Welcome to recommend the awesome Micro-frontends resource
Microfront-end is a kind of architecture similar to microservices. It applies the concept of microservices to the browser side, that is, the Web application is transformed from a single single application to a number of small front-end applications aggregated into one application. Each front-end application can also run, develop, and deploy independently.
The framework
- Mooa
- Single-Spa
- Qiankun
- Icestark
- Ara Framework
- OpenComponents
- PuzzleJs
Chinese resources
- Huang Fengda – Why micro front ends are starting to catch on: back end decoupling, front end polymerization
- Huang Fengda – Those things in the micro front
- Li Yi – Micro front end manual
- Belllee – Micro front end introduction
- Fang Yinghang – Micro front end introduction
- Vincent.W – Understand what a micro front end is
- Wang Xia invited the Moon bear – the design concept and practice of micro front end
- Yunfeng YF – I don’t understand the micro front end (front-end micro service)
- Yunfeng YF – adopts a micro front-end architecture
- Huang Fengda – How does the micro front end land?
- Huang Fengda – Six or seven ways to implement front-end microservitization
- Fundebug – How to implement front-end microservitization
- Supernavy – A push for front-end micro-service: Breaking through the traditional SPA bottleneck
- Trotyl Yu – A journey through refined micro front end development
- Daily superior fresh big front end team – daily superior fresh supply chain front end team micro front end transformation
- Meituan technical team – build single-page application with micro front end
- Top of the front end – Netease Yanxuan enterprise micro front end solution and practice
- Kuitos – Probably the most complete micro front end solution you’ve ever seen
- Haifeng Xu – ToB enterprise applications using Angular to create a micro front-end architecture
- Yatao Zhang – takes you to write micro-front frame
- Zhang Yatao – Application of microkernel architecture in large front-end Systems
- Kiliwalk – Micro front end practice
- Alili. Tech – Front-end microservization solutions 1 – Thinking
- Alili. Tech – Front-end micro service solutions 2 – Single-SPA
- Alili. Tech – Front-end micro service solution 3 – Module loader
- Alili. Tech – Front-end microservitization solution 4 – Message bus
- Alili. Tech – Front-end microservice solutions 5 – Route distribution
- Alili. Tech – Front-end microservice solutions 6 – Build and deploy
- Alili. Tech – Front-end microservice solutions 7 – Static data sharing
- Alili. Tech – Front-end microservitization solutions 8 – Secondary build
The 14th D2 Micro front end special
- A new species in cloud ecology — a micro front-end architecture system
- Finch – Standard micro front-end architecture in ant landing practice
- Sparrow – Micro front sandbox system
- AngularInDepth – Builds micro front-end Angular Elements
- Ve – Micro front end (singleSpa + React) demo
- Invite Moon Bear – Micro front-end application template based on React & TypeScript & Webpack
- Wang Shengsong – Single-Spa + Vue Cli micro front-end landing guide
The sample
- Joeldenning – Vue Microfrontends
- CanopyTax – single-spa-examples
- Feng Da Huang – Front-end Architecture: From entry to micro front-end
- Michael Geers – Micro Frontends in Action
English resources
The English language sources listed here are primarily from the Rajasegar-awesome micro-frontends project, thanks to Rajasegar Chandran for sharing.
- micro-frontends.org
- Micro frontends — a microservice approach to front-end web development
- Building Micro Frontends with React, Vue, and Single-spa
- 6 Patterns for Microfrontends
- Micro Frontends by Cam Jackson
- Micro frontends – a microservice approach to front-end web development
- Microservices to Micro-Frontends
- Cookie Cutter Scaling
- Microservice Websites
- What is a micro frontend
- ThoughtWorks Technology Radar
- Dynamic vs. static ui composition
- Micro-libraries: The Future of front-end development
- The monolithic frontend in the microservices architecture
- A Software Architect’s Approach towards MicroFrontends
- An approach to building Scalable Web Apps
- A Take on Micro-Frontends
- Building Microfrontends – Series
- Including Front-End Web Components Into Microservices
- Microservice Grid and Micro Frontends
- Microservice Websites
- Microservices to Micro-Frontends by Sandeep Jain
- Front-end microservices with Web Components
- Supporting Micro-frontends with ASP.NET Core MVC
- Building Micro frontends — Angular elements
- Micro Front-Ends: Webpack Manifest
- My experience using micro frontends by David Den Toom
- Page Building using Micro-Frontends and Server-Side Include
- Strangling a Monolith to Micro-frontends with Laravel, Vue.js, and Hypernova
- Serverless Micro-frontends using Vue.js, AWS Lambda, and Hypernova
- Using Micro-Frontends in WordPress with Gutenberg Blocks
- Taming the Frontend Monolith
- Micro-frontend Architecture: Replacing a Monolith from the Inside Out
- Breaking down the last Monolith – Micro Frontends
- Micro Frontend – Web Rebels, Oslo 2018
- Break Up With Your Frontend Monolith – JS Kongress 2017
- Youtube Playlist – Micro Frontend Talks
- Microservice Websites by Gustaf Nilsson Kotte
- Breaking The Monolith
- Microservice UI Composition
- Introduction to Piral
- Micro Frontends – JSUnconf.eu 2017
- Micro Frontend – Web Rebels, Oslo 2018
- Migrating from Monolith to Microfrontends
- Microservice Websites (microXchg 2017)
- Microservice Websites Presentation
- Avoid the Monolith by Michael Geers
- Micro Frontends by Michael Geers
- Micro Frontends – The Nitty Gritty Details or Frontend, Backend, 🌈 Happyend
- Micro Frontends by Assaf Gannon
- Micro Frontends by Srikanth Jallapuram
- Micro Frontends: Building a modern webapp with multiple teams by Michael Geers
- Introduction to micro frontends by Kuba Holak
- Microfrontends architecture by Lucca Mezzalira
- Lets talk about Micro Frontends
- Micro Frontends – a strive for fully verticalized systems
- Building micro-frontends by Luca Mezzalira
Experience Reports
- Upwork: Modernizing Upwork with Micro Frontends
- allegro: Managing Frontend in the Microservices Architecture
- Hello Fresh: Front-end Microservices
- OpenTable: Microservices in the Frontend World
- OpenTable: Dismantling the monolith
- 5 years of OpenComponents
- AutoScout24: UI Composition
- Klarna Checkout
- Spotify: Technology Stack
- Let’s build a Webshop out of Micro Frontends
- Using Micro-Frontends to Permanently Solve the Legacy JavaScript Problem
- Micro Frontends with Gustaf Nilsson Kotte
- Experiences Using Micro Frontends at IKEA
- Microservice Websites: Building consumer-facing websites with multiple teams
- Angular_MicroApps_Different_Technologies
- A tiny, fast, zero-dependency event emitter
- Exercises for course “Integrating microservices on the frontend”
- Extending the microservice paradigms to web development
- Micromono
- Microservices in the frontend with BFFs providing their own bundles and API.
- Proxy middleware for express that enables composition of microservices.
- Service Oriented Front-end
- Simulate a micro frontend project using NodeJS, React and NGinx Reverse Proxy in Alpine Docker images
- Mashroom Server
- Piral
Awesome Micro Frontends
- Rajasegar – awesome-micro-frontends
- ChristianUlbrich – awesome-microfrontends