“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

Hello, I am Autumn Wind.

Recently, I have seen many year-end summaries. What impressed me was not their summarizing ability but their persistence. For example, Brother Why has persisted for 9 years and Tang Ren has persisted for 10 years. So I decided to start keeping track of my years. This year is the first year of summary. Although my achievements are weak compared with others, I still try my best to record this year.


A lot happened this year, from one person to two people (with a lovely girlfriend), to two new members of the family — coal boss, xiao Bao.

I use a ledger, recorded our acquaintance to love and the story.


Last year’s Switch was followed by the Oculus Quest2 and PS5.

Currently, I play some interesting games on Oculus: Lightsaber rhythm, SuperHot VR and table tennis

The PS5 is still playing, with only the console games that come with it.


1. Data


For 2020, the number of commits this year has doubled compared to last year, mainly due to the maintenance of a project. Looking at my github commit record every year, I found that as long as I am maintaining a project, the number of commit is not small. It also goes to show that if you want to keep your Github overflowing, maintaining a project on an ongoing basis is a good way to do it. Maybe everyone will find it difficult to stick to it. In fact, you can force yourself to record a Todo first, and submit a COMMIT every two days (regardless of the quality of the commit). When you stick to it for a month or more, you will naturally become more and more diligent, and your ability will gradually improve.


Zhihu can be said to follow circumstances to keep pace with the articles, but I did not expect that by the end of this year, the number of reading exceeded 100W, which may be the highest reading of my entire platform. It is true that I have no intention to get into the trees, but I should not be complacent, and I need to take good care of it in the future.

The Denver nuggets

The Nuggets are exactly the same as last year, but they don’t seem to have a record from last year. In fact, the data should be better, but under the new recommendation mechanism, writing articles has become more and more difficult. Therefore, after July, I did not continue to update the nuggets. At present, the key articles are synchronous wechat public number and Zhihu.

2. To summarize

2.1 I have my own independent product — Wood and resume

This year, I am happy to finally make a product of my own. I have helped thousands of friends, exported more than 20,000 resumes in total, and gained 1.1K stars on Github. (Here we thank Nanxi for its diligent promotion and development and construction of the platform, and hope that nanxi students can continue their efforts in 2022)

Major search engines can also be searched, in the case of no promotion by many big guy recommended, such as Ruan Yifeng weekly, Hello Github, Play Github, not dead bird, Java Guide, Muziqi, EatmyMark and other bloggers. (in no particular order) thanks also to wakagawa and CelesteWang for their daily recommendations!

As the number of users increases, how to maintain the product and how to keep it alive (find the point where it makes money without destroying the relationship with users) is a proposition I have to think about. After all, if a product wants to live for a long time, stable team and capital are very important, not only for the platform, but also for users. Users need to trust you, willing to be on your platform rather than any other token, necessarily to trust a team.

This point was made in my summary of “Talking Svelte into the future, Rust compilers? Building Large Applications?” After this article, I feel very deep. Because I didn’t have a deep understanding of this point before, I made a mistake once, that is, my previous open source project – Webchat (an open source project I wrote when I was a junior in college). In fact, many friends of my official account gathered from this work. You can simply take a look at the life cycle of this work

2017.5 Webchat V1 was released

2017.9 Wechat V2 release

2019.5 Webchat V2.2 is released

2020.3 Wechat V3 beta release

Wechat will stop maintenance

The reason for stopping maintenance was the same as for many products, the lack of funding, the overhead of the daily servers, and the work of maintaining iterations was exhausting. And what I want to do now is not to let mu and resume disappear, I hope to find a new business model in the New Year, can live well, by the way, if you/your friends have the need to write resume, you can recommend “Mu and resume” to them ~

2.2 Run an official account — 34 original articles

The number of fans of the official account has increased from 3k at the beginning of the year to 9.6K, which is a 220% increase compared to my previous fan base, but the growth rate is very slow for other big guys. To be honest, I didn’t produce enough articles this year because I was doing too many things in my spare time. Maintaining my resume and resume, learning three. js, writing official accounts, doing design, and often doing research on some novel things, all these things lead to my scattered spare time. In the New Year, I want to try to write the knowledge I am learning into the public account, instead of blindly Posting what I think is deep and interesting articles. It is also a wonderful thing to record the learning process.

Thank you so much to my 9,618 friends who are still with me.


2.3 Learned some design skills — more than 100 posters

Because of the operation of the public, want to have some different characteristics, so there is more time to draw on the cover. Selected parts for display:

But before are all using online PS design, many pictures can not be saved in the cloud. Since the use of instant design, found open the new world, every day white piao storage space in the above design public number cover.

Learned some design skills, design is really interesting, love beauty is really everyone’s nature. Not only that, but I also made some posters and made a fake apple color block with diffused light gradient.

Explain, I am actually a color weak 😅 so I still insist on trying to design. So as long as insist, nothing is impossible, if you like something, go bold try it!


This year, I played a lot of tricks, learned Svelte + Vite + Tailwind. CSS workflow, Aframe, three. js, WebXR and a series of cool technologies, and launched several VR scenes.

In addition to software, I also played with a lot of hardware, bluetooth sensor, 360 camera, and wrote my own interface according to the unified protocol.

This year serves as both product and technology, enabling me to think about the whole product from different perspectives. Sometimes this function is very necessary from the point of view of products, but from the point of view of technology, it is very troublesome to realize and I don’t want to deal with it. In order to achieve the state of mediocrity, I often play games with myself. But the experience is really a good fun.

For the future

After talking about the past, it is time to talk about the future. I have been working for 3.5 years now, and each year has passed so fast that I have no time to stop and think about how far I am from my original goal. I often wonder if I have reached my desired goal and how far I am from reaching my new goal. In the first three years, I have learned a lot of miscellaneous knowledge and explored a lot of things, but I have not been consistently output in a certain field. I want to focus on something in the New Year, and by the time I’ve had 5 years of experience, I want to be one of the following: an expert in something, a well-known open source library author, a knowledge base author, a book writer.

Regardless of whether the goal can be achieved or not, I set the following flag in 2022. If it is not achieved by the end of the year, no one should come to archaeological work…

In terms of life, I hope to:

1. Swim from 0 to 1

2. Record life videos at least 10 times

3. Take 3-4 trips

4. Read 10 non-technical books

5. Write at least 10 movie reviews

Be able to:

1. Create a tutorial for the three.js system

2.Github summarizes the high quality knowledge warehouse star 4K + (bet with Nan Xi, if it is achieved, there will be a big gift at the end of the year)

3. The iOS learning

Finally, feel free to post your goals or wishes for 2022 in the comments