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1. What is that?
MVP is a design pattern (framework) that is widely used in Android projects because of its excellent decoupling capabilities. It divides applications into Model-View-Presenter, which is called MVP for short
- The Model handles and stores the data and calls back to the Presenter
- The Presenter is responsible for forwarding requests from the View layer (such as clicking to update the View data) to the corresponding Model, receiving the callback and notifying the View layer to update the View
- The View is only responsible for displaying data
- The Contract class is only used to define the interface to the View and Model for easy management and viewing
A simple basic process for updating a view
Some versions of the MVP might choose to put the data processing in Presenter, and then the Model would have a setter/getter javabean-like function, but I think that makes Presenter bloated, so I choose to put the logical processing in the Model. You can square root either way
2. MVP general framework
2.1 Contract layer
Contract does not have a very general framework because each view and model work differently. Here is the example shown above
class DetailContract{
interface DetailView{
fun onChangeText(String)
interface DetailModel {
fun getNowText(callBack: GetTextCallBack)
interface GetTextCallBack{
fun onSuccess(str:String)
fun onFail(info:String)}}Copy the code
2.2 Model layer
There is no universal framework for the Model. Here is the example shown above
class SampleModel: DetailContract.DetailModel{
override getNowText(callBack: GetTextCallBack){
val str = ...
// This is the String operation
if(str! =""){
callBake.onFail("Fetch failed")}}}Copy the code
The concrete Model class implements the interface in the Contract class that we Presenter call
2.3 the View layer
Views in Android generally include two types, one is Activity, and the other is Fragment. Here, only the encapsulation of Activity is given. Fragment is similar and needs to deal with some life cycle problems.
abstract class BaseActivity<V,T:BasePresenter<V> > :Activity() {val TAG:String = javaClass.simpleName
protected lateinit var mPresenter: T
lateinit var mContext: Context
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?). {
mContext = this
// Initialize Presenter
mPresenter = createPresenter()
// Bind Presenter to View
mPresenter.attachView(this as V)
// Initialize the layout
/** * the view initialization method that should be implemented by subclasses */
abstract fun initView(savedInstanceState: Bundle?).
/** * Create the corresponding Presenter */
abstract fun createPresenter(a):T
// Unbind
override fun onDestroy(a) {
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BaseActivity is an abstract class that all activities added to MVP mode should inherit from. The generic V represents the view (itself) and T is the Presenter. The View layer holds a reference to the Presenter used to send messages.
2.4 the Presenter layer
abstract class BasePresenter<T> {
// A weak reference to the View interface type, which prevents the View being held by the presenter from being destroyed, resulting in memory leaks
protected lateinit var mViewRef:Reference<T>
// Bind the View reference
fun attachView(view:T){
mViewRef = SoftReference<T>(view)
// Get the currently bound View reference
protected fun getView(a): T? {
return mViewRef.get()}// Whether the View is bound
fun isViewAttached(a): Boolean {
returnmViewRef ! =null&&mViewRef.get()! =null
// Dereference
fun detachView(a){
if(mViewRef ! =null){
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BasePresenter is an abstract class that should be inherited by all presenters in MVP mode. Presenter holds a weak reference to the View layer. There are four methods associated with weak references: bind a reference to a View, get a reference to the current View, determine if the View is bound to a View, and remove a reference from the View. There is also a Model object in a specific Presenter. In other words, a Presenter holds both a View and a Model so that information can be forwarded
The View interface type in the Contract is passed in because it allows the Presenter to transmit information only to the View through the interface. Rather than a specific type.
These are some of the commonly used frameworks. Here we use the actual combat to continue to deepen our understanding:
3. The actual combat
This example is selected from the mid-term assessment of Hongyan Mobile Development Department, and the content is a music App. Just analyze the play page (because I only made two pages )
The home page | Play page |
The main function is to play the scrolling of music and lyrics. Let’s look at the structure first:
1. The Contract
The first layer I think I should write is this one, which regulates the specific behavior of our View and Model: DetailMusicContract:
class DetailMusicContract{
interface DetailView{
fun showDetailMusic(name:String,author:String,imageUrl:String)
fun showLyric(viewList:ArrayList<View>)
fun showToast(message:String)
fun changeLyricPosition(position:Int)
fun changeNowTimeTextView(time:String)
fun changeSeekBarPosition(position:Int)
interface DetailModel {
fun getNowMusic(callBack: GetNowMusicCallBack)
fun getLyric(context:Context,callBack: GetLyricCallBack)
interface GetNowMusicCallBack{
fun onSuccess(music: MyMusic)
fun onFail(info:String)
interface GetLyricCallBack{
fun onSuccess(viewList: ArrayList<View>)
fun onFail(info:String)}}Copy the code
There are six methods defined in the Interface DetailView
Display the name, author, and picture of the current songshowLyric
Used to display lyrics (initialize ViewPager and Adapter)changeLyricPosition
Used to change the position of the current lyrics (i.e. lyrics rotation)changNowTimeTextView
Used to change the playing time of the current songchangeSeekBarPosition
To change the progress of the slider
Two methods are defined in the Interface DetailModel
Used to get the currently playing music from the Service that manages music playbackgetLyric
Used to get the lyrics of the currently playing music
Tips: In many cases, Model methods are added later, because you may not know what methods are required by the Model at first
2. The View layer
BaseActivity has been shown before, but actually BaseActivity adds something about service binding that is outside the scope of this article DetailMusicActivity:
class DetailMusicActivity : BaseActivity<DetailMusicContract.DetailView, DetailMusicPresenter>(),
override fun initView(savedInstanceState: Bundle?). {
// The music is ready for the callback
MyMusicPlayerManager.instance.setStartNextMusic(this)}// Implement music data after binding successfully
override fun onService(name: ComponentName? , service:IBinder?). {
Toast.makeText(this."Binding successful",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
override fun createPresenter(a): DetailMusicPresenter {
return DetailMusicPresenter()
override fun showDetailMusic(name: String, author: String, imageUrl: String) {
tv_detail_name.text = name
tv_detail_author.text = author
// It is necessary to change the music. Note that you can do some operations that have not yet been retrieved but are already available
override fun changeNowMusic(a) {
Log.d("Refresh the music"."")
sb_detail.max = MyMusicPlayerManager.instance.musicDuration()
sb_detail.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(object : SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener{
var isTouch = false
override fun onProgressChanged(seekBar: SeekBar? , progress:Int, fromUser: Boolean) {
if (isTouch){
valposition = seekBar!! .progress MyMusicPlayerManager.instance.musicSeekTo(position) mPresenter.pause() } }override fun onStartTrackingTouch(seekBar: SeekBar?). {
isTouch = true
override fun onStopTrackingTouch(seekBar: SeekBar?). {
isTouch = false
// Trigger the callback to display the lyrics. Note that there should be UI operations that can only be done once the lyrics have been retrieved
override fun showLyric(viewList:ArrayList<View>) {
Log.d("Lyrics display callback"."Success")
runOnUiThread {
val adapter = MyViewPagerAdapter(viewList)
override fun onNextMusic(a) {
override fun showToast(message:String) {
override fun changeLyricPosition(position: Int) {
runOnUiThread {
override fun changeNowTimeTextView(time: String) {
tv_detail_now.text = time
override fun changeSeekBarPosition(position: Int) {
runOnUiThread {
sb_detail.progress = position
// Click on the centralized processing of events
override fun onClick(v: View?). {
when{ v!! .id == -> {if (MyMusicPlayerManager.instance.isPlaying()){
} == -> {
} == -> {
} == -> {
/** * Life cycle related */
override fun onDestroy(a) {
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The code may seem a bit long because the page is relatively complex, but the structure of the View is clear.
override fun initView
This method is inherited from BaseActivity and is used to initialize the layout after the first startup. You can see that we have set up some control listener and callback interface here. It needs to be explainedMyMusicPlayerManager.instance.setOnStartPlay(this) MyMusicPlayerManager.instance.setStartNextMusic(this)
These two methods need to be set up because the music player needs to load the music playback data asynchronously from the networkCallback interface for preparing music for playbackAs well asAfter playing, switch to the callback interface of the next trackTheir corresponding method is
override fun changeNowMusic()
The callback triggered when the current piece of music changesoverride fun onNextMusic()
Switch to the callback interface of the next track after playingoverride fun onService
This method is inherited from the BaseActivity method (the above BaseActivity method was not added, but because this is a music App, it needs to be bound to the current Activity). Here we perform the action after the binding operation is completed: executechangeNowMusic()
To initialize the music interface- Override fun createPresenter inherits the BaseActivity method and creates a corresponding Presenter instance
- Override Fun showDetailMusic This is a method defined in the Contract interface that displays the values of some controls
override fun changeNowMusic
A method that displays all information about the currently playing song and sends four messages to Presenter.getNowMusic
To request the display of current music,getLyric
Used to request lyrics,startToChangeTextView
Used to request to start constantly updating the current play time,startToChangeSeekBar
Used to request continuous updates to SeekBar progress. Then set up some SeekBar listeners to control the progress of the music- Override Fun showLyric This is a method defined in the Contract interface that displays lyrics, and at the end sends a message to Presenter asking to start scrolling the lyrics screen
override fun onNextMusic
This is defined inMyMusicPlayerManager.StartNextMusic
The method in the interface, as mentioned above, is a callback that starts after the music has automatically played, ShowToast, changeLyricPosition, changeNowTimeTextView, changeSeekBarPosition, and the onClick control for centralized processing
The View layer provides a variety of interfaces to call back to the Presenter and the music service based on the user’s actions
3. The Presenter layer
class DetailMusicPresenter : BasePresenter<DetailMusicContract.DetailView>() {private var lyricTimer:Timer = Timer()
private var textViewTimer:Timer = Timer()
private var seekBarTimer:Timer = Timer()
private val detailMusicModel = DetailMusicModel()
// Gets the callback of the currently playing music
fun getNowMusic(a){
detailMusicModel.getNowMusic(object :DetailMusicContract.GetNowMusicCallBack{
override fun onSuccess(music: MyMusic) {
mViewRef.get()!!!!! .showDetailMusic(,,music.imageUrl) }override fun onFail(info: String) {
mViewRef.get()!!!!! .showToast(info) } }) }fun getLyric(context: Context){
detailMusicModel.getLyric(context,object :DetailMusicContract.GetLyricCallBack{
override fun onSuccess(viewList:ArrayList<View>) {
mViewRef.get()!!!!! .showLyric(viewList) }override fun onFail(info: String) {
mViewRef.get()!!!!! .showToast(info) } }) }fun startToChangeLyric(a){
lyricTimer = Timer()
lyricTimer.schedule(object : TimerTask() {
override fun run(a) {
mViewRef.get()!!!!! .changeLyricPosition(MyMusicPlayerManager.instance.getNowLyricPosition()) } } ,0.100)}fun startToChangeTextView(a){
textViewTimer = Timer()
textViewTimer.schedule(object : TimerTask(){
override fun run(a) {
mViewRef.get()!!!!! .changeNowTimeTextView(MyMusicPlayerManager.instance.nowTimeInMin()) } },0.100)}fun startToChangeSeekBar(a){
seekBarTimer = Timer()
seekBarTimer.schedule(object :TimerTask(){
override fun run(a) {
mViewRef.get()!!!!! .changeSeekBarPosition(MyMusicPlayerManager.instance.musicCurrent()) } },0.100)}// Music control
fun play(a){
fun pause(a){
fun playPrevious(a){
fun playNext(a){
fun cancelTimer(a){
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Because Presenter’s function is to forward, the code is not long and the structure is clear
- First, you have a DetailModel instance that doesn’t require much elaboration
This is called in the View layer to retrieve information about the current music. The code is not too difficult to understand. If it succeeds, it is called by the Presenter’s View layer reference as defined in the ContractshowDetailMusic
Method to notify the View layer of an update, and if it fails to do so call it as previously defined in the ContractshowToast
Method to display a Toast message to remind the userfun getLyric
This is also called in the View layer, used to get the lyrics of the current music, successful call back to the View layer interface to display the lyrics, otherwise display Toastfun startToChangeLyric
、fun startToChangeTextView
,fun startToChangeSeekBar
Also defined in the View layer, the implementation is almost the same, start a new TimerTask, periodically get the current lyrics should be in the position, the current has been playing time, the current SeekBar should be in the progress, and then call the View layer corresponding method to update- No need to say more about the music control, but note that you need to cancel the Timer before the next track, otherwise an error will appear
fun cancelTimer
When the View is destroyed or the song is changed, Lyric is not initialized or nullPoint fails because the Timer is executed in the child thread
4. The Model layer
class DetailMusicModel: DetailMusicContract.DetailModel {
override fun getNowMusic(callBack: DetailMusicContract.GetNowMusicCallBack){
val music = MyMusicPlayerManager.instance.nowMusic()
override fun getLyric(context:Context,callBack: DetailMusicContract.GetLyricCallBack) {
val music = MyMusicPlayerManager.instance.nowMusic()
val request = Request.Builder("${}")
NetUtil.getInstance().execute(request,object :Callback{
override fun onResponse(response: String?). {
val mainJson = JSONObject(response)
val str = mainJson.getJSONObject("lrc").getString("lyric")
val lyric = Lyric(str!!)
MyMusicPlayerManager.instance.nowMusic().lyric = lyric
val viewList = ArrayList<View>()
for (i in 0 until lyric.arrayList.size){
val view = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.item_lyric,null)
override fun onFailed(t: Throwable?).{}})}}Copy the code
The Model class is primarily used to collect data and provide it to presenters
override fun getNowMusic
Gets the current music and calls back to Presenter, who, upon receiving the callback, notifies the View layer to update itoverride fun getLyric
Get the current lyrics and package them as an ArrayList callback to Presenter, who receives the callback and notifies the View layer to update it
This article is only for the structure of the MVP analysis, some other content, such as music player, custom lyrics View, etc., are not involved, if interested, you can visit GitHub source address
Sorry to drag down the quality of nuggets articles… I technology is limited, still in learning, if there is anything wrong place hope big men correct!! I wrote it as a summary and didn’t think how many people would read HHHHHH