is POST. You can specify the default layout by modifying the default_layout parameter in _config.yml.

The default layout is POST

default_layout: post
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Hexo has three default layouts: Post, Page, and Draft, which each correspond to a different path, and the rest of your custom layouts are stored in the Source /_posts folder, just like Post.

The file name

By default, Hexo uses the title as the file name, but you can change the default file name by editing the new_post_name parameter. For example, setting it to makes it easier to manage articles by date.


Front-matter is a — separated area at the top of a file that specifies variables for individual files. For example:

title: Hello World
date: 2013/ 7/13 20: captives
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The following are predefined parameters that you can use in the template and take advantage of.

parameter describe The default value
layout layout
title The title
date Set up the date File creation date
updated Updated date File update date
comments Enable the comment function of the article true
tags Tags (not for pagination)
categories Sorting (not for pagination)
permalink Cover article url

Hexo plug-in

Git automatically deploys plug-ins

You need to install Hexo-deployer-Git. Please click on the link for detailed use.

$ npm install hexo-deployer-git --save
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Custom Configuration

In fact, it is a migration process, the configuration and the article these two pieces of content to remember the change point, and then migrate to the new project.


title: Blogs of acc8226
description: a personal website of acc8226
author: acc8226
## Chinese simplified zh-cn, you can choose to change to en
language: zh-CN
timezone: Asia/Shanghai

Post_title: post_title: post_title: post_title: post_title: post_title
permalink: :category/:post_title/

## updated_option supports 'mtime' uses the last time the file was modified, and 'date' uses date as the value of updated. Can be used in Git workflow, 'empty'
updated_option: 'date'

# Code highlighting
  enable: true
  line_number: true
  auto_detect: true

# paging
  path: ' '
  per_page: 5
  order_by: -date
Copy the code Yml Theme setting

# Mathematical formula support
  every_page: true
# Only MathJax is enabled for now
    enable: true
    tags: none
    enable: false
    copy_tex: false
# Enable / Disable menu icons / item badges.
  icons: true
  badges: true
# Sidebar Avatar
  # Replace the default image and set the url here.
  url: #/images/avatar.gif
  # If true, the avatar will be dispalyed in circle. 
  rounded: true
  # If true, the avatar will be rotated with the cursor. Whether the mouse is rotated when placed on the head
  rotated: true
  GitHub: || fab fa-github
  #E-Mail: mailto:[email protected] || fa fa-envelope
  Weibo: || fab fa-weibo
# Modify footer
  # Site start time
  since: 2018
    # If you want to animate the icon, set it to true.
    animated: true
  # If not defined, `author` from Hexo `_config.yml` will be used.
  copyright: acc8226<br/><a href=""><img src=" width='34%' "/></a>
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  1. Hexo-src Specifies the address of the build project…

  1. Publish the Hexo blog’s · Cloud Effect Flow…

Building work

cnpm install hexo-cli -g
cnpm install

hexo clean
hexo g
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Code upload, I’ve written two versions here. You can choose one as needed.

Mandatory upload version

git config "flow"
git config "[email protected]" 

cd public 
git init

git add . 
git commit -m "force push by flow"
git push --force  "https://${userName}:${accessToken}@${hostName}/${userName}/${repoPath}" master
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Update bar record version based on previous version

git config --global "flow" git config --global "[email protected]" git clone "https://${userName}:${accessToken}@${hostName}/${userName}/${repoPath}" cd ${userName}/ git rm -rf . cp -r .. /public/* ./ git add . git commit -m "committed by flow" git push origin masterCopy the code
  1. Publish a project using Gitee Page

Create a new target project:…

I can use username + accessToken to clone and other operations. After extracting a series of private variables

userName kaiLee
accessToken 70e185c4cc2d56418e1d2c8385bca1b7
repoPath kaiLee.git
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Transformed into this:

git clone https://${userName}:${accessToken}@${hostName}/${userName}/${repoPath}
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New Article Example

Create from the command line:

Or create directories and files directly:

  1. Establish \ source_posts \ demo \ demo. The md

  2. Type the following

title: demo-title
date: 2020-12-12 17:15:55
- foo
- bar
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According to the format of

title: {{ title }}
date: {{ date }}
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Add Categories and tags to the next topic

$ cd hexo-site
$ hexo new page tags
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Edit a new page and change the type to tag, and the theme will automatically display the tag cloud on this page. The page content is as follows:

title: Tags
date: 2014-12-22 12:39:04
type: tags
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Adding Categories is a similar approach

$ cd hexo-site
$ hexo new page categories
Copy the code

Edit a new page and change the type to tag, and the theme will automatically display the tag cloud on this page. The page content is as follows:

title: categories
date: 2014-12-22 12:39:04
type: categories
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Add the about

The next theme adds a 404 page

Custom 404 pages

In the terminal, switch to the source folder of the site root directory. Create a new folder named 404 and create a new page in it:

$ cd hexo-site
$ hexo new page 404
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If you want to enable Gongyi 404(Tencent’s service in China), please edit 404/, like this:

title: '404'
date: 2014-12-22 12:39:04
comments: false
<script src="//"
        charset="utf-8" homePageUrl="/" homePageName="Back to home">
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Add 404 to the menu by editing the theme configuration file:

  home: / || fa fa-home
  archives: /archives/ || fa fa-archive
  commonweal: / 404 / || fa fa-heartbeat
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Adding local search

Local Local Search Indicates the Local Search

$ npm install hexo-generator-searchdb
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Add the dependent

# Local Search
# Dependencies:
  enable: true
  # If auto, trigger search by changing input.
  # If manual, trigger search by pressing enter key or search button.
  trigger: auto
  # Show top n results per article, show all results by setting to -1
  top_n_per_article: 1
  # Unescape html strings to the readable one.
  unescape: false
  # Preload the search data when the page loads.
  preload: false
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Some problems encountered during the period

Common problems with deploying Gitee Pages

How do I create a pages without a secondary directory on the home page, such as

You need to create a repository with the same name as your personal address. For example,, if you want to create your own site but don’t want to access it as a subdirectory, you want to access it directly with ipvB.gitee. He can then create a repository named ipvb once deployed, it can be accessed as ipvB.gitee. IO.

When the project to be deployed is different from its own personal address, there are some resources to access 404 after the deployment is complete?

A: When the repository to be deployed is inconsistent with its own address, such as, the generated Pages URL is ipvB.gitee. IO /blog, and the accessed resource is 404, such as ipvB.gitee. IO /style.css. This is because there was a problem with the relative path corresponding configuration file, the generated resource url should be ipvb. Gitee. IO/blog/style.css…. Just right. For the different static resource generators, the configuration is as follows:

The url and root of the Hexo configuration file _config.yml are modified as follows:

root: /blog
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When if it is the establishment of the same name with their own individual address warehouse, there will be no problem. For example, kailee.gitee. IO/this address.


The full tutorial is available on the Hexo website.