“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

How time flies! It has been almost two years since Wuhan was locked down on January 13, 2020. Don’t call me clickbait, I did have two firsts with the Nuggets these days.

First time interviewer with nuggets

I interviewed nearly 20 people, from my nervousness at the first time to my expectation of interviewing others later (I am very grateful to a group of people in the company for giving me the opportunity).

As the interviewer, I am mainly responsible for checking the technical ability of the candidates. The interview group spanned the post-80s to post-00s. Older programmers tend to be more humble. Younger programmers can be playful or shy. There are also programmers who remain true to their roots. During this time I design a pen (all have a standard answer on the MDN), also prepare the corresponding knowledge to answer the interviewer’s question, some problems are discussed, I don’t know the standard answer, I’m still a little worried about the interviewer ask me), the question is mostly based on the interviewer’s resume questions, as the interviewer both from the technical breadth and depth are solid, This is the cornerstone of being a qualified interviewer.

Why the Nuggets? I’ve been interviewing a lot of people while participating in the Nuggets Challenge. When interviewing new employees, I will selectively ask them about the technical principles, code skills and design patterns involved in the source code I read. These questions are usually my plus points, but most people will skip these questions directly, and I feel a little frustrated. This short experience as an interviewer has made me less shy with strangers. I am relatively introverted. We’re all human. There’s no big difference.

The first time I wrote a blog, I was digging gold

The activity recommended by my colleague made me start my blog journey, which was a pleasant experience. In the first few years of my technical career, I spent most of my time writing code, learning knowledge, and playing games (writing gold nuggets made me quit playing games, I have not touched games for a long time, and I am not so interested in games anymore).

Now I have a new goal, to keep writing. In the process of writing, in order to make the article look perfect, I will do a lot of research behind it, repeatedly interpret a piece of code, and suddenly get inspiration at a certain moment. This is the fun of writing and also gives me a full sense of achievement.

Thanks to the activities of the Nuggets, MY thinking has become more active and I will take the initiative to think globally and systematically, which is not only for my code career, but also for my life.

2022 is just around the corner, so set a flag and post at least 300 quality, thoughtful articles in nuggets.

As an event, I hope readers give me a thumbs-up, heh heh!