This is one of the few entrepreneurial stories of Ergou.

At that time, Erdogzi was still a high school student, and the school was under closed management. Because two dogs can not help but eat snacks in class, he will carry a sack of snacks to school every Monday.

This class snack behavior, unconsciously temptation to the surrounding students. We have to buy snacks to two dogs. Two dog son come to block the temptation of money, two again greedy did not eat, the heart of a plan: that I open a supermarket.

Two dogs at that time young, especially capable, in the middle of the night over the wall slipped out of school, ran several miles to talk to the supermarket boss under the cooperation, although because of the wall when a little problem, resulting in the second day was the school to a notice of criticism, but as long as the cooperation plan is successful.

Fortune depends on each other, butt disaster to two dogs for a lot of school fame, also brought a lot of business. It only took a week or two for the dog to recoup his medical expenses, but the problems kept piling up.

Why don’t you sell popsicles here?

This problem makes two dogs more helpless, the dormitory can not put the refrigerator, Popsicle and real-time requirements are particularly high, the change is not delicious.

I’ve been craving potato chips all week. Do you have a week’s supply?

This problem is easier to solve than the last one. As long as the students say a reasonable date, two dogs will not be stingy to retain the corresponding amount of snacks.

The owner of the shop is my father’s good friend. If I buy it, he will give me special latiao. Can you help me buy it?

Two dog son patted chest to say: “no problem, as long as you sign a own name to me, I replenish stock of time will take your signature past of, the boss trust me.”

Where is the address of the store where you purchase? I also want to talk about cooperation with the boss. No, buy things.

Two dogs can not want to cut off the money, want to think of their own injury special parts, not mention the location of the supermarket.

In this way, two dogs harvest the first bucket of gold in life, and happy to share the experience to take cloud and internal fun conference. After hearing this story, everyone laughed and said: “It seems that this is fate.” This makes two dogs very confused, what fate, where the fate, and who fate?

We look back at the next two dog business on the road encountered a few problems.

**- Popsicles in Question 1 can be compared to dynamic resources. Dynamic resources have high requirements on effectiveness and will not stay for long at edge nodes. However, erguzi can sell popsicles if he wants. In CDN, the acceleration effect of dynamic resources passing through edge nodes is not as obvious as that of static resources returning directly from edge nodes.

**- Problem 2 can also be explained by the function of CDN. CDN allows customers to customize the expiration time of resources. ** Customers can set the corresponding resource cache time to a week, just like the student told Erdogzi to eat potato chips for a week. Students can also tell Erdogzi in advance that they want to eat original potato chips next week. After writing down erdogzi, they will purchase original potato chips from the supermarket and put them into their snack bags, just like the resource preheating function of Youpatyun CDN.

**- Problem 3 and problem 4 can be understood together: ** Two dogs is equivalent to a capable CDN node in the CDN line, which solves the problem that students in school have a long way to buy snacks. Two dogs hide the location of the supermarket, ** is equivalent to the choice of access to CDN, the source address to achieve the effect of being hidden. ** Although the address of the source station is hidden, the IP of the client is still normally transmitted to the source station after accessing the CDN. As in question 3, Erdogzi told the supermarket owner which student asked for the snack.

Two dogs heard this, found that the original CDN and their early fate, back to the original full of money, still can realize full full and happy, in addition to a once injured part and faint pain.

#### Recommended reading

Talk about common HTTP requests

Server standard SSH protocol, how much do you know?