Looking back

The year 2020 is destined to be an extraordinary year, but in the long course of human history, it is an ordinary year. To me, it is both extraordinary and ordinary.

Looking back on this year’s dribs and drabs, I feel reluctant, regretful, lucky and grateful. Do not give up with regret is, due to a variety of reasons, a period of nearly a year of affection, the end of… . This first love, with my college nearly a quarter of the time. At that time, is happy, happy, filled with happiness. Although, the ending is a pity, but we have been happy, maybe this is enough. I will love you for ten months. Now, I will forget you for ten months. This paragraph of cause and effect, end here!

In May, I was lucky to participate in the project of the company project team of our school’s external teachers, from which I learned a lot. Both my development ability and team communication and coordination ability have been improved to some extent. And, make up for some of my shortcomings, just by watching the Internet spread of training videos can not learn things.

Moreover, since August, I have participated in the reconstruction of school-enterprise cooperation projects of our school and acted as the leader of the back-end team. It was the first time to lead someone to do a project, and I have been trained in all aspects. Some technologies, such as Shiro (Java authentication and authorization framework), Docker, Linux, etc. To summarize the techniques learned, Shiro’sRelated articles. Therefore also won the nuggets double section essay best writer.Nuggets of hoodie, help me resist hainan winter ~

After the Holiday in October, I started my internship.

Outsourcing industry, also not so bad as everyone ridicule, but also case-by-case analysis. Not all Internet companies are great, there are 2B companies. Life is good or bad, only the couple know. Outsiders have no right to judge.

In the internship unit, I was very lucky to participate in the PAAS platform project and learned a lot of new knowledge, especially kubernetes, which made up for my shortcomings.

Looking forward to

For 2021, I have set myself the following small goals

  1. Successful graduation;
  2. Continue to output and strive for the output of high-quality articles, to continue to recharge their own; Write at least one essay a week;
  3. Work hard to make money and be happy.
  4. Pursue technical depth.

The last

Wishing you peace and prosperity and a happy New Year!

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