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College life has been two weeks, I have a lot of experience and feelings. Here I would like to share my college life.

1. Gains from College life

1. The huge library can satisfy my love of reading. I read some periodicals about computer software, and found the Reader, which enriched my thinking.

2. I got rid of my ignorance about software and computers. I made my first PPT in college, learned a lot about PPT by myself, learned to download and flexibly use PPT templates, and developed the habit of collecting picture materials.

3. I have made many self-speeches, and my courage has grown. In particular, I was the first student to give an English speech in the whole major. During the speech, I prepared a lot and gained a lot of understanding of English. The English speech was not very successful, but I also prepared more than ten pages of manuscript, and I really gained a lot in the process.

4. Learned HTML by myself, and slowly gained a lot of webpage knowledge. The following is a web page I made myself. I believe I will do better in the future.

Ii. Difficulties encountered in college life

1. The difficulty of high numbers, many mathematical shortcomings. The teacher progress very fast, oneself moment is difficult to absorb.

2. It was difficult for me to get used to oral English during the whole English class. I could only understand the teacher’s meaning through words, and many of them did not understand what the teacher said.

3. Solutions to difficulties

1. Prepare and review in time

2. Multiple access to knowledge solutions, you can obtain high number and English knowledge wechat public number, especially do not understand part of the difficulty can be searched online.

Iv. Summary of the first meeting


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