These reviews

Yesterday, I wrote that the mass knowledge is really a mass of knowledge (five), analyzed as a qualified Java development engineer, need to learn the knowledge. Also mentioned teacher Wu Jun’s five – level engineer theory. After seeing so much to learn, my first thought was, “What’s the good of it?” “, the second reaction is “after all these years of learning, why don’t you climb the pit “, and then one after another without stopping to learn. But wait, there are ways to learn, and different ways of learning will lead to different learning efficiency. Today we are going to talk about learning methods.

Learning style

First, let’s look at the actual situation. When we are learning a knowledge point, how is it? In general, there are several cases. You may search the keywords of this knowledge point at Baidu or Google, and then find one or several high-quality blogs to study. Others may like reading books and buy books related to this knowledge. Some people may learn through video courses. In fact, there are many courses of relevant knowledge on the Internet, and many people get started in the engineering industry through these videos. In the future, they may still rely on other videos to get started.

All of the above are true, but some of the principles and methods mentioned are not comprehensive enough. Now let’s do a systematic analysis. I think good learning consists of two aspects, one is input, one is output. Some people say that learning knowledge is essentially about changing or increasing what you know in your mind. You understand something that way, but then you get input and you understand it that way, so the point is to change that perception or perception.

How do you change that perception or perception? First, something new has to come into your mind, so all the things mentioned above — blogs, books, videos — are right. However, in the process of learning knowledge, the emphasis is different.

Blogs are generally scattered knowledge, but targeted content can be searched. After you have learned a certain piece of knowledge, you may have a blind spot of knowledge. At this time, you can search the content of blogs for targeted completion and reinforcement. However, if you don’t know the whole piece of knowledge, you won’t be able to learn the whole piece of knowledge even if you read the blog. And you will feel more and more tired, more and more learning will not learn, confidence will lose, and finally lead to give up, give up.

Books, audio and video are more systematic knowledge than blogs. This is a way to learn when you don’t know the whole thing. In general, knowledge is from the simple to the profound. Book authors or video teachers will teach you hand in hand. Through the skills of book authors or video teachers, you can appreciate the whole picture of knowledge and see the map, so that you will not lose your direction in the process of learning details.

A few other important principles to mention:

  • Systematic knowledge is good, but don’t wait until all the advanced knowledge has been learned, before learning, to learn the most practical, most interesting parts
  • The input classification of knowledge is so divided, each classification will generally have a lot of resources, we must screen these resources, retain high-quality resources, remove the dross. Don’t refuse to pay, which is a good way to filter out junk resources.

Now let’s talk about output. The ultimate goal of learning knowledge is to change the perception in your mind. Only input, you will find a phenomenon is that when you read this book, you can feel the harvest is great, and even when you do something that day, you will recall such a knowledge point in your mind, which may affect your behavior that day. But after a while you forget, and life goes on the way it was before. This is because knowledge points have no deliberate output, there is no deliberate output of knowledge points like this slowly disappeared.

A previous bestseller, Deliberate Practice, suggested that there is no such thing as genius, and that genius is achieved by deliberate practice for hours every day. Everyone can become a genius if they practice deliberately long enough. Deliberate practice also involves many forms and aspects. One is through writing. Note that public writing is not the same as private writing. There is a theory that teaching is learning, and the best way to learn is to teach others about it. Because when you’re teaching this, you’re going to see it from a completely different Angle, and you’re going to notice every detail that you didn’t notice before.

Another point to note about output is deliberate. It must be practiced daily or at regular intervals on purpose. Deliberately involves not only the frequency of practice, but also the difficulty of practice. That is to say, even if you practice to a certain extent, even if you continue to practice the same thing every day, there is no growth.

About writing

From now on, I will write an article here every day, with no limit on subject matter, content or word count. Try to put your daily thoughts into it.

When WRITING, I seem to want to try to naturally smooth flow down, avoid directly talking about multiple points first, and then spread out each point, but the skill is not enough, next time try to write in the form of direct knowledge spread out.

In addition, the material, can hit the heart of the example did not mention, whether the accumulation is not enough. After that, can you record good examples?

I’m shane. Today is July 30th, 2019. Day 6 of the 100-day writing project, 6/100.