People are like this, the more grown up, the more time slip fast, time is always pushing us forward.

It is time to sum up the growth of a year again. My key word in 2019 is: When diligent and diligent, but read impermanence, how to solve the problem, only get rich suddenly.

Before reading this article, you’d better read my: Front End Engineer’s 2018 Summary and watch me get slapped in the face 😅.

Why write a year-end review

Many people may not understand why I write a year-end review.

There’s a reason I keep writing, especially when it comes to what I’ve done successfully.

Many of those who are successful have the habit of recording their successes, some on a daily basis, some monthly or yearly.

Because they each make a thing, will increase their self-confidence, they make more and more things, the self-confidence is more sufficient.

And when they encounter difficulties, or feel unable to do some things, they can find confidence from the past successful events, the success rate of some difficult things is higher.

And the more confident you are, the more successful you will be, creating a positive cycle.

There is also interest. It is not because you are interested in doing something, but because you have done it and done it well, and do it better than others, which gives you confidence and forms interest.

You can think back to how your interest was nurtured.

It’s a cognitive problem, and when you’re not aware of it, you don’t know, and you don’t know how to use it.

So I urge you, readers on the screen, to think about what you did successfully in 2019 and give yourself a boost of confidence.

Better start writing, too, and write a year-end review, starting with the end of 2019!

Review 2019 Goals

1. Add personal blog websites to the public account [complete

Because the public number access personal website, many original functions are limited, but also to record a lot of information, so did not access, but to their own website access GitHub authorized login, very convenient.

So goal 1 is done.

2. The principle and internal implementation of Vue technology Stack50% complete

Vue technology stack process is followed Huang Yi bosses open source project Vue. Js technology reveal the content of the learning step by step, learned after, I also use a piece of mind mapping summarizes the Vue | Vue – the Router | Vuex point source and architecture, actually not very deep, But finally understand some of Vue’s internal principles and architecture.

So goal 2 is halfway done, and we’ll continue in 2020.

3. Be familiar with React and Node stacks, and possibly Javaface

React and Node stacks are not useful in my daily work, so I didn’t go any further after I finished my website.

Java didn’t work, so I didn’t learn it.

So target 3 is in the face.

4. Learning Algorithms and Data Structurescomplete

The algorithm is king.

Want to learn the front end, first practice good internal power, internal power is not good, even if the moves to practice again fancy, eventually become a master. Only those with deep internal strength can go further on the road ahead.

Around July, I learned algorithms and data structures. I followed geek Time’s course and the excellent open source project on GitHub. Actually, I didn’t finish my study, because I chose to change my job in October, so I stopped.

However, IN the process of learning, I kept the habit of output while learning, because output forces input, so I wrote 11 articles to deepen my understanding. Technology always requires repeated learning, and I will learn it again later, especially data structure and algorithm.

So goal 4 is done.

5. English vocabulary reaches 7000 [70% complete

Learning English is a long process. It is unrealistic to achieve satisfactory results overnight.

In 2019, I have been learning English. I read and understood the original articles written by Shuidi.

Up to today, I have read 6 Original English books, respectively

A. Heartache: AN interesting battle between boys and girls in adolescence.

I read someone’s comment on Zhihu on the whole story is very apposite and incisive:

It confirms the “time difference” in love: when I notice you, you don’t notice me; When I fell in love with you, you noticed me; When I was ready to leave, you fell in love with me; That was close. I still like you when you finally like me.

B. How to Win People Over? Carnegie’s series on Human nature.

Carnegie talked about the weaknesses of many human beings, and then put forward that the success of being calm, sincere and communicating lies in avoiding arguments as much as possible. The most common situation is to win the argument but lose the chance of success.

C. The Virtues of Human Nature: Carnegie’s series on human nature.

This book is about using the knowledge of psychology to teach us how to conquer worry and create a new life.

I have to read the Chinese version of “The Weakness of Human Nature” and “the Strength of Human Nature” again, the English version is a little difficult, not very understand, ha ha ha ~

D. The Little Prince

In the book, a pilot as the narrator, tells the story of the little prince from his own planet to the earth, the process of adventure. It reveals some of the bad qualities of adults, such as emptiness, blindness, foolishness and rigid dogma.

There’s a movie version of this story, too.

E. The Wizard of Oz

Tells the story of a little girl was blown to the Land of Oz by a hurricane, and the lion, robot, scarecrow in pursuit of courage, kindness and wisdom of the adventure story.

F. Alice in Wonderland

The story follows a young girl who accidentally falls down a rabbit hole in pursuit of a talking rabbit with a pocket watch, entering a magical country and experiencing a series of fantasy adventures.

So goal 5 is 70% done.

6. Increase exercise and gain 5 kg [60% complete

This year, I kept exercising, but I didn’t increase the amount of exercise, because time was really short, especially in The weekend of June, July and August this year, it was either hot or rainy.

I only gained about 2 pounds.

I don’t want to gain too much weight because exercise doesn’t increase, otherwise it’s all fat, and I’d rather not.

So goal 6 is 60% done.

7. Insist on writing and operate the public account well90% complete

I have been writing for a long time. I have written about 24 articles this year, including technical and non-technical articles, with an average of 2 articles a month.

The public account [Full stack Xiu Lian] has also been updated, but the frequency of update is uncertain, and the frequency of writing articles, an average of 2 a month.

So goal 7 is 90% done.

8. Read more books and articlescomplete

This year, I have read seven Chinese books as well as six Original English books. I often read quality articles.

So goal 8 is 100% accomplished.

9. Gradually dive into other ways of managing money [complete

Read 2 books on financial management, the fund also bought several, although the amount of investment is not much.

So goal 9 is done.

10. Develop other Skills [complete

Skills to develop: Reading. Both Chinese and English original readings are included.

Basically, I don’t have big ambitions this year, just to get my base a little firmer and make some money along the way.

I am still growing up, learn more, go step by step.

Beyond the 2019 target

Plans can’t keep up with changes.

So, in addition to the 2019 goals set at the end of 2018, a few things have been accomplished.

1. Learned TypeScript and built an open source project in conjunction with Vue

Project address: Vue + TypeScript + elementary-UI frontdesk presentation of blog with MarkDown rendering, total 540+ Star as of 2020-01-01.

By the end of 2018, I realized that TypeScript was already a trend, so TypeScript + Vue was definitely a trend, especially since Vue3.0 will have better support for it, so I chose to learn TS.

So I’m also on the cutting edge of the front end technology. People who want to learn about Vue + TypeScript can check it out in preparation for the upcoming release of Vue3.0.

I think this is a good entry level open source project that uses TypeScript + Vue. So far, there are very few open source projects that integrate TS with Vue, and there are only a handful of articles on the web, so I’ve had a lot of setbacks along the way.

Open source is not easy, if you like, you can give a Star 😁.

The current stack for the company’s projects is TypeScript + Vue, which is probably the trend.

2. Played with VuePress and GitBook

I played VuePress and GitBook for technical selection. For details, you can see what I wrote: The Leader asked me to do the technical selection of CMS help center. I wanked VuePress and GitBook and then chose…

New Year’s jackpot

I just finished 2019 and got good news from the Nuggets the day before I came back to work

Thank you to the Nuggets.

There is also Tencent Cloud commemorative penguin, hahaha ~

Thanks Tencent Cloud.


In terms of technology, I have been doing front-end technology related work this year, and I have little contact with the back-end because I don’t need it in my work.

This year has been about improving and learning new technologies, like Vue and TypeScript.

The way I learn is to write articles, or write an effect, or do an open source project after learning some knowledge, so as to put my technology into practice and deepen my understanding and impression.

But in 2020, it’s time to learn Node because you’ll need it at work.

Worked for a few years, so far the biggest harvest: beautiful hair as before! Thick and shiny black, ha ha ha.


My GitHub 2019 Report: Quick, your 2019 GitHub Report hasn’t been picked up yet! .

This has been the most active year on GitHub in the past few years, creating and maintaining 6 open source projects in my spare time, and the remaining 4 were created in 2018.

In addition to which will always be updated and maintained… In addition, other projects will be updated when there is free time.

To see how I play GitHub, check out my GitHub Mining Magic Tips – How to find great Open Source projects.

If you also want to open source, you can read my article: GitHub Star Acquisition Method – 2000+ Star a year tips.

We gained 2460+ stars and 920+ followers this year.

GitHub ranks 2644 globally and 426 in China, so it has come so far.

But MY skills are still weak, and I still have a long, long way to go.

The right thing, as long as you insist, there will be a harvest.


In October this year, I resigned naked and changed my employer, because in the original employer, it is more leisure, and there is really not much room for me to improve.

When I left, something really embarrassing happened. It was really embarrassing, so I won’t say it out loud.

You’ve only been in the workplace for a few years, so you can still make a lot of mistakes.

GitHub has given me a lot of help because of my writing and open source.

The present company is very good. I find many excellent people and pioneers around me. I can learn a lot and have a good team atmosphere.

Thanks to Brother Sheng who helped me push inside and brother Wen who helped me adapt now, as well as those who helped me in 2019.

Looking for a job is like this, some envy high salary, some envy less overtime, some envy more beautiful girls, have to see their own needs.

At that time, I wanted to contact Global companies or projects, improve my English, have a Global vision, and have more opportunities to go abroad.

My current project at the company is doing Facebook advertising, and I often have to learn English, which is very good.

Although there is still a little gap between the company I wanted to find at the beginning, I am still satisfied with my current company.

At the beginning of their own or more impatient, strength is not quite enough, or have to step by step and steady forward.

The current front end is Vue + TypeScript, which is what I want to focus on.

Overall, there was very little overtime this year, which was great, just the way I like it.

Believe that everything is for the best.

The new owner is on the 43rd floor, usually has a nice view, and, uh… The fog haze.

For example, the small waist in Guangzhou:

And around the company:

As you get better and better, the landscape will be different and your pattern will be different.


People who like reading live 1000 times before they die, people who do not read only live once. — George R.R. Martin, author of a Song of Ice and Fire

This year to see a few books and a large number of articles, I found that I like reading, like to indulge in the sea of books, with the soul of the author of the author of the collision of the heart, the exchange of ideas.

My spare time is usually used to read articles and books, but the books I read are not paper books.

Because in more than ten years of reading career, read more paper books, have been tired of, and carry is not convenient, so I read articles on the computer and mobile phone.

Books read in 2019:

There are several books I haven’t finished this year, but I’m still reading, such as murphy’s Law, Road to Financial Freedom, Half an hour of Chinese History, Index Fund from Entry to Mastery, Zeng Guofan and so on.

The books I read are more utilitarian, such as books related to financial management, funds, and buying a house. The books I read are useful to myself, so it will be easy to stick to them.

If you ask me to read something about literature and art, I can’t go on reading it, because I think it’s useless, or it’s useless for mine now.

If you’re a wannabe-reader but haven’t really started the habit yet, I recommend reading books that address your immediate needs and are useful to you right now, such as financial and cognitive books.

Sometimes, utilitarianism is a good thing, can let oneself have the motivation to persist, to finish what they want to finish.

There are more than 60 high-quality books ready to read on my wechat reading shelf, and time to be friends, I know that one day I will read them, and those authors have a heart exchange.

In fact, I read the most or the public number of high-quality articles and knowledge planet posts, every day will see.

Maybe a lot of people do not know the product of knowledge planet, it is a place where some big V share the essence of content, and many circles have to pay to join.

I joined several paid planets, such as: Zhang Ge, Cao Da, Feng Da.

What others share is not necessarily good either. Just absorb what you think is useful or really useful.

This year is the year to realize that reading is useful, very useful, early to know, will avoid a lot of detours.

Reading is very helpful for the open pattern, many predecessors, historical experience are in it.

Many smart people often say these two words: choice is greater than effort.

But in my opinion, the right choice itself requires ten times the effort!

Please do not substitute tactical diligence for strategic laziness! Try to improve your awareness.

A lot of people are like this, can not insist on short-term hardship, but insist on long-term hardship is very good.

Read more books, open up the mind, improve cognition, not half of life to find that a good hand has been played by their own rotten.


Without financial freedom, there can be no freedom of thought.

Economist Xu Xiaonian said: “money is not a shame, but you should thank those who can let you earn money, to thank party A, it is they help you solve the financial problem, you can create content more freely.”

At the beginning of this year, one of my peers found me because of my articles. While chatting, he said that he wanted to meet gay, because he lived near me, so we had a “large online meeting”. Well, it was just me and him.

He asked me what motivates you to write, what keeps you writing, and I answered without hesitation: Money!

He didn’t quite believe it, and I said that if I had to add a good reason, it would be interest.

Many readers have asked me what motivates me to learn, and I have answered without hesitation: nothing but money!

Yes, I have no resistance to the evil of money! With evil money, I am not tired…

There’s always money on my lips, it’s a way to hide my talent, and it’s dangerous to be too sharp.

Every day when you’re not motivated, look at your bank account.

Experienced the hardship of no money, money will be so important, will be so need to yearn for money.

There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution. Only when poverty is exhausted can we find ways to create more social value and thus bring more wealth.

Want to make money is not a shame, a person’s wealth is often a reflection of a person’s comprehensive ability.

Of course, not necessarily the one with a mine in the family.

People with RMB in their pockets will treat the world more peacefully.

In addition, making money itself is a meaningful thing. From the perspective of economics, how much each person makes can measure his contribution to the world in a certain sense.

If you’re making more money, you’re essentially creating more value for society.

Since you have no resistance to money, then try to make more money, when I have more money, who will throw money at me… Then you’re still the master!

I often tell myself, in this life, it is good to be a vulgar person, greedy and lustful, a righteous!

Look, it’s the wee hours of the morning, and I’m still writing articles for my dinner.

It’s true: without financial freedom, you can’t have intellectual freedom.

Making money is part of what motivates me to write, but there’s more to writing than that.

For example, if you look at the recent one [some easy to downsize, let the security guards to kick out the terminally ill 5 year old employee] will know.

Writing is a lifesaving skill!

The data of 2019 on writing platform are as follows:

The Denver nuggets


In fact, this year because of the open source project, so the output of the article is relatively few, because to do an open source project is very time, usually spend a month or more spare time, so there is really no time to write articles.

Next year, focus on one platform (Nuggets) to write an article, do not want to spend extra time on multiple platforms, transport is also very time ah, time is precious.

There are only 24 hours in a day. Time is really limited for me.

Money buys time and awareness

I don’t have enough time this year, I really don’t have enough time, so I buy time.

Buying time will cost you a lot of money this year.

  • On the nuggets, I bought a couple of little books and they cost about 100
  • Geek Time bought seven classes and spent about 500
  • Join 3 paid knowledge planet circles for about 900
  • Video super VIP, cost about 250
  • A drop of reading English original course, spent about 300
  • Wechat study, continuous month, cost about 230
  • Other than that, I don’t remember

The total is about 2500 yuan.

In today’s age of information overload, the more effective information you receive, the more awareness you develop, and the more wealth you have.

You can never make more money than you know, unless you’re lucky, and the money you make by luck is always lost by strength, and that’s a certainty.

Every penny you earn is a realization of your knowledge of the world, and every penny you lose is a result of your flawed knowledge of the world.

The greatest fairness in the world is this: when a person’s wealth is greater than his perception, the society has 100 ways to harvest you until your perception and wealth match.

You may have seen the passage above, but I don’t know where it came from.

Of course, this is money, but anything else is the same.

Whether it is learning or entertainment, having quality resources is the best way, especially learning.

Finding free resources is time consuming, and good resources are usually paid for.

So in their own economic conditions permit, money to buy resources, buy time is very cost-effective.

If you think it is not a waste to buy not to learn, this has to weigh yourself, really need to buy.

To buy video VIP, but also to save time.

Since you study hard every day, should your basic hobbies or desires be satisfied? After satisfying your desires, you will have the motivation to continue learning.

For example, watching movies, TV dramas and cartoons, the latest cartoons have to be paid, and those that do not have to be paid have to be found on the Internet. The quality is not good, and the time it takes to find them may be enough to watch the whole animation.

Learn, earn, spend, and learn in a positive cycle.

What young people value most is time, and what they lack most is time! Of course, many people’s time isn’t worth much.

So I’ve always invested in myself and refined my professional skills.

Invest in yourself and don’t save money if you can afford it. Think of yourself as a product. You are the best product of your life.

With this awareness, you’ll know exactly what you should and shouldn’t spend.

When diligent, but read impermanence

Buddhist noun: when diligent, such as save the head burning, but read impermanence, careful not to put away!

According to the Understanding of Buddhism: we should be diligent in practice, brave and progressive, as urgent as the head on fire, always think of the impermanence of life, do not indulge yourself!

But I don’t really agree. I think it’s better to be diligent but inconstant.

One should seriously pursue the right things, strive for the present, and make friends with time, because life is impermanent, should not waste time; Don’t think too much after your efforts, when you look back, in fact, you have come so far.

I still remember that when I graduated, TWO days before I left school, I wrote down eight words that I should be diligent, but read impermanence.

Because at that time I knew that I would be busy for life once I left school, there was no time to practice calligraphy.

After work, it is really no time, are busy in order to live, has not written calligraphy for a long time ah.

One of the most common phrases of the year: life is hard, hundreds of times.

Life is really very difficult, so to be diligent progress, but read impermanence, how to solve the problem, only suddenly rich! .

I still remember the smallest birthday wish in 2019 is: get rich in the year of the Pig!

Well, yes, you read that right, it’s the smallest one, probably the one that can’t be done…

Even salted fish must have a dream.

The public,

Be a man of work!

This year, the public name was renamed quanzhan Xiulian, and the pen name was Night Tianming.

Many people think that the name of full-stack cultivation is just about technology, but MY orientation for it is not just about technology, but about big front-end technology, supplemented by reading notes, essays and financial management. I want to be a lifelong learner, but in recent years, IT is mainly about big front-end technology.

Night as clear as day this noun is qin dynasty bright moon inside, clear as day is my favorite role, no one, so the pen name is named: night as clear as day.

Tianming this role in the Qin Moon, it should be said that a martial arts is very poor, and the brain is not very smart child, but his greatest advantage is full of courage, not afraid of failure! And his goal is to become stronger, through a lot of hardships and overcome a lot of difficulties will slowly become stronger.

Tianming these characteristics are very much like me, the only difference is: I just want to be a salt fish, ha ha ha.

I don’t like to call the people who follow me fans. I prefer to call them readers, latecomers, or listeners.

I just express what I want to express. It’s their freedom to see it or not. I don’t force them to.

I am very grateful to my readers. A large part of my motivation to write is from their likes, comments and concerns.

In fact, I update the content of the public number has been compared to the Buddha, sometimes a day, sometimes a week, even sometimes a month, very Buddha, worthy of the name of the Buddha public number.

I still remember in one person 70 people of the front number of the main group, I asked the big guys a question: write the public number so tired, big guys why and write the public number?

Some big guy said to protect their original, some big guy said to have a little influence, some big guy said don’t know for what… And so on.

I said I did it for the money! I believe that a lot of big guys are also like this, but don’t say it out, think it is very vulgar to talk about money.

I am so realistic, is really for money, talk about money is not a disgrace, rely on their own efforts to make money, there is no disgrace.

Because money is a counter by which you measure the value of things you’ve done. It is an indicator, not just an end.

It’s a consequence, a consequence, a consequence, a consequence, not an object, an object is a goal.

Money will only follow if you aim for something else, like creating value for someone else.

When you give value to others and you get something in return, money will appear as a result.

When you make money your goal, you will find that you may go astray.

Everything has to talk about money, you will be swayed by money, come up with all kinds of tricks, over and over again to circle the money, cut leeks.

You may even start chasing high risks and high profits in the hope of making a quick buck, thus missing out on many opportunities.

Thinking about how to “make money,” how to “cash in,” how to “harvest” might make you want to.

Yes, I experienced this situation this year. I set myself a target of over 10,000 readers, and always thought about how to increase readers, so I did something I didn’t want to do.

For example: add some big guy’s group, forward their own articles to the group to increase the amount of reading and readers, although it can increase a certain amount, but I really don’t like this.

So drainage about a few times, behind some big guy kicked out of the group, ha ha ha.

After that do not want to do those against the heart of the matter, add a few groups all back, or follow it.

There are several public number big guy, looking for me to push each other, but I refused, or first solid good quality content again.

Write seriously about your skills, your experience, your valuable articles, and be a productive person.

So in 2020, I give their own public number set value is: how to provide readers with more value!

Strange world is very, blunt money to go, generally can not make money. Get the basics right, get the job done, and the money will follow.

Take your time, it’s faster!

My public account has been in operation since June 2018, and has been updated all the time. It has been one and a half years now, and the number of readers has not exceeded 10,000. In fact, it is quite a failure.

See those who wrote a few months of the public number, the number of readers is over ten thousand, I said I do not envy is false.

You may say: you have said so much, still can not make excuses for their failure.

Yeah, you’re right, but I’m not listening to you, hahaha

However, I write technical public number really do not earn money, really do not earn any money, compared to the main business, the money may not earn a monthly salary of 1/1000, or 1%.

Because I have not done the technical public number as their own sideline, but as a driving force to write technical articles, better assist my main industry front-end career development just.

This year from the opening of the flow master, rely on the flow of advertising to earn money here.

Because of the article of my public number, there is no advertisement inserted in the middle of the article, although the advertising fee of wechat can not earn any money.

But in the case of the middle AD and the bottom AD, the middle AD costs more than the bottom AD.

Because I pay great attention to the reading experience of the article, also pay great attention to the typesetting of the article, usually do not want to read the article in the middle of the advertisement, so I removed.

The readers who read my article have a better reading experience. For example, is the reading experience of this article good?

In 2020, that money will go to a book raffle, from readers, and from readers.

I still remember the current many big guy said: update every day, or weekly update, write the public number really TM tired.

There are also a lot of tyrants who, due to the poor quality of their articles, have quoted a small part of others’ articles, who have been sprayed and defaced by fans and accused of plagiarism. They are under great psychological pressure. Ninety-nine times a day, they want to give up and feel that they can’t go on anymore.

At that time, I said, “What the hell with all that? Just update it.”

There are enough things that can’t be fulfilled at work. If you can’t have free time and free expression, then life is really not fun.

Because I also write the public number, have seen some public number Lord, in order to sort out the article, writing, every day to zero morning 2-3, sleep only 4 hours a day, also said to write more than 10, 20 years, I admire very much, really, but I do not agree with!

He worked hard, but he worked hard! It’s a sign of too much power! How many more years can this pose last?

If you look at people who have died in their 20s and 30s over the years, overexertion is a big factor.

Always set yourself a target of ten or twenty years, I think it is unrealistic, is the so-called: the plan can not keep up with the change.

And I pay more attention to long-term and sustainable development! With the time of a person’s life, there is really no need to worry too much.

Although I often write an article until 1:00 am due to a flood of thoughts, I guarantee 7 hours of sleep on average every day.

Remember in 2018, the technology of the public number is not so much, in 2019, has been everywhere, almost nuggets of gold home page to share the article is the number of the public number.

Now also want to rely on the technology of the public account to obtain income to get rich, or achieve the level of the main business, really difficult.

What’s more, people now are not very want to see pure technology in the public number inside the article, are generally in the technical community inside to see, and more want to see the article outside the technology.

What’s more, now is not the bonus period of the public number, has been the blue sea period.

After all, the base of technical talents is not large, but also are highly educated, high-quality talents.

But does writing matter much?

Writing is a lifelong skill that can be used both in the workplace and in your personal life.

Because of writing, I met a lot of masters who also write, and many headhunters came to me.

But the chances of getting rich by writing tech accounts (read carefully, I mean tech accounts) are very, very small.

Now the economy is down, the user sinks, the elderly Internet user base is increasing, it should be easier to write suitable for the elderly public number, more can get rich.

The above is my personal point of view, do not like, when I blind BB good, ha ha ha ~

After all, I’m not RMB, so I can’t be liked by everyone.

Wild growth

I always feel that since I am still young, I am very reluctant to define myself early.

As a front-end developer, is technology important to me? Important! Very important! After all, it’s what I do for a living!

Technology is usually only useful for 3 to 10 years, but compared to a human lifetime, it is very short.

So I’m writing this article from the perspective of personal growth, not just technology.

I spend 80% of my spare time on improving my technology, and the other 20% on improving my soft skills. I spend time on things that compound interest, like reading, learning about finance, cognitive improvement, fitness, sports, etc.

So it’s important to spend 20% of your spare time developing a skill that will be useful and compound in the long run.

Stretch out the time, what you are doing is not as important as you think! Stretch it out, and what you’re doing now is more important than you think!

In the past two years, the 35-year-old crisis has been repeated, and I think not having a long-term useful skill is one of the main reasons!

A lot of the things I do are for personal growth in the long run, so I do a lot of things that have long-term benefits or time to compound.

By the time I turned 35, I felt I had enough capital and didn’t have to worry about a mid-life crisis.

I think the easiest time to accumulate wealth is when you are 35 years old, because at that time, you have your own contacts, you should have a certain understanding of the rules of your industry or the society, and it should be relatively easy to make money.

In our generation, we can live to be more than 90 years old without major problems, and those under 40 years old are still very young. Before 40 years old, we are in the resource accumulation period, and the money we earn is still small.

Do tell yourself: it’s just the beginning, don’t be too anxious to stereotype yourself, don’t be too anxious to set limits on yourself, explore your interests and talents, grow freely, the world is big, there is a long way to go.

Actually said so much, I was in a blind BB, actually I think is the picture below, ha ha ha ~

If the rainbow, meet above know

Above is my girlfriend, beautiful 😉.

It’s been more than two years since October 2017, and it’s time to clear her name.

For more than two years, she followed me to battle in north and south. Every day when I went to work, she followed me, but when I took the bus or subway, she sat in front of me and was tightly held in my arms.

You now see the text is also her credit, write every article, she is with me, often accompany me to the night, every beat of the text have to go through her, if not her, you can not see this article ah.

She is obedient, high appearance level, easy to use, durable.

Are you envious in front of the screen, I am not driving, ha ha ha ~

Actually I say of her, actually be she, be she, be she, be she, be she 👇

15.4-inch MBP + + 27-inch 1080 monitor, MMM, really sweet!

If you are going to use a tool for more than a decade, start using it now and get used to it. It will save you a lot of time in your future work.

The time saved can be used for study or other purposes to produce greater value!

Some people live in a high building, some in a deep ditch, some light, some rust, the world of thousands of kinds, clouds do not go to ask, if the rainbow, meet above know there. – han han

This year, the person I liked in those days found a blue friend, and IT was time for me to look forward.

The person I’m talking about is actually me, hahaha

Before met that belong to you without the rainbow, the science of uniting themselves, not to cater to who, according to his heart’s desire to work solidly, gain from the bottom of my heart confidence, stay at the time of the man, to be able to close gesture standing beside them, after all, only fun diamond cut diamond, will go further, isn’t it?


Body is one, money, position, honor is zero. The zeros are only useful if you have the one in front. Otherwise, it is useless work.

In 2019, the topic of 996 and the revision of blessing is constantly heard, and people attach more importance to work, family and health.

I always put health in the first place. Check out the article I wrote: programmers should not only have logic and code in front of them, but also have a healthy body and spirit.

This year, as in previous years, from time to time will be a variety of sports.

  • Running on average 3 times/month, about 5km/time;
  • Fitness 2 times per week;
  • Average 3 rides per week.

It’s become a habit, or a hobby, and it’s great.

Just because there has been non-stop exercise, so this year and no cold, healthy, really great.

This year, I remember a colleague saying that I look good every day. No one else looks as good as ME.

I think one reason is that I am still young, and the other reason is that I have been doing sports continuously.

Longest run of 2019:

Posted moments, hahaha ~

Fastest run of 2018 VS fastest run of 2019:

The record for the fastest 5km was broken by 33 seconds hahaha

I’m not really fast, I’m just running at my own pace.

There are a lot of fast runners in my circle of friends, as well as those who run more than 10 kilometers at every turn. It seems that they just added my wechat this year.

I don’t know if I saw my year-end summary last year (see I have running and exercise), just add me, sometimes see they send circle of friends, I am embarrassed to send 😂.

Nevertheless I still insist to oneself, want to be the purpose that maintains body health only, need not too painstakingly, the body is natural healthy, good figure also can come naturally.

2019 is over and the good body is still there, hahaha

Well, because the appearance level is too high, so the fitness photos will not be put out, otherwise the screen will not be good.

When exercise becomes a habit, it will be a lifelong benefit.

A person who is physically and mentally healthy is more at peace with the world.

When a guy starts going to bed early, getting up early, investing in himself, quitting smoking and drinking, working out every day, and walking with his head straight, what do you think he’s doing?

  • Pick up hot chicks?
  • Pick up a hotter girl?
  • To match her better?
  • For the sake of your family?
  • For the next generation?
  • In order not to have to make trade-offs in the future because of money?
  • To be a better version of yourself?
  • Do your best for your dreams?
  • Above?
  • All of the above?

My answer is simple. You want to know what it is?

I won’t tell you, you guess, hee hee 😉.

Cook a delicious meal

Warning: A big wave of meitu!

Well, I did it all, hahaha

All the colors, fragrance and equipment, did you drool in front of the screen, ha ha ha ~


Study hard, play hard.

Although study fierce, but play also play crazy.

My entertainment interests are watching movies, TV dramas, cartoons, traveling and sports.

There is always a period of time is not want to learn, after all, want to play and lazy is human nature.

For example, on Friday, I didn’t want to do anything, so I watched Resident Evil for a few days and rewatched Episodes 1-7

Or, if you don’t feel like doing anything, go for a few miles.

I saw a lot of high-quality 3D Chinese comics this year, such as “Douruo Continent”, and waited for a full year to update the very passionate “Wugengji” and so on.

About traveling, I went to Macao this National Day.

Anyone who has been to Macau knows that the big, luxurious buildings are almost always casinos.

So we don’t stop me, before leaving let me to a, won the club tender model, lost, when the club tender model 🤩.

Also, a question for the reader: do you know how pictures 3 and 4 above were made? Feel free to leave your answers in the comments at 😉

The next day when I came back to Guangzhou, I also went to Guangzhou Chimelong Water Park for a round of waves, fun items to play all over, also saw that what electric syllables, ha ha ha ~

The mountains and rivers of the motherland are so beautiful, or have to work hard to make money, to have a look, enjoy the customs of various places, pack a force.

Expect 2020

The goal of 2020

  • Deep into the Vue technology stack principle and internal implementation
  • Learn about Vue3.0, TypeScript, and Node stacks
  • English vocabulary reaches 7000+
  • Keep moving and exercise
  • Insist on writing and operating the public account
  • How to read
  • Master photography
  • Do more things that persist, delay gratification and compound interest
  • Be a man of work!

Oh, and two more:

  • Get rich! Get rich! Get rich! Online and so on!
  • Wait for the country to send me a girlfriend, online and so on!

Well, the last two goals are important, they’re important! Very important! Very important!

Although some goals said out, but not to achieve, so some goals do not set good, the heart know it is good.

Well, yes ah, my goal is to stand to hit the face, so sit and watch next year hit the face 🤩.


The age of twentysomethings, although nothing at all, but also the best age of life, is the current life of the least trouble age.

The more grown up, the more troubles, especially after getting married, more troubles.

There are not many years to sprinkle ah, when cherish the present.

Overall: 2019 was full and comfortable with regrets.

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

I have faith in the future. I believe I can.

May the world be beautiful and interlocking with you.

The time is right and the possibilities are endless!

Come on!

The last

This article says a lot of useful knowledge, please taste, you fine taste!

The winter of this year is still very cold, the winter of Internet is even colder!

This article I wrote half a month ago should make you laugh and collect a bunch of memes: My 2019 Year-end summary.

Even poke in your heart, not sweet on my wechat, scold me not sweet 😂.

Extra, my expression package is urgent, you have collection expression package hero, goddess, please send more expression package to my public number backstage.

Yes, I’m here to trick memes, next time you may see your memes in my article, hahaha ~

I heard that in the last year, the point at 👀 are very good-looking! Those who like 👍 have found female (male) friends 👫! People who turn friends circle have bought cars and apartments! Scan code concern of the people are suddenly rich ❤️!

Yangzisa, unexpectedly wrote 12000+ words, if this article touched you a little, please give a thumbs-up.

Denver annual essay | 2019 technical way with me The campaign is under way…