Hello, I’m one item from the cameo ╹ ╹) Blue”
Do not know everyone still remember the Internet before the fire a lot of local love words, confession daquan not?
Just to entertain you today,
Also don’t care if there is no confession, just want to find fun! Cough cough cough…
Not sure that day you have an object, you this make the person angry, angry when can be used, when coax a person this one taste love words or vindicate small program one move that designate laugh ~ this little little means everybody can learn a little bit!
“You know what my weakness is? It’s your fault. “
Today, we can follow xiaobian to learn to coax people, small procedures to tease younger sister! Frozen chicken ha ~
The body of the
**Python version: **3.6 ** Related modules: ** PyGame module; And some modules that come with Python.
(1) Picture material, font, music, etc. : You can change any picture you like.
(2) Some window size environment defined, etc. :
(3) After opening the interface, the 2 lines appear to set themselves:(4) The main button is reject and agree two:
(5) Can only choose good, to continue, can not click reject, 100% confession program.
After you agree, a small screen will pop up and the text is set to say: “Come to the grove tonight for a date” 23333~
Attached to the source code:
''' Function: Douyin Confession Magic CSDN Account: Import sys import CFG import random import pygame from tkinter import Tk, messagebox "Function: Button class Initial Args: - x, y: button on the upper left corner coordinates, width, height: button wide high - text: button to display the text - fontpath: font path - fontsize: font size - fontcolor: --bgcolors: Button background color --is_want_to_be_selected: whether the button wants to be selected by players -- screenSize: Class Button(PyGame.sprite.sprite): def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, text, fontpath, fontsize, fontcolor, bgcolors, edgecolor, edgesize=1, is_want_to_be_selected=True, screensize=None, **kwargs): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.rect = pygame.Rect(x, y, width, height) self.text = text self.font = pygame.font.Font(fontpath, fontsize) self.fontcolor = fontcolor self.bgcolors = bgcolors self.edgecolor = edgecolor self.edgesize = edgesize Self. is_want_tobe_selected = is_want_to_be_selected self.screensize = screensize "" def draw(self, If self.rect. collidePoint (mouse_pos): # if not self.is_want_tobe_selected: while self.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos): self.rect.left, = random.randint(0, self.screensize[0]-self.rect.width), random.randint(0, self.screensize[1]-self.rect.height) pygame.draw.rect(screen, self.bgcolors[0], self.rect, 0) pygame.draw.rect(screen, Self. edgecolor, self.rect, self.edgesize) pygame.draw.rect(screen, self.bgcolors[1], self.rect, 0) pygame.draw.rect(screen, self.edgecolor, self.rect, self.edgesize) text_render = self.font.render(self.text, True, self.fontcolor) fontsize = self.font.size(self.text) screen.blit(text_render, (self.rect.x+(self.rect.width-fontsize[0])/2, Self.rect. y+(self.rect.height-fontsize[1])/2)) "" def showpath (screen, text, position, fontpath, fontsize, fontcolor, is_bold=False): font = pygame.font.Font(fontpath, fontsize) font.set_bold(is_bold) text_render = font.render(text, True, Screen. blit(text_render, position) def main(): Pygame.init () screen = pygame.display.set_mode(cfg.screensize, 0, 32) Pygame.display. Set_icon (Pygame.image.load (cfg.icon_image_path)) PyGame.display. (cfg.bgm_path) (-1, 30.0) # bju international love the background picture bg_image = pygame. The image. The load (CFG. BG_IMAGE_PATH) bg_image = pygame. Transform. Smoothscale (bg_image, Button_yes = Button(x=20, y= CFG.SCREENSIZE[1]-70, width=120, height=35, text=' ok ', fontpath=cfg.FONT_PATH, fontsize=15, fontcolor=cfg.BLACK, edgecolor=cfg.SKYBLUE, edgesize=2, bgcolors=[cfg.DARKGRAY, cfg.GAINSBORO], is_want_to_be_selected=True, screensize=cfg.SCREENSIZE) button_no = Button(x=cfg.SCREENSIZE[0]-140, Y =cfg.SCREENSIZE[1]-70, width=120, height=35, text= "", fontPath =cfg.FONT_PATH, fontsize=15, fontcolor=cfg.BLACK, edgecolor=cfg.DARKGRAY, edgesize=1, bgcolors=[cfg.DARKGRAY, cfg.GAINSBORO], is_want_to_be_selected=False, Screensize = cfg.screensize) is_agree = False # clock = pygame.time.clock () while True: Screen.fill (cfg.white) screen.blit(bg_image, (cfg.screensize [0]-bg_image.get_height(), Get (): if event.type == PyGame.quit: # ---- Do not QUIT the program until you click ok if is_agree: pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button: if button_yes.rect.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()): button_yes.is_selected = True root = Tk() root.withdraw() messagebox.showinfo('', '

come to the grove tonight on a date 

') root.destroy() is_agree = True # -- showText(screen=screen, text=' There are rumors that I like you and I want to clear that up. ', position=(40, 50), fontpath=cfg.FONT_PATH, fontsize=25, fontcolor=cfg.BLACK, is_bold=False) showText(screen=screen, Text =' Will you be my girlfriend? ', position=(40, 100), fontpath=cfg.FONT_PATH, fontsize=25, fontcolor=cfg.BLACK, Is_bold =True) # -- display button button_yes. Draw (screen, pygame.mouse.get_pos()) button_no. Draw (screen, pygame.mouse.get_pos()) button_no. Pygame. Mouse. Get_pos # ()) -- refresh pygame. Display. The update () clock. Tick (60) ' ' 'run' ' 'if __name__ = = "__main__' : the main ()Copy the code
#959755565# Take it away!!
“Can you do me a favor? What is it? Give me a thumbs up! “