Small knowledge, big challenge! This article is participating in the creation activity of “Essential Tips for Programmers”
This article has participated in the “Digitalstar Project” and won a creative gift package to challenge the creative incentive money.
Yesterday, my boss suddenly came to my work station and gave me a form requirement:
This form is going to have a new “rules” field, and you’re going to be given a default field, and you’re going to put it in the input field by default, and the user is going to be able to change only the stuff that’s in the parentheses
I a listen to all meng, how still have this kind of demand!! Thousands of horses galloped past in my heart, but I couldn’t. The boss gave me money, so I had to work. A little thought, that in fact, the requirements of the function should be able to achieve. So get to work!
Train of thought
The general input box is free to input text, so how to limit the input box input text? We need to set the value property in el-Input. The value changes only with the bound data, and the bound data changes are handled in the input event. Here we need to get rid of the previous v-model to update the value changes. The code is as follows:
<el-input size="small" on-input={v => { item.__onChange && item.__onChange(v, form[item.__key], { form, key: Item. __key})}} ref = {item. __key} props = {{value: the form [item. __key], placeholder: 'the input information,... item }} ></el-input>Copy the code
What rules need to be written in __onChange so that the user can only enter content in parentheses inside the content and the rest of the content remains readable? Now that is the content of the other content is read-only, the content in the parentheses is writable content, then thought comes, we can make the content of the small changes in brackets to delete, and then at the time of the input, we went to compare that cropped parentheses after all content is before and delete the contents of the content of the parentheses are equal, if equal, To prove that the user input was entered in parentheses, update the data to the user input. Otherwise, it will not be updated.
Rules development
So the idea is there, let’s do it!
this.formArr = new createForm()
__key: 'rule'.label: 'the rules'.type: 'textarea'.__notAutoInput: true.__defaultVal: News of the Day: Entertainment News (XX), Sports News (XX).__onChange: (inputVal, val, { form, key }) = > {
// inputVal User input
// val The current page display (enter the previous content)
let reg = /\([\w\W]*? \ |) (\ w] [\ w *?) /g // Both Chinese and English brackets are compatible
let input = inputVal.replace(reg, ' ') // Remove the Spaces in parentheses that are currently in the input
let value = val && val.replace(reg, ' ') // Remove the Spaces in parentheses
if (input === value) { // Check whether the content is consistent after removing the space. If so, it indicates that the content other than the space is not modified, and let the user modify it
form[key] = inputVal // Update the data to the user input
Copy the code
Ok, so we’re almost done. Ha ha. So I fart pidianpidian to submit the function, to the boss, the boss tried, silently said:
"Your basic function is implemented, but the overall experience is not very good, I always jump to the end of the text when I type outside the parentheses, you can optimize it again!"
, I… (omitted a thousand times), after letting off steam, the day still has to go on. So look for information to see if there is a solution.
Optimization API Introduction
Finally, with the help of Google, I found an API that could achieve this optimization
HTMLInputElement. SetSelectionRange method is used to set the < input > or < textarea > element in the beginning and end of the currently selected text
They, in combination with their underlying apis, redirect the focus to the specified content. Once we have a working API, let’s write a Demo to try it out:
<textarea id="txtUserID" oninput="inputHandle()"></textarea>
var textbox = document.getElementById("txtUserID")
textbox.value = '123456789'
function setFocus(textbox, index) {
if (textbox.setSelectionRange) {
textbox.setSelectionRange(index, index + 3); }}function inputHandle(v) {
setFocus(textbox, 2)}</script>
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The method passes two arguments, and if the start argument and the last argument do not agree, the data can be arbitraryThe selected
It is possible to set the focus to any position if the start and end parameters are the same.
To optimize the development
In the demo, we know that to set the focus, we need to get the DOM object of the input field and the position of the user’s input. So how do we get the position of the user’s input? We can compare what the page displays with what the user wants to enter, character by character, until we find two strings that compare different characters, break out of the loop and return the current string index. The index position minus one is the user’s input position. So let’s write the function for comparing strings
// Find the index
findIndex (newVal, oldVal) {
let newValArr = newVal.split(' ')
let oldValArr = oldVal.split(' ')
for (let i = 1; i <= newVal.length; i++) {
let newItem = newValArr.slice(0, i)
let oldItem = oldValArr.slice(0, i)
if (JSON.stringify(newItem) ! = =JSON.stringify(oldItem)) {
return i
return newVal.length
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Then I’ll bring in the focus setting method I wrote in the demo
// Set the focus
setFocus (textbox, index) {
if (textbox.createTextRange) {
var r = textbox.createTextRange();
r.moveStart('character', index);
} else if(textbox.setSelectionRange) { textbox.focus(); textbox.setSelectionRange(index, index); }}Copy the code
Finally, we added the main logic to the form we wrote earlier to align strings and set focus if the user does not type in parentheses.
this.formArr = new createForm()
__key: 'rule'.label: 'the rules'.type: 'textarea'.__notAutoInput: true.__defaultVal: News of the Day: Entertainment News (XX), Sports News (XX).__onChange: (inputVal, val, { form, key }) = > {
let reg = /\([\w\W]*? \ |) (\ w] [\ w *?) /g // Both Chinese and English brackets are compatible
let input = inputVal.replace(reg, ' ') // Remove the Spaces in parentheses that are currently in the input
let value = val && val.replace(reg, ' ') // Remove the Spaces in parentheses
if (input === value) { // Check whether the content is consistent after removing the space. If so, it indicates that the content other than the space is not modified, and let the user modify it
form[key] = inputVal
} else {
// If the user does not enter in parentheses, compare the string and set the main logic of the focus
let index = self.findIndex(inputVal, val)
let dom = self.$refs.myForm.$el.querySelector(` textarea ` [rules of aria - label =])
if (dom && (index || index === 0)) {
/ / because
setTimeout(() = > {
self.setFocus(dom, index - 1)},10)
Copy the code
Final effect:
Write in the last
OK, so the above is a small problem I encountered in the actual work. Although the feeling was difficult, although looking for information cost a little time, but in the end, the result is still good. When the boss is satisfied, I feel like I’ve learned something. It was kind of fun. Ha ha ha! Thank you all for seeing the end of this article. If you found this article helpful, please give it a thumbs up! So, I’ll see you next time