Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay contest


If this is a summary of 2021, it is more a summary of the past three years, with occasional glimpses in the endless dark days…


I majored in information Management and Information System. After I learned C language in my freshman year, I decided to pursue a career as a programmer. However, because our major was arranged in the School of Public administration, there were few practical opportunities at the school level. In the spring of 2019, junior year next semester, I started looking for Java intern, online posts said at the time, for double non-university, push “practice” should be the most easily into the big chance, so I again your resume to the company all shots, but strength is poor, telephone interview ali was also up to the three sides, and then no news. Finally, I went to a small company, I want to learn more practice, autumn recruitment and then impact a big factory. But that was the beginning of a two-year nightmare…

The beginning of a nightmare

Actually in my for the internship period began to cough, but I did not care at first, because it is good to cough is a period of time before his, and when the spring cold, let me just caught a cold, cough for about a month, one day found nose with bloodshot, I thought that blow your nose too much, nasal capillary is broken, and then went to the hospital wing, After listening to my description, the doctor suggested that I take an X-ray directly, saying that there is no cold not good for a month, suspected bronchitis, tuberculosis…… At that time I listened to the heart still blame the doctor will be scary, although I am thinner, but all the time the body is quite good, often play basketball, also do not go to the Internet bar, do not smoke, most of the time have a meal in the school dining room, infection tuberculosis of what is unlikely. Good unfortunately opportunely, pat X-ray doctors on business that day, let me again and again to next week, on Monday, the super big rain, I get to school hospital shoes wet, again good coincidence unfortunately, campus card degaussing suddenly, and don’t have cash on me, take the cash to run to the school on the other side is an ATM, but I’m going to practice, in the afternoon so I finally decided to wait until after the company, Go to a nearby hospital. After two weeks of practice, I went to the hospital for examination on a weekend. At that time, I thought it was a cold that developed into bronchitis, because the medicine had no effect. After taking the X-ray, the report showed that there was a cavity in the left lung, so the doctor asked me to take another CT, but the CT result could not be obtained until the next day. The next day I went to the hospital early in the morning, under the super big rain, the doctor said that the probability is tuberculosis, and may be more serious, said that the need to do a sputum diagnosis. Then I left the hospital wearing a mask and went back to school. But I didn’t tell my family immediately, because they didn’t have a diagnosis yet, so they couldn’t worry for nothing. To school, I arrived at the school on the city’s public health medical center, in hospital for four days, check the result is positive tuberculosis, need to take at least a year, then I started to surf the Internet search how to treat tuberculosis, how long can cure, need how many treatment, finally respectively called mom and dad, first a few commonplaces as usual, Then he told them his diagnosis in a lighter tone, telling them not to worry too much, that it was not a serious disease, that they could take medicine, and that it did not cost much. Then I went directly from school to the best tuberculosis hospital in southwest China. The doctor told me to go home and take medicine directly. The medicine may have some side effects.

The dark

Then I began to rest at home. During the period of taking medicine, there were many complications, such as itchy and lumpy skin, black face, easy tiredness when walking, high uric acid stones caused by the medicine, blocked nose, sputum in nasal cavity and throat… In the first six months after I took the medicine, my lungs showed no obvious signs of improvement, and the holes in my lungs began to shrink after six months. I gradually relaxed my mind and dreamed that I could go back to school for graduation for another six months, so I began to review at home and prepare for the spring recruitment in 2020. However, reality once again played with me, just after the Spring Festival, one night I sat at the head of the bed, chest itching, back to the top of the bed for a moment, the feeling of the whole person can not breathe, at that time almost hit 120, chest pain is not good, can only small mouth breathing, squatting on the ground for a long time to recover. In the second week, I went to the county hospital for a reexamination (it was not convenient to go to the TUBERCULOSIS hospital because of the epidemic situation). After the X-ray, the doctor immediately stopped me and asked me to sit on the stool beside me and not to walk around. He wrote the examination report for me now and asked me to contact my family and I needed to be hospitalized for surgery immediately. The report showed that my left lung had been compressed by 90% of the air (pneumothorax), threatening my life at any time, so an hour later I was lying in bed for the operation. The doctor injected an anesthetic into my chest and started talking to me while the operation was going on, telling me not to fall asleep. That was probably the most I’ve ever seen myself talking. I can’t remember what I said, except that a thick plastic tube was inserted into my lung from my left chest, followed by a bottle of water. I was in the hospital for a month. I couldn’t move for nearly half a month. I did everything in bed and called my mother. Finally, my brother accompanied me to take the high-speed train and went to the TUBERCULOSIS hospital. Of course, the drainage bottle was not pulled out. Then he was hospitalized for observation for a month, and the thoracic surgeon suggested lung resection, saying that the lung cavity could not be recovered at the present stage, and it was difficult to cure with medicine. After hearing the doctor’s words, I decided to have an operation at that time. My body and mind had been tortured, and I just wanted to put an end to tuberculosis. In the end, half of my left lung was removed. I just remember the anesthetic was working so well that I fell asleep on the operating table within two minutes. My brother recalled that during the nine-hour operation, the nurse came out of the operating room with a China bowl of hard black blob in it and asked if my brother wanted to take a picture for his specimen. Finally, my brother still didn’t shoot, said he didn’t want to shoot. Just after the surgery that week, every day was very painful, to the back of my attitude directly become, pain, I do not believe that I will die of pain, so, in the hospital toss for a month, finally can be discharged. It’s May 21, 2020, and I was diagnosed on May 20, 2019, exactly one year after that. One year after RETURNING home, I actively recovered according to the doctor’s advice, continued to take medicine, and often played basketball with children. Although I could not run like the wind on the court as before, my love for playing basketball helped me a lot in my recovery. After the Spring Festival of 2021, just when I thought my recovery was going well, I suddenly began to cough again, even bleeding when I blew my nose. After taking cold medicine for a week, there was no effect. Because as doctors have said before, a relapse means existing TB drugs are no longer working, meaning there is a high chance of developing drug-resistant TB, and then drug-resistant TB has a very low cure rate. So I immediately went to the hospital to do a check, from the hospital on the way home, inexplicable in the bus hold a sound, cried, the sun outside the glass window are blurred. When I got home, I started crying when I saw my mom, which was the first time I ever cried in front of my mom. After two weeks, the test results showed normal, and then I knew that it was god playing a joke with me. Finally, I found out the cause of the disease, because there have always been complications, chronic rhinitis developed into acute rhinitis. After that, I began to prepare for the spring enrollment in 2021. Since I had just recovered, I chose an offer that was easier to work near my home. In June, I went back to school to make up for the exams I had missed before, and began to work in July when I got my graduation certificate. Hope this is me and phthisical permanent farewell, never goodbye! As luck would have it, the first time I played ball with a coworker at the end of July, I landed a shot and stepped on someone’s instep. There was a bang. I tore my ankle ligaments and was on crutches for nearly three months. It has been 5 months since MY ligament injury. Although my ankle still has some problems, I can walk normally. The goal is to be able to walk normally before the Spring Festival.

A few things

Remember my first night in county hospital, diagonally across the street from my sickbed mean grandpa always, always put the oxygen saturation of the finger clip to take off, next to the grandmother had called him, was I also didn’t sleep that night, the second day early in the morning only heard grandma to give children a call while crying, my grandfather lying on the bed without movement, In the morning, a group of family members surrounded grandpa’s hospital bed. The doctor told the family members that he was too old and the operation was very risky. He asked them to consider it carefully. I in tuberculosis hospital 2 months, our room a total of two beds, I knew the man come and go but there are 6, on the first day I live in tuberculosis hospital, next to my bed’s brother, pyothorax right lung surgery in the first day his mother said he didn’t finish his left lung pyothorax operations last year and saw I at a glance into the family is full of red chest closed drainage bottle, I didn’t even dare to look twice. I didn’t know it was me a month later. My mother and brother stayed with me in the hospital for 3 months, and it was really annoying to wait on people for a long time. I had to go to the toilet for a while and drink water and massage me for exercise. In the middle of the night, I would call them up and turn over my ass. Of course, I would always be mad at myself for lying here, and my mom and my brother would be my targets. In the hospital, I often met an old man, who always carried the drainage bottle alone and did everything alone, without seeing his family members. During the period of recovering in the hospital after the operation, I also met several people of my age, including those who are in high school, those who have just entered university, and those who have worked for several years. The high school student could walk on the ground the next day after the operation, and played basketball with others on the hospital basketball court a week later. Peer communication can sometimes be really healing. We talk about our illnesses, play video games together, talk about our relationship history, walk down a short hallway every day, jog back and forth, and greet each other. The most impressive cold noodles are sold in the inpatient department every afternoon. It is really the most delicious cold noodles I have ever eaten. My appetite is not good after the operation, but I can eat a whole bowl of cold noodles.

A light that illuminates darkness

Finally, the most important and most grateful thing is the support and encouragement from my family and friends all the time. Every time I was hit hard by reality, I gradually became cheerful under their encouragement. Every phone call, every greeting, every long paragraph of text, every visit and every company let me know that there are so many people who really care about me. Of course, I have never given up on myself. Every time I think about how many people have a worse life than me, I have no reason not to live a positive life. During the two years of illness, I also did a lot of things, including leading the team to complete the graduation project, providing system debugging services online, teaching basic Java courses to others online, writing RPC framework, taking the advanced test, keeping exercising, receiving 8 offers in spring recruitment interview within two weeks, and traveling alone for graduation… I used to wonder when I could get my life back on track. If I had not delayed seeing a doctor, would I have been cured long ago? When would I be able to run and breathe like before? But now I often think that living on the current basis is also a kind of attitude towards life. I can laugh, wear nice clothes, make interesting friends and earn money with my own hands. I still have a lot of rituals in my life and a lot of unfulfilled wishes, which makes me look forward to it and want to live it more.

2022 Flag

  • Complete 220 hours of Java Architect video lessons
  • Get up at 7:30 every day

Moving on is what life is all about.