MVPHulk is an MVP framework wrapped with the latest technology RxJava+Rxlifecycle+Okhttp+Retrofit+Dagger
The main function
1. Interface multi-state and single-state return value configurations are supported. Support server address configuration; 2. Support and AndroidX versions 3. Support single Activity, list the Activity list, single fragments, fragments, single DialogFragment, combining BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelper + SmartRefreshLayout encapsulation, Let’s just focus on the implementation of the business logic; For complex service scenarios, the interface can be extended based on the base class. 4. Different interface states can be displayed and operations can be performed. 5. Support template development, MVPHulkTemplate allows developers to reduce repeated operations, free hands
1.MVPHulk hands-on documentation
2.MVPHulkTemplate uses documentation
3.MVPHulk source download
Simple use case
1. Set dependencies
1. Build. Gradle for the project
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
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2. The build of the app. Gradle
Add it under Android
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
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/ / 1.0.0 API'com. Madreain: hulk: 1.0.0'/ / androidx version of the API'com. Madreain: hulk: 1.0.0 - andx'
annotationProcessor rootProject.ext.dependencies["dagger2-compiler"]
annotationProcessor rootProject.ext.dependencies["dagger2-android-processor"]
api rootProject.ext.dependencies["butterknife"]
annotationProcessor rootProject.ext.dependencies["butterknife-compiler"]
annotationProcessor rootProject.ext.dependencies["arouter-compiler"]
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2. Configure Application to inherit HulkApplication
️ note: Due to the large number of third-party libraries involved, the number of dex methods is limited to 65535, which is the famous 64K(64*1024) event. MultiDex is introduced to solve this problem. To create the Application, change the name of the Application in androidmanifest.xml
Remember to change the application style
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar"> <! -- Customize your theme here. --> <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
<item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
<item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>
<item name="android:windowBackground">@color/windowBackground</item>
<item name="colorControlNormal">@color/windowBackground</item>
<item name="colorControlActivated">@color/colorAccent</item>
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Glide reference, need to create ids.xml
<? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"? > <resources> <item name="glide_tag" type="id" />
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3. Combine Dagger2 with MVP
Build. Gradle app needs to introduce dagger2 libraries. – This has been configured in the project configuration introduction, please refer to this part
1.)BuilderModule creation (all activities and fragments need to be registered here) ( note: I put the package name under the Demo, I will use the Template in the project development)
Reference code
@module public abstract Class BuilderModule {// All activities and fragments are registered here}Copy the code
2.) Appcomponent creation
Reference code
@Singleton @Component(modules = {AndroidSupportInjectionModule.class, ApiModule.class, Buildermodule. class}) public Interface Appcomponent extends IAppComponent {//HulkUnionApplication is an extension of HulkApplication void inject(HulkUnionApplication mvpHulkApplication); Retrofit getRetrofit(); }Copy the code
Note: DaggerAppComponent is generated by a make project
3.) and inject initialization code. The app level of course is initialized in the application
Reference code
public class HulkUnionApplication extends HulkApplication {
private static Appcomponent appcomponent;
public static Appcomponent getAppcomponent() {
return appcomponent;
public void onCreate() {
public void initHulkConfig() {/ / DaggerAppComponent generation make project once line appcomponent = DaggerAppComponent. Builder () apiModule (new com.madreain.hulk.application.ApiModule()).build(); }}Copy the code
4. Configure HulkConfig
1.) In config.gradle, set parameters for enabling logging, enabling switching environment, and BASEURL
Config. gradle parameters
Reference code
OPEN_LOG = true
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Note: priority: CODE_SUCCESS>CODELIST_SUCCESS, only one of these needs to be set for the project
These three parameters are defined in the build.gradle app, defaultConfig for Android
Reference code
// Define the network request success return code baseurl log print switch environment in the code buildConfig. BASE_URL to use buildConfigField"String"."CODE_SUCCESS", getCodeSuccess()
buildConfigField "String"."CODELIST_SUCCESS", getCodeListSuccess()
buildConfigField "String"."BASE_URL", getBaseUrl()
buildConfigField "boolean"."OPEN_LOG", getOpenLog()
buildConfigField "boolean"."OPEN_CHANGE", getOpenChange()
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The android equivalent creates the related three methods above
def getOpenLog() {
return "${OPEN_LOG}"
def getOpenChange() {
return "${OPEN_CHANGE}"
def getBaseUrl() {
return "\" " + String.valueOf(BASE_URL).trim() + "/ \" "
def getCodeSuccess() {
return "\" " + String.valueOf(CODE_SUCCESS)+ "\" "
def getCodeListSuccess() {
return "\" " + String.valueOf(CODELIST_SUCCESS)+ "\" "
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After the configuration is complete, rebuild or clean it
2.) Associated interceptors for network requests
Request header interception
Reference code
Public class RequestHeaderInterceptor implements Interceptor {// Add @override public Response based on your project intercept(@NonNull Chain chain) throws IOException { Request request = chain.request(); Request authorised; Headers headers = new Headers.Builder() .add("test"."test")
authorised = request.newBuilder().headers(headers).build();
returnchain.proceed(authorised); }}Copy the code
Abnormal state interception (kick scenario)
Reference code
Public class SessionInterceptor implements IReturnCodeErrorInterceptor {/ / and the related parameters in the interface definition and kick back, Override public Boolean Intercept (String code) {Override public Boolean Intercept (String code) {Override public Boolean Intercept (String code)return "100".equals(code);
public void todo(IView iView, String returnCode, String msg) {
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Message interceptor
Reference code
HttpLoggingInterceptor logging = new HttpLoggingInterceptor();
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Note: You can set up a variety of interceptors for extension, see OkHttp interceptor
3.) Default placeholder, default avatar placeholder
The HulkApplication configuration item is complete, here also set Glide, ARouter, SmartRefreshLayout, complete code reference below
public class HulkUnionApplication extends HulkApplication {
private static Appcomponent appcomponent;
public static Appcomponent getAppcomponent() {
return appcomponent;
protected void attachBaseContext(Context base) {
public void initHulkConfig() {/ / DaggerAppComponent generation make project once line appcomponent = DaggerAppComponent. Builder () apiModule (new com.madreain.hulk.application.ApiModule()).build(); HttpLoggingInterceptor logging = new Httploggingtor (); logging.setLevel(HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY); Build ().setApplication(this).setretSuccess (buildconfig.code_success .setRetSuccessList(BuildConfig.CODELIST_SUCCESS) .setBaseUrl(BuildConfig.BASE_URL) .setChangeBaseUrl(BuildConfig.OPEN_CHANGE) .setOpenLog(BuildConfig.OPEN_LOG) .addOkHttpInterceptor(new RequestHeaderInterceptor())// RequestHeaderInterceptor.addokhttpinterceptor (buildconfig.open_log, Md.addretcodeinterceptor (new SessionInterceptor())//returnSetGlidePlaceHolder (new ColorDrawable(color.parsecolor ());"#ffffff"))) / / the default placeholder figure - color. SetGlideHeaderPlaceHolder (getResources (). GetDrawable (R.m ipmap. Ic_launcher)) / / the default image placeholder figure .setRetrofit(appcomponent.getRetrofit()) .build(); appcomponent.inject(this); // Application context utils.init (this); //Glide sets the tag viewTarget. setTagId(R.i.D.glide_tag); //logDay switch initLog(); //ARouter initArouter(); } private voidinitArouter() {// initialize ARouter. Init (this); } private voidinitLog() {// Test the environmentif(BuildConfig.OPEN_LOG) { ARouter.openLog(); // Prints the log arouter.openDebug (); // Enable debug mode (if running in InstantRun mode, debug must be enabled! Online version needs to be closed, otherwise there are security risks)}} / / static code can prevent memory leaks static {/ / enable vector figure compatible AppCompatDelegate. SetCompatVectorFromResourcesEnabled (true); / / set the global Header builder SmartRefreshLayout. SetDefaultRefreshHeaderCreator (newDefaultRefreshHeaderCreator() { @Override public RefreshHeader createRefreshHeader(Context context, RefreshLayout layout) { layout.setPrimaryColorsId(R.color.colorPrimary, android.R.color.white); // Set the theme color globallyreturnnew ClassicsHeader(context); //.setTimeFormat(new DynamicTimeFormat("Update at %s")); // Specify classic Header, default is Bezier radar Header}}); / / set the global Footer builder SmartRefreshLayout. SetDefaultRefreshFooterCreator (newDefaultRefreshFooterCreator() {@override public RefreshFooter createRefreshFooter(Context Context, RefreshLayout layout) { The default is BallPulseFooterreturnnew ClassicsFooter(context).setDrawableSize(20); }}); }}Copy the code
5. Create the ApiService interface (in Demo, it is placed under the module/ API of the package name, because the code will be generated with Template, so it is recommended to use ApiService name)
public interface ApiService {
Flowable<BaseRes<List<CityListListData>>> getCityList();
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The ARouterUri class is created and stored in the path of the ARouter.ARouterUri is the key used for data transfer
public class ARouterUri {
public static final String MainActivity = "/mvphulk/ui/MainActivity";
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Next, we’ll really get into the business development phase
7. Use HulkTemplate to generate corresponding single Activity, single Fragment, single DialogFragment, ListActivity, and ListFragment
MVPHulkTemplate Usage Guide
8. Remember to register the files generated in step 6 in BuilderModule
public abstract class BuilderModule {
@ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = MainModule.class)
abstract MainActivity mainActivity();
@ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = HomeModule.class)
abstract HomeFragment homeFragment();
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9.ARouter redirects routes and transmits parameters
Refer to the official ARouter user Guide
The Activity needs to set a route
@Route(path = ARouterUri.CityListActivity)
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10. Request interface
1.) Add the permission related to the request interface
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
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2.) Add parameters related to the object
Keep in mind that @keep keeps classes and elements from being confused
public class CityListListData {
private String code;
private String name;
public String getCode() {
return code;
public void setCode(String code) {
this.code = code;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name; }}Copy the code
3.)ApiService Configures related interfaces
Refer to the following
public interface ApiService {
Flowable<BaseRes<List<CityListListData>>> getCityList();
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Note: In the project, GET, HEAD, POST, DELETE, PUT, and DELETE are recommended to follow the restful style
4.) The corresponding Model inherited from BaseModel adds the method called by the interface
Refer to the following
public class CityListModel extends BaseModel<ApiService> implements CityListContract.Model {
public CityListModel() {
public Flowable<BaseRes<List<CityListListData>>> loadListDatas(int pageNo) {
returnapiService.getCityList(); // Interface call apiService. XXX}}Copy the code
5.) Inherits the BasePresenter corresponding Presenter release corresponding method
Refer to the following
public class CityListPresenter extends BasePresenter<CityListModel, CityListContract.View> {
CityListPresenter() {
public void onStart() {
public void onDestroy() {
public void loadPageListData(final int pageNum) {
.subscribeWith(new RSubscriberList<List<CityListListData>>(view, pageNum) {
public void _onNext(List<CityListListData> datas) {
view.showListData(datas, pageNum);
public void retry() { loadPageListData(pageNum); }}); }}Copy the code
Note: RSubscriberList (for List interface, more can be refreshed and loaded), RSubscriber (for single interface)
Transformer retrofit (BaseRes), retrofitBaseRes (interface response only BaseRes, internal generic null)
6.) Adapter Settings related data display inherited from BaseAdapter
Refer to the following
public class CityListAdapter<V extends IView> extends BaseAdapter<CityListListData, CityListActivity> {
public CityListAdapter() { super(R.layout.item_activity_city_list, new ArrayList<>()); } @Override protected void convert(HulkViewHolder helper, CityListListData data) { helper.setText(, data.getName()); }}Copy the code
7.) The Activity class Settings inherited from BaseListActivity
Set whether or not refresh loading is possible, either by default
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The complete code for the Activity class is shown below
@Route(path = ARouterUri.CityListActivity)
public class CityListActivity extends BaseListActivity<CityListPresenter, CityListAdapter<CityListActivity>, CityListListData> implements CityListContract.View {
Toolbar toolbar;
SmartRefreshLayout smartRefreshLayout;
RecyclerView recyclerView;
public int getLayoutId() {
return R.layout.activity_city_list;
public void _init(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
toolbar.setTitle("List shows can refresh can load more");
public void loadPageListData(int pageNo) {
public SmartRefreshLayout getSmartRefreshLayout() {
return smartRefreshLayout;
public RecyclerView getRecyclerView() {
return recyclerView;
public RecyclerView.LayoutManager getLayoutManager() {
return new LinearLayoutManager(this);
public View getReplaceView() {
returnsmartRefreshLayout; }}Copy the code
Interface calls to data display code reference CityList city
At this point, the program is running and the desired interface is displayed
Refer to related instructions for details