“Try to be a positive, optimistic person.”

New Year’s Eve in Chongqing

New Year’s Day has passed, it is time to review this year’s work and life, see how much they have grown. Set up flag 2021 to achieve your dream of financial freedom by age 35.



This year, I came to work in Ant, and my career entered a new stage. After many years of absence from Hangzhou, I came back here again.

According to Yang | from wood Yi Yang harmonics

After coming to feel the full range of pressure directly, which is a little different from what I thought before coming. Before either only need to concentrate on writing business, or focus on writing technology, relatively relaxed.

What I feel here is a full range of requirements for capabilities, including business understanding, technical depth, basic capacity building, technical risk management and control, business Owner awareness, team collaboration, self-growth and self-management, product and operation awareness, emotion management, etc.

In the first three months, I did a lot of important projects. Basically, I was familiar with the business and wrote the code every day, constantly strengthening self-management, and I soon changed from being unadaptable to being adaptable.

After the launch of many important projects, the data is very impressive. I still agree with the whole team. Although the process is hard, I have grown a lot.

It’s July 31, the ant’s first birthday


Especially remember that period of time when he was transferred to the defense, the preparation of business + technology + PPT was a bit overwhelmed, the preparation of PPT for many days was hit back to modify several times, and the inner anxiety was full.

In the process of revising back and forth, I found that PPT is actually a process of daily accumulation, and only by thinking and producing more can I naturally write a perfect report.

Finally, I successfully became a full-time employee. Although the process was hard, I gained a lot. Also exposed some problems, for technology special investment time is less, do not enough system; For the business Owner, the business rhythm is not well controlled.

After that, he began to invest more time and energy in the technology itself and team building, and began to try to implement, organize, monitor and optimize, and build robots in the field of terminal intelligence.

O best

Before baia, I often heard from my colleagues that baia helped me a lot. The biggest help to me was to solve my anxiety. Training for four days, do not care about the business, do not care about the technology, the head empty listen to the bosses to share is really full of happiness.

What I feel is that after getting to know more friends, I see so many people who are more anxious than I am. After the comparison, I feel much better, because I have a group of people to accompany me.

First prize of baia team


It has been more than 7 months since I joined the company. Thanks to the support and help of my senior brothers, supervisors and colleagues, I have been able to grow up. At present, with the familiarity of the team and the supplement of team human resources, the business pressure has been reduced a lot.

At present, I have developed a very suitable time management method for myself. I free myself from inefficient and repetitive work through tools. As for tools, I recommend uTools, which I really love.

This year, I read silicon Valley Growth Hackers, but I read less. Next year, I will read more. Only with more input and more output can I form my own independent thinking and opinions.

Longwu Tea Village S2 technology special planning publicity


Small program

At the beginning of this year, I completed the development and operation of the “advanced front end interview” small program

The public,

This year’s original compared to the past is lower. This must warn oneself, weekend still too lazy too easy.

The best partner of Huazhuang Books


This year, I started to try to operate a video account. So far, I have about 1,000 fans and have posted four videos. Need to keep updating, start again.


I worked and lived in Shanghai before, but after I came to Hangzhou, I began to travel between two places. Although I worked hard, FORTUNATELY, I had two weekends, and I would take the company bus back to Shanghai to accompany my girlfriend on weekends.


In addition to Hangzhou, Shanghai and team outing this year, we went out for three trips in total, and witnessed different local conditions and customs in Qingdao, Enshi and Chongqing. Unfortunately, we did not export travel books. Next year, more efforts should be made to export travel books.

Qingdao beer festival | gold beach

Enshi city toast | small southern Great Wall

Chongqing HongYa hole amorous feelings | product characteristics

To buy a house

1219 Lucky day, on December 19, the fourth time of the lottery, I am very lucky to have the feeling of home in Hangzhou. I will wait patiently for the house to be delivered after 2023, and my life will be more beautiful.

The body

The belly is getting bigger, the body is also prone to tinnitus and nosebleeds, a total of more than 3 colds this year, or to strengthen exercise and adhere to early to bed and early to rise.

Last year, please 3 months of private education, this plan to exercise chest muscle and abdominal muscle, but because of a variety of reasons on and off, to now only learned a fur, before the exercise out of the muscle 💪 mostly also returned.

At present, under normal circumstances, we can keep exercising more than 2 days a week, but once it is broken due to various factors, we need to spend a considerable amount of mental construction to continue to exercise. We should not relax on the exercise part.

2021 the Flag

My book list

Compare the recommended book list, try to read 80%, and output notes

XiangShuai | finance notes, Xu Yuan investment class, iron man in silicon valley, macmillan, code from agriculture to the artisans, thinking, Fast and slow, the seven habits of highly effective people, yu jun | product methodology, poor Richard treasure dian, principles, value, hub, flow, self-control, deliberate practice, lifelong growth, lifelong learning, Liang Ning thinking about 30, Liang Ning | products | growth thinking about 30

To do

  • Strive to be a positive and optimistic person
  • Exercise every week to keep energetic and energetic
  • Keep working in the field of intelligence and learn tensorFlow.js
  • Multiple inputs, multiple outputs, with your own insights
  • Data in the field of “we media” doubled again, and more original writings were written on public accounts and video accounts
  • Travel three times and export travel notes

2021, come on 💪

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