

DrawWeb (Canvas C) in RadarChartRenderer

    protected Path mDrawWebBg = new Path();
    protected void drawWeb(Canvas c) {
        Path surface = mDrawWebBg;
        boolean hasMovedToPoint = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < maxEntryCount; i += xIncrements) {
            if (mChart.isWebBackgroundEnable()) {
                // Draw the path of the background
                if(! hasMovedToPoint) { surface.moveTo(p.x, p.y); hasMovedToPoint =true;
                } else{ surface.lineTo(p.x, p.y); }}}if (mChart.isWebBackgroundEnable()) {
            // Fill the background
            drawFilledPath(c, surface, mChart.getWebBackgroundColor(), mChart.getWebBackgroundFillAlpha());
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2. Call the waiter in RadarChart:

    /** * Spider background color is off by default */
    private boolean mWebBackgroundEnable = false;
    /** * web background color, default */
    private int mWebBackgroundColor = -1;
    /** * Opacity (0-255) */
    private int mWebBackgroundFillAlpha = 180;
    /** * Set web background color and transparency **@param color
     * @param fillAlpha* /
    public void setWebBackgroundColor(boolean isOpen, int color, int fillAlpha) {
        this.mWebBackgroundEnable = isOpen;
        this.mWebBackgroundColor = color;
        this.mWebBackgroundFillAlpha = fillAlpha;

    public int getWebBackgroundColor() {
        return mWebBackgroundColor;

    public int getWebBackgroundFillAlpha() {
        return mWebBackgroundFillAlpha;

    public boolean isWebBackgroundEnable() {
        return mWebBackgroundEnable;
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3. It’s your turn to call the waiter:

        chart.setWebBackgroundColor(true, Color.rgb(255.189.0), 180);
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