How time flies, in the blink of an eye has come to the middle of December, 2018 is nearing the end, from July 2014 graduation to this year, another full four years, another cycle. This is the annual summary of this year, a brief chat about what I did this year and some insights.

Let’s start with a running account of what we did this year.

This year,


At the beginning of March, 2016, I came to search for a job interview. The reason I came to search for a job was that I had learned about Mr. Taro from Zhihu before, and I thought it would be a company with good technical atmosphere. After two years of working there, my colleagues had a harmonious atmosphere, especially when the team was small at the beginning, I felt like a small but beautiful team.

Maybe two years is a cycle of Internet people. In March this year, I conceived the idea of changing my job. In Hangzhou, The Ali department was the first choice. After two months of interviews, I finally went to Taobao’s food delivery business. Later, Ele. me was acquired, the food delivery business was merged, and taobao’s food delivery business was merged into Ele. me and Koubei together to form Ali Local Life Service Company. So the most characteristic value of Ali is to embrace change. In a few short months, there have been several rounds of bosses.

In addition, the entire 16 years of work has been looking at the Android7.0 system source code, in March when the accumulated manuscripts sent out, this is the BeesAndroid project. Later, some students were interested in this project, and we created a BeesAndroid wechat group together.


Come to Hangzhou for two years, also have the idea of buying a house, 16 years is a year of skyrocketing prices in Hangzhou, combined with the G20 and Asian Games stunt, Qianjiang century city and future science and technology city plate known as the universe market, housing prices catch up with Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, a moment of clamor, very busy. Don’t want to go for plan, you can’t buy plan, follow around cruise on the mediation, Saturday and Sunday at two days made deposit, bought a second-hand blank, then your one begins to learn the knowledge, looking for decorate a company to decorate, still pretty fast, start in May, June, had a similar decoration, dry for more than two month, August move by himself, and went to live there.


I started working in Ali on May 7th this year in Ali Xixi Park. Xixi Park is not big, but it is quite long, and the building number is not very eye-catching. On the first day, I had to find my work for a long time.


At the end of June, baia, also known as Alibaba’s new person training, had about 70 people from all over the country, including Hong Kong and the United States. It was interesting to learn about Alibaba’s history and business during Baia. There is a film called “Dream Maker”, which tells the history of Alibaba. I recommend you to watch it.

The 2018-8-2018-11

Since August, I have been preparing for the event. This is the first time I have participated in the event. If you want to know how I feel, I feel very busy. On the day of Double eleven, I went to Xixi Park. It was so lively and decorated, just like the Spring Festival.


On December 8th, the first snow fell in Hangzhou. Hangzhou has had moderate snow for two consecutive years. At that time, I was at the qiantang River bank and had the honor to witness this beautiful scenery.

After briefly listing some of the things I did this year, let’s talk about some of the things I learned.


2018 is also a turbulent year, winter, freezing social recruitment, layoffs, coupled with the anxiety marketing of major micro signals and big V, make this winter cold again. For technicians, especially client engineers, with the popularity of cross-end frameworks such as ReactNative, Weex, Flutter, and miniprogram, the industry is expressing a voice, multi-end consistency and multi-end reusability. “No one wants a client engineer” this kind of negative comments are also filled with some communities and marketing numbers, let’s not waste words to argue about these right and wrong, in itself, the development of anything will have a period from the outbreak to a stable period of a process, let’s talk about my understanding of the development of a client engineer.

Speaking of client engineers, let’s review some of the developments in mobile platform technology over the years.

  1. In 2009, the mobile Internet began to gain momentum, smart phones began to become popular, and the first-line manufacturers also began to turn into the wireless era, such as Ali’s All In Wireless. It was a time when people were thinking about how to quickly move a mature business from THE PC platform to the mobile platform. It was a time when there was no middleware. It was a slash-and-burn agronomist.
  2. Growth along with the development of the business, the bottleneck of the mobile platform is highlighted, project packaging, cross team collaboration, basic ability and so on, this time some packaging and collaboration platform began to form, push, pictures, web based middleware, buried point also gradually began to form, this time a lot of teams will be split into business group and the architecture group, Of course, some big companies will have an architecture team from the beginning, focusing on basic capabilities and R&D effectiveness.
  3. With the further development of middleware technology, plug-ins, hotfix and other technologies began to step on the stage of history, which was also due to people’s demands for rapid business iteration and business separation. In this period, excellent solutions such as Tinker, Atlas, and Sophix emerged. Then in 15 years, Facebook officially proposed ReactNative, and people suddenly found that there was a way like ReactNative besides WebView for Hybrid, and they also explored and thought about the multi-end reusability and multi-end consistency. The transition from Native to ReactNative really dragged everyone from the MVC era to the MVVM era.

After the explosion period, Native and front-end began to slowly merge in business form just like the PC era in the past.

At this time, many students in the community and the article on the discussion of the future of the end and career change, and so on, in fact, too much emphasis on the decline of the end of the total a little narrow feeling, always just standing on the point of view to consider the problem, there is no rise in the business height. It has also been discussed previously that in the Internet winter, in the big front-end environment, what should the client engineer do? My thinking is not to be limited by technology, but to be a highly skilled engineer.

How to be a highly qualified engineer?

I’ll talk about my feelings in several ways and give some examples of why. Welcome to discuss and slap bricks.

Think outside the box and think in terms of the business and the product. Identifying technological opportunities in the business is an expression of abstract capabilities. Identifying business opportunities in technology is a manifestation of technology enabling business. Think one more step, one more step, you may find your value.

For example

If you were to implement a framework like ReactNative, what would you do? Would you get stuck on how to implement DSL parsing? In fact, not just DSL parsing, but in terms of the page lifecycle, where the page comes from, how it’s packaged, how it’s validated; How and where to publish; How do you download it, how do you parse it, how do you render it, how do you recycle it, how do you cache it, how do you build components and development efficiency tools, you know, there’s a lot of things you can do, you’re not working on a technology, you’re working on a product.

Similarly, there are logs, burial sites, pictures, network, push, APPLink, etc., each of which can form a product and form a strong support for the business.

Don’t believe in architecture and geek technology. Great technology doesn’t have to be a great technical background, but it does have to be a strong support for the business.

For example

Hand wash in a popup window of an activity can be in any page technology, this technology is now the standard App, this is not an advanced solution technically, but after it was created, there is a strong drive effect in our business, can stand outside user guide back anytime and anywhere, the plan for the promotion of business is very big, Its birth is also worth every technical students to think about how technology can empower business, which is also a technical person to achieve self-value.

Learn to quantify your skills and business in terms of data, not theory.

For example

In a technology scenario, if you can’t quantify your own technology product or business product with data, then I think you probably don’t understand what the core problem is that the technology is solving. From the technical point of view, what are the performance optimization indicators, second turn rate, memory, cache hit ratio, network request duration, etc. In terms of business, the number of new and retained data, etc., for the business you are responsible for, can you clearly express, whether you have their own data market to monitor and analyze the effect of the product.

Architecture, geek technical knowledge is the beacon, a ingenuity is really the cornerstone of going on, although there is a beacon, there is no way to go on.

For example

There are a lot of students who love geek technology, love architecture, love doing things that no one else has done, and there’s nothing wrong with that, and that’s where innovation comes from. But at the same time, don’t forget a originality, write each piece of code, do a good job in every period of comments, good control of each thread, to memory and performance with the sensitivity of the natural, that is the performance of originality as a technical person, it is this tiny work of dribs and drabs doesn’t look so cool, only strong prop up our whole business.

Chatted so much, estimate will have classmate to complain, I write business of, you say so much, and not use, MY everyday is repeated work. What I want to say is, have you really put in the effort, have you really explored the points that are not very deep technically, but are valuable to the business. In fact, the creation and innovation of pure technology is not so easy, but the discovery of technical points based on business will be relatively easy, it only requires a dedicated person to discover these solutions, and it is also a process for technical people to realize their self-value.

That’s all. Let’s talk about what we want to do next year.

Next year,

There are two main directions for next year: full stack and product.

  • The full stack mainly refers to the front end of the full stack, the main energy will be on the cross end, but also to learn some backend technology, this is mainly in order to develop a set of efficiency tools from top to bottom to do the reserve.

  • Product refers to learning product knowledge, looking at business from the perspective of a product manager, extracting technology from business, and creating business from technology.

Last email is a bit, the Internet is a young industry, people over 30, if has not gone to a better position, there will be a bigger risk, seven or eight things in life, financial relative freedom is you on the basis of some ideal, in addition to the work (salary, options and shares), other financial revenue means such as investment to expand, as far as possible to enhance your ability to resist risk.

Thank you for listening to me. If you have anything to say, please leave a comment.

Denver annual essay | 2018 technical way with me The campaign is under way…