I. Level 1 headings

Level 1 heading :#+ space + text

The secondary title

Secondary title :##+ space + text

Level 3 title

Levels 3 to 6 Headings :3-6 #+ space + text

II. The font

HellowWord italics :1 “*”

HellowWord bold :2 “*” marks

HellowWord italic + bold :3 “*” marks

HellowWord delete line: 2 ~~

III. The reference

Java >

IV. Dividing line: — or ***

V. Image path can be local/network

! [screenshot](D:\Lingkong\System\Pictures\Saved Pictures\ avat.png)

VI. HyperlinksThe websitesCTRL + click to open the browser (directly open in the web page)

Hyperlink to my website

Ordered list :1.+ space; Unordered list :-+ space

  1. a
  2. b
  3. c
  • ling
  • kong
  • dui

VIII. The form (typora right | | insert table) or (after written format, click on the lower left corner to see the source code, remove the Spaces,)

The name gender birthday
Zhang SAN male 1997.1.1

Viiii. code (+ language (Java etc.))

public void main(a)
Copy the code