At the end of April, wuliangye’s digital transformation project was launched. Wuliangye and IBM will jointly conduct in-depth cooperation in blockchain, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other leading technologies. This is another high-end liquor after Moutai and Yanghe to upgrade the industry with the help of blockchain.

In terms of blockchain to solve product supply chain traceability, many enterprises have begun to try. Tencent, JINGdong, Huawei, IBM and other enterprises have launched corresponding solutions. It can be said that China’s blockchain supply traceability has entered a period of rapid development.


Many well-known enterprises have entered the chain tracing

The collaboration between Wuliangye and IBM began last year. On December 27 last year, Wuliangye and IBM signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Chengdu. The cooperation further, wuliangye will implement digital transformation with the help of IBM’s rich industry experience and technology, in accordance with the “young” “low” “digital” and “international” innovative thinking, drive the industry and even the and “big machinery, large logistics, packaging, big financial and health” fast and orderly development of five plates, help wuliangye build “wisdom” business model, To achieve high-quality development.

Compared with Moutai, Wuliangye’s blockchain process is slightly slower. Moutai was endorsed by The Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and Tencent CEO Ma Huateng at the Guiyang Data Expo on May 28 last year. Ma Huateng, CEO of Tencent, said the future cloud-based, internet-connected anti-counterfeiting approach, which incorporates blockchain technology, will be far more effective than the traditional anti-counterfeiting approach, which relies on anti-counterfeiting trademarks. Blockchain technology is a neutral existence. It’s like a ledger that records all the transaction data and can be used to verify the authenticity of the information.

At the 2018 Global Blockchain Hangzhou Summit on March 26, Zhang Hui, head of Ant Financial’s blockchain technology, revealed that ant Financial officially cooperated with National liquor Moutai at the end of last year to provide anti-counterfeit services. Ant Financial provides a blockchain-based service system for anti-counterfeiting and traceability of moutai, a National liquor. At present, the system is in public testing, is expected to be online this year. Ant Financial is developing a blockchain Moutai anti-counterfeiting system to be launched within this year.

Zhang said the project is a combination of an online blockchain distributed accounting technology and Moutai’s own anti-counterfeiting technology for offline physical goods. Based on the anti-counterfeiting of MOUtai liquor’s RFD inside the bottle cap, including the design of newly designed QR code, plain code and secret code, traceability source code and paper, the binding technology and block chain technology are realized, so as to improve the reliable traceability service of block chain physical goods.

Yanghe is also an early entry in blockchain anti-counterfeiting traceability. In June 2017, Yanghe signed a strategic cooperation agreement with JD, and the two sides have carried out in-depth cooperation in various aspects, among which the technical cooperation of genuine product traceability is one of the important contents. With the help of JINGdong’s genuine product traceability technology, consumers can track the circulation process of Mengzhilan handmade class products throughout the whole process. Consumers through the use of the upgraded version of the android jingdong APP scans RFID anti-counterfeit labels or in the client jingdong order details page to check the quality traceability information, you can see from this bottle of wine brewing, the whole process of production, circulation information, including but not limited to trace code, block chain code, query number, country of origin, date of production, the warehouse time, delivery receipt, etc.

In fact, not only these high-end liquor enterprises, but also many enterprises in the field of blockchain supply chain traceability have begun to try. On December 14 last year, wal-mart, jingdong, IBM, national engineering laboratory of e-commerce transactions technology, tsinghua university jointly announced the formation of China’s first safe food chain blocks back alliance, aims to block chain technology tracking, traceability, and to further strengthen food safety cooperation, enhance the transparency of China’s food supply chain, This is a solid step forward for ensuring consumer food safety.

The establishment of safe Food Blockchain Traceability Alliance aims to ensure the data privacy of brand enterprises while helping them integrate online and offline food safety traceability and quality management channels. Companies that join the consortium will be able to share information using blockchain, and plans include the ability to choose the best standards-based traceability based on their needs and existing systems. This will greatly improve supply chain transparency and introduce new technologies to the retail industry, creating a safer food environment and improving the consumer experience.

“Blockchain is a promising technology that can provide the necessary transparency to improve the safety of the entire food supply chain,” said Dr. Jin Dong, vice president of IBM’s China Research Institute and global head of RESEARCH for IBM’s Green Horizon Initiative. That’s the fundamental reason IBM believes in this technology.”


Blockchain pseudo-traceability is promising

Blockchain technology is still in the early stage of immature development, and there is still a long way to go before it is fully applied. The liquor industry can be said to take the first bus of blockchain landing application. The application of commodity anti-counterfeiting traceability is one of the few landing scenarios of blockchain.

Wang Pengfei, vice president of China Anti-Infringement and Counterfeiting Innovation Strategic Alliance and founder of Traceability Chain, said that through in-depth research on blockchain technology, the decentralized and tamper free blockchain technology and traceability will be combined. On the basis of consensus reached by third-party institutions, governments, consumers and technology, the application of blockchain technology products in the field of anti-counterfeiting and traceability can be realized in a four-in-one manner.

In Wang Pengfei’s opinion, although blockchain technology is not very mature, but in anti-counterfeiting traceability will be promising. He said: “In addition to food safety, anti-counterfeiting traceability system mainly has the following functions: storage information processing: raw materials, additives, food, medicinal materials processing record inbound and outbound information, inbound and outbound quantity, batch processing is not the same type of materials, batch information and statements about supplier information for upward traceability supply basis. In addition to the most direct market demand for traceability technology, high unit price and small quantity of goods, such as luxury goods, collections, can benefit from blockchain traceability technology, to ensure authenticity and improve the trust of both parties, minimize unnecessary transaction costs.” The traceability chain is based on this idea and will serve more enterprises in the future.

The value of blockchain technology has been more and more widely recognized, domestic Internet technology giants such as Tencent,, Huawei, Alibaba and so on have already established a layout in this field, and have launched a set of mature solutions.

In Tencent’s solution, it says that “blockchain technology helps improve the efficiency of supply chain management. As data is open and transparent among all parties, a complete and smooth information flow can be formed in the whole supply chain, which can ensure that all parties can find problems in the operation of the supply chain system in time, and find targeted solutions, thus improving the overall efficiency of supply chain management. Blockchain technology can avoid supply chain disputes. The characteristics of data tampering and existence proof of time stamp can be well applied to solve the disputes among the participants in the supply chain system, and realize easy proof and accountability. Blockchain technology can be used to protect products against counterfeiting. “The combination of immutable data and traceable transactions can eliminate counterfeit and shoddy products in the supply chain.”

Jd’s solutions mainly focus on anti-counterfeiting traceability and trade financing. “The supply chain is composed of many participants and there is a lot of interaction and collaboration. Information is stored discreetly in their respective links and systems, lacking transparency. The lack of smooth information makes it difficult for each participant to accurately understand the real-time status and existing problems of relevant matters, which affects the synergy efficiency of supply chain. When there is a dispute between various subjects, it takes time and effort to provide evidence and pursue responsibility. In the future, the market scope of enterprises is becoming larger and larger. Logistics links are characterized by multiple regions and long time span, which requires intelligent and efficient anti-counterfeiting traceability ability. “Blockchain technology is a natural fit for supply chain management by providing a complete and fluid flow of information, an immutable signature authentication mechanism that enables precise traceability and full trust in a decentralized or multi-centralized manner.”

In terms of supply chain traceability, Huawei aims to build credibility and build real transactions. Based on its data imtambility, transaction traceability and time-stamp existence proof mechanism, block chain technology can well solve the disputes caused by data tampering among the participants in the supply chain system, and achieve effective accountability and product anti-counterfeiting. Supply chain traceability is divided into three categories: the first category is edible products (meat, vegetables, aquatic products, infant milk powder, Chinese herbal medicine, etc.); The second category is high-end consumer goods (expensive wine) and high-end art areas (cultural relics, jewelry, etc.); The third category is document and certificate products (real estate ownership certificate, educational certificate, etc.), so that all upstream and downstream enterprises in the supply chain can be included in the traceability system, and the whole chain traceability system with traceable source, traceable destination and traceable responsibility can be established.

Alibaba seems to be going further and faster in its supply chain. As early as March 2017, Alibaba partnered with pricewaterhousecoopers to build a traceable cross-border food supply chain, which is used to track the entire process of products from producer to consumer. Subsequently, in November 2017, Alibaba’s Tmall International announced to upgrade the global origin tracing plan, which will cover 63 countries and regions, 3,700 categories and 14,500 overseas brands in the future. It will also be open to the whole industry and empower the whole industry. Recently, Alibaba Australia announced that it is preparing to launch a new initiative called the Food Trust Framework, which uses blockchain technology to improve supply chain traceability.

Although the blockchain supply traceability system still has some problems and difficulties to be solved, its value is worthy of affirmation and attention. As major companies have entered the chain, the development of China’s blockchain supply traceability has entered a period of rapid development.

Source: internal reference

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