A UI component library based on Vue 2.0, according to Material Design Design specifications, excellent experience, easy to use.

Muse UI is introduced

Muse UI is an elegant UI component library based on vue.js. All built-in components basically achieve Material Design Design specifications, in addition to the development of many new features, is a popular quality Vue UI component library, do not miss it.

Muse UI component features

  • UI Design style for beautiful Material Design, component interaction experience is excellent
  • Muse UI has more than 40 built-in UI components to meet many different business needs
  • Support custom theme, a few lines of code to complete the theme style replacement, extremely simple and elegant
  • Support on demand, streamlined project packaging size

Muse UI usage suggestions

Material Design is a colorful, animated Design language from Google that aims to provide a more consistent and extensive “look and feel” for phones, tablets, desktops and “other platforms.”

The Material Design style of UI is popular with many product managers, designers, and developers. As mentioned earlier in the introduction of several libraries of UI components in this style, the interaction is delicate and the specification trivial, which can be cumbersome to write manually.

Muse UI is a Material Design style UI component library out of the box. It supports NPM installation and CDN introduction, which can help developers quickly build products with excellent experience. In addition, with the designer’s color matching, the theme can be customized gracefully, which can meet the visual requirements of most products.

Muse UI has an independent online community with a very active atmosphere, which can meet the needs of development, learning, communication and problem solving.

Free and Open Source instructions

Muse UI is a free and open source Vue UI component library based on the MIT open Source license on Github. Anyone can use it for free in their own projects or commercial projects.

Related website: www.thosefree.com/muse-ui