
In an interview, interviewers like to ask you to talk about your strengths and weaknesses, right?

The advantages are easy to say, but when it comes to the disadvantages, I feel like I will “fall into a trap”. Speaking lightly will make people think you are not sincere enough, speaking seriously and let their image discount.

I was nervous during the interview, but it took a lot of effort for me to make a negative comment. If you are not prepared, you will get stuck every minute. All the previous questions are well answered, but this one “boring” question can get you blanked…

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Why on earth does the interviewer ask about your weaknesses?

1. Your three views and personality

In fact, the interviewer asked your weakness, is not a “boring” question, let alone it is not a “trap”, this is just a normal question, but also a normal question is not simple.

This is a normal question because the interviewer already knows your strong points and wants to know about your weak points in order to get a full picture of a person. Not to mention, dad often asks this question when interviewing candidates, many of whom are honest enough to reveal all their weaknesses.

This is not an easy question. The interviewer is asking about more than just your weaknesses. There are a lot of other things that are missing from your resume as well:

Shortcomings also have levels, three views, character defects, naturally can not be reflected in the resume, but sometimes ask may be exposed. As has been said before, a man’s character can be seen by telling his faults without reserve, while others may be vague and even embellish them into virtues.

2. Your ability to work under strain and pressure

When asked this question, many students are likely to panic and lose their footing, which has become a disadvantage. But if you take your time and respond in a fluent way, sometimes the weakness itself doesn’t matter. Your resilience has already won the interviewer’s approval.

Second, how to answer? What answers to avoid?

Answer, and only one weakness

1) If you say “I’ve never thought of my weaknesses” and then smile awkwardly, the interviewer will probably smile back but have already made a mental assessment that this person doesn’t like to think.

2) It’s even worse if you say, “I have no flaws.” Such a candidate will come across as either simple-minded or blindly confident.

3) If you rattle off a list of your weaknesses, it shows that you are an honest kid, but you have so many weaknesses that you can easily pick up on the ones that the interviewer won’t tolerate.

The right posture: Prepare what you’re going to say before the interview. Make a draft on paper in advance, write down one or two weaknesses, memorize them, and when asked, name one of them. How to write shortcomings, then continue to see below.

2. Avoid presenting strengths as weaknesses

I interviewed a young man last year. He was quite lively. When asked what his weakness is, he replied, “MY weakness is that I love work too much. I like working overtime and I am willing to work overtime.” When I and another interviewer present all smiled to smile, but I am not satisfied with such a reply, if is the answer, I agree with this answer, but this is ask shortcomings, I don’t feel very creative and humorous, I see more such answer, but did not hear what I want information about faults.

It’s not tact to present a weakness as a strength. The interviewer has a lot of experience with this, and it comes across as clever, and even disingenuous, and untruthful.

3. Avoid talking about weaknesses you can’t change

Interview is sometimes like love (blind date), the other party wants to know your shortcomings, can also accept some shortcomings to a certain extent, but some shortcomings, is not acceptable, or is not the patience to work.

Three views, character shortcomings, the interviewer is difficult to accept.

If you answered, “I’m impatient, sometimes can’t control his emotions”, “I don’t like to cater to others, I sometimes alone”, “I have social phobia, like to be alone”, such is not impress the interviewer, and even may let the interviewer give you “label”, because of these shortcomings you is difficult to change.

By extension, avoid talking about the defects of the family of origin, because this is something that has been built over 20 years and cannot be changed in a short time.

Good Posture: Talk about harmless weaknesses that are easy to fix. For example, some shortcomings in skills, knowledge or experience that change quickly and have a lot of room for improvement.

“I’m a bit of a procrastinator, but I’ve been learning to use ticking lists to manage my time.”

4. Avoid the pitfalls of the job

While it’s okay to talk about your weaknesses, it’s best not to directly address them because it sends a signal to the interviewer that you’re not a good fit.

Think about it, if you are to apply for foreign trade staff, and your weakness is that foreign language is not good, then there is no good to discuss…

If you’re applying for a job as a programmer and your weakness is poor logic, you can’t really blame the interviewer for being heartless.

Good Posture: Talk about weaknesses that are not directly related to the position, or that have no bearing on it.

Eg. If you are a programmer, you may say that your weakness is poor expression ability, but in fact, it doesn’t matter

It is best not to talk about the reasons for the formation of defects

Let’s talk about an example of an applicant I interviewed. It was a female who came to apply for finance and graduated this year. She and I still lacked professional knowledge.

We don’t want to get into the details of why you have it. It’s not what the interviewer cares about, but if it’s a complaint, it’s definitely off-putting.

Correct posture: Talk about ways to improve and show that you are committed to improving. Talk less about the causes of your shortcomings, and don’t blame others or circumstances for your shortcomings.

Eg. Applying for finance, my weakness is my lack of professional knowledge, but I am still studying and preparing for the higher level CPA certificate.

What would the interviewer think of your weaknesses

The interview can be an interactive process, but you can also ask the interviewer what he or she thinks of your weaknesses and ask for advice.

If you can do this, you have already surpassed many interviewees, which shows that you are a smart and proactive person, but also shows that you are an open-minded person. This is the correct way to turn a weakness into a strength.

After the language

In fact, the interview is like a game, “routine” is quite many, solution set on a principle, I quote a summary is in place: all false words do not say, the truth is not all say.

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