Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the hottest technologies in the world this year. In addition, with the maturity of technology and the development of supporting systems, the marketization heat of ARTIFICIAL intelligence continues to grow, and it will undoubtedly usher in a vigorous development in 2017.
Artificial intelligence (AI) heat is coming, major enterprises have begun to recognize and layout artificial intelligence, all kinds of capital are competing to join, standing on the hot air of ARTIFICIAL intelligence, it can be said that all industries will take a new round of AI development train.

But for all enterprises, it is clear that AI is a broad and diverse field. In what ways will it rise? Here are five trends and applications of AI.
1. Information robots
It is already agreed that robots will be the next big thing, and information robots are one of the most popular applications. Robots can in the light of the instruction of the user information, intelligent answer the user a variety of related information, and can be used according to the user’s personalized features and keep learning, keep track of interest to the user content, once get information from the Internet, the first time to remind users, its core technology is based on natural semantic analysis on big data intelligent Internet information aggregation, and tracking. Giiso, which has gained wide attention in the field of capital market and information distribution, is an information APP with the core technology of “information robot” applied in practice. The product uses the “infobot” engine as its heart, learning from more than 10 billion pieces of information content and more than 1 million user behaviors to provide more accurate personalized aggregation, tracking and recommendation services.

2. Medical health research
One of the hottest areas for AI is the health care industry. The combination of ARTIFICIAL intelligence and health care could make patient visits easier, allow doctors to schedule surgeries, and even help them make decisions when they see a doctor. With the development of artificial intelligence, medical and health applications are becoming more and more extensive, which makes us believe that in the future, with the development of artificial intelligence, its application scope in the medical field will be more and more extensive.

3. Smart hardware
While software gets a lot of attention in the AI industry, hardware is also a very important part of the equation. With the rise of ARTIFICIAL intelligence technology, global semiconductor manufacturers have also set off a boom in the development of AI-specific chips. Intel recently confirmed that it is working with Facebook to develop a chip dedicated to artificial intelligence.

4. Replace people
The popularity of ARTIFICIAL intelligence has brought a problem, that is, the fear of artificial intelligence. So, how big is the direct impact of artificial intelligence on people’s work and life? It has part of the ability of human beings, and even better than human beings, will the future and human “rice bowl”, or even a threat to us?
In a June 2016 report, Forrester predicted that cognitive technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and automation will replace 7% of US jobs by 2025. It is estimated that 16% of American workers will be replaced by AI systems, and that AI could create new jobs equivalent to 9% of the workforce. Ai is also a double-edged sword.

5. Smart objects
“Intelligentthings” ranked third on Gartner’s list of top 10 strategic technology trends for 2017, “existing iot devices will enable the capabilities of intelligent iot ai everywhere, including homes, offices, factory floors, and medical facilities.” For example, the next generation of fitness trackers will not only monitor your health information, but may also have machine learning and analytics capabilities that will allow them to make recommendations for improving your health based on your personal health history and past tracker data.
From international to domestic, from Internet giants to industry upstarts, ARTIFICIAL intelligence has become the most eye-catching emerging industry, standing on the “wind” of the new era, various industries are in the layout and embedding artificial intelligence field. With the continuous refresh of technology, the application of artificial intelligence is changing people’s way of life and production from all aspects, and should also carry the reform of the world economy.

Giiso information robot, make information more intelligent!

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