In the girlfriend’s repeatedly questioning, so there is this article!!

The cluster structures,

If you don’t know docker, you can learn it by yourself

  • The network required to create RabbitMQ
docker network create rabbtimane

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  • Install three RabbitMQ components, one active and two slave
# Three commands are executed in batches. If the download is slow, it is recommended to replace ali Cloud Docker image to accelerate

docker run -d --name=rabbitmq_master -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 -e RABBITMQ_NODENAME=rabbitmq_master -e RABBITMQ_ERLANG_COOKIE='1111111'-h rabbitmq_master --net=rabbtimanet -v ~/docker/rabbitmq_master/data:/var/lib/rabbitmq -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=admin - e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS = admin rabbitmq: 3.7.7 - management

docker run -d --name=rabbitmq_slave1 -p 5673:5672 -p 15673:15672 -e RABBITMQ_NODENAME=rabbitmq_slave1 -e RABBITMQ_ERLANG_COOKIE='1111111'-h rabbitmq_slave1 --net=rabbtimanet -v ~/docker/rabbitmq_slave1/data:/var/lib/rabbitmq -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=admin - e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS = admin rabbitmq: 3.7.7 - management

docker run -d --name=rabbitmq_slave2 -p 5674:5672 -p 15674:15672 -e RABBITMQ_NODENAME=rabbitmq_slave2 -e RABBITMQ_ERLANG_COOKIE='1111111'-h rabbitmq_slave2 --net=rabbtimanet -v ~/docker/rabbitmq_slave2/data:/var/lib/rabbitmq -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=admin - e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS = admin rabbitmq: 3.7.7 - management

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  • Enable the management plug-in of the three components
docker exec -it rabbitmq_master bash

rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management


docker exec -it rabbitmq_slave1 bash

rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management


docker exec -it rabbitmq_slave2 bash

rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management


Copy the code
  • The browser accesses the following addresses with the user name and password admin

    http://localhost:15672/#/ http://localhost:15673/#/ http://localhost:15674/#/ If the login is successful, the component is installed successfully, but this is not cluster mode, we need to manually join the cluster

  • The secondary node is added to the primary node to implement cluster mode

# salve1 joins the cluster

docker exec -it rabbitmq_slave1 bash

rabbitmqctl stop_app

# node name @user name

rabbitmqctl join_cluster rabbitmq_master@rabbitmq_master

abbitmqctl start_app


# salve2 joins the cluster

docker exec -it rabbitmq_slave2 bash

rabbitmqctl stop_app

# node name @user name

rabbitmqctl join_cluster rabbitmq_master@rabbitmq_master

abbitmqctl start_app


Copy the code

Now open the admin page again and find the cluster mode appears:

Insert a picture description here

So far, the cluster mode has been set up, but this is not enough. RabbitMQ builds normal clusters by default

Common mode cluster

Normal-mode clusters do not copy the queue created to other nodes, although we can see the node on other nodes; This is because the other nodes only keep a copy of the queue’s metadata, showing us that the actual queue still exists on the node that created it; If we close the node that created the queue, the queue will not be available. To solve this problem rabbitMQ provides another clustering mode: mirroring mode

Mirror mode

Mirror mode is an addable policy mode provided by Rabbit. If the created queue matches the created policy, the queue is synchronized to other nodes instead of just copying metadata.

  • There are two ways to add a policy pattern

  • Name: indicates the policy name. If the created queue name matches the wildcard, the policy will be used. For example, ^ Matches all queues Definition: Setting the replication mode The configuration I set here is as follows

    • You can add it by command
    The following command can be executed on any node, in this case from node 1, and it will be automatically synchronized across the cluster

    docker exec -it rabbitmq_slave1 bash

    Copy the code

Rabbitmqctl set_policy my_ha “^” ‘{“ha-mode”:”all”}’ exit ‘rabbitmqctl set_policy my_ha “^” ‘{“ha-mode”:”all”}’ exit’

SpringBoot integrates RabbitMQ clusters

  • Add the dependent




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  • Creating a Configuration File


# host:

# port: 5672

Address = host+port = host+port

Addresses: 0.1:5673127.00 0.1:5674

# virtual-host: my_vhost

    username: admin

    password: admin

    publisher-returns: true

    publisher-confirm-type: simple

Copy the code

Specific projects can see

Some issues with SpringBoot directly integrating RabbitMQ clusters

The rabbitMQ cluster has been integrated by SpringBoot, but the following problems have been detected:

  • Springboot will always use one connection, even if three addresses are configured
  • Attempts to connect to other nodes are made only after the connected node hangs up

“Summary” : If the cluster mode is configured, but the client is still connected to the same node, there will be a waste of resources and a huge load pressure on a single node, that is, “load imbalance”. Springboot does not have a solution, but we can use the load balancing framework “HAProxy” to help us achieve this

RabbitMQ implements load balancing with HAProxy

HAProxy is what

HAProxy provides high availability, load balancing, and proxy based on TCP and HTTP applications, and supports virtual hosting. It is a free, fast, and reliable solution. HAProxy is especially useful for heavily loaded Web sites that require session persistence or seven-tier processing. HAProxy runs on current hardware and can support tens of thousands of concurrent connections. And its operating mode makes it easy and secure to integrate into your current architecture, while protecting your Web server from being exposed to the network.

Integrated HAProxy

I’ll use Docker to install HAProxy, because it’s really nice to use Dokcer to install software.

  • Adding a Configuration File
mkdir ~/docker/haproxy/5677

mkdir ~/docker/haproxy/5678

Modify configuration file 1

vim ~/docker/haproxy/5677/haproxy.cfg

#logging options


 log local0 info

 maxconn 5120

 chroot /usr/local/etc/haproxy

 uid 99

 gid 99



 nbproc 20

 pidfile /var/run/


 log global

 # Use layer 4 proxy mode. "mode HTTP" is set to layer 7 proxy mode

 mode tcp

 #if you set mode to tcp,then you nust change tcplog into httplog

 option tcplog

 option dontlognull

 retries 3

 option redispatch

 maxconn 2000

 timeout connect 5s

    If the client timeout period is 60 seconds, HA initiates the reconnection mechanism

    timeout client 60s

    If the server connection timeout is 15 seconds, HA initiates reconnection

    timeout server 15s

#front-end IP for consumers and producters

listen rabbitmq_cluster


 Configure the TCP mode

 mode tcp

 #balance url_param userid

 #balance url_param session_id check_post 64

 #balance hdr(User-Agent)

 #balance hdr(host)

 #balance hdr(Host) use_domain_only

 #balance rdp-cookie

 #balance leastconn

 #balance source //ip

 # Simple polling

 balance roundrobin

 Rabbitmq cluster node configuration

 Inter performs a health check on the MQ cluster every five seconds, verifies that the server is available twice, and verifies that the server is unavailable twice, and configures the active/standby mechanism

Server rabbitmq_master Check inter 5000 Rise 2 Fall 2

Server rabbitmq_salve1 Check inter 5000 rise 2 Fall 2

Server rabbitmq_salve2 Check Inter 5000 rise 2 Fall 2

Configure haProxy web monitoring to view statistics

listen stats


 mode http

 option httplog

 stats enable

 # set haproxy monitor address to http://localhost:8100/rabbitmq-stats

 stats uri /rabbitmq-stats

 stats refresh 5s

 stats auth admin:123456

listen rabbitmq_admin Listen for port 8000 to be forwarded to rabbitMQ clients


Server rabbitmq_master Check inter 5000 Rise 2 Fall 2

Server rabbitmq_salve1 Check inter 5000 rise 2 Fall 2

Server rabbitmq_salve2 Check Inter 5000 rise 2 Fall 2


# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

Modify configuration file 2

vim ~/docker/haproxy/5678/haproxy.cfg


   #logging options


 log local0 info

 maxconn 5120

 chroot /usr/local/etc/haproxy

 uid 99

 gid 99



 nbproc 20

 pidfile /var/run/


 log global

 # Use layer 4 proxy mode. "mode HTTP" is set to layer 7 proxy mode

 mode tcp

 #if you set mode to tcp,then you nust change tcplog into httplog

 option tcplog

 option dontlognull

 retries 3

 option redispatch

 maxconn 2000

 timeout connect 5s

    If the client timeout period is 60 seconds, HA initiates the reconnection mechanism

    timeout client 60s

    If the server connection timeout is 15 seconds, HA initiates reconnection

    timeout server 15s

#front-end IP for consumers and producters

listen rabbitmq_cluster


 Configure the TCP mode

 mode tcp

 #balance url_param userid

 #balance url_param session_id check_post 64

 #balance hdr(User-Agent)

 #balance hdr(host)

 #balance hdr(Host) use_domain_only

 #balance rdp-cookie

 #balance leastconn

 #balance source //ip

 # Simple polling

 balance roundrobin

 Rabbitmq cluster node configuration

 Inter performs a health check on the MQ cluster every five seconds, verifies that the server is available twice, and verifies that the server is unavailable twice, and configures the active/standby mechanism

Server rabbitmq_master Check inter 5000 Rise 2 Fall 2

Server rabbitmq_salve1 Check inter 5000 rise 2 Fall 2

Server rabbitmq_salve2 Check Inter 5000 rise 2 Fall 2

Configure haProxy web monitoring to view statistics

listen stats


 mode http

 option httplog

 stats enable

 # set haproxy monitor address to http://localhost:8100/rabbitmq-stats

 stats uri /rabbitmq-stats

 stats refresh 5s

 stats auth admin:123456

listen rabbitmq_admin Listen for port 8000 to be forwarded to rabbitMQ clients


Server rabbitmq_master Check inter 5000 Rise 2 Fall 2

Server rabbitmq_salve1 Check inter 5000 rise 2 Fall 2

Server rabbitmq_salve2 Check Inter 5000 rise 2 Fall 2

Copy the code
  • Start two HaProxies
docker run --name rabbitmq-haproxy5677 -p 5677:5677 -p 8100:8100 -p 8000:8000 -d  --net=rabbtimanet -v ~/docker/haproxy/5677/haproxy.cfg:/usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:ro haproxy:latest

docker run --name rabbitmq-haproxy5678 -p 5678:5678 -p 8101:8101 -p 8001:8001 -d  --net=rabbtimanet -v ~/docker/haproxy/5678/haproxy.cfg:/usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:ro haproxy:latest

Copy the code

I installed two haProxies for high availability, in case one of them fails and the external service cannot be provided.

The springboot configuration file is modified as follows:



# host:

# port: 5672

Addresses: 0.1:5678

# virtual-host: my_vhost

    username: admin

    password: admin

    publisher-returns: true

    publisher-confirm-type: simple

Copy the code

Here we have changed to connect to two haProxies, test it by yourself, the code has been uploaded to the code base


Installing RabbitMQ can be tricky and requires a variety of environmental issues; But fortunately, I use Docker here, so I can complete the installation smoothly. Then put the main time on the debugging cluster above, the installation process also encountered a lot of pits, we suggest that in accordance with this practice, after all, only their own through these pits, will let their own behind will not encounter pits ah, if you have encountered can not solve the problem, you can private message me oh

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