MoreEffectiveC++ Chinese version…Extraction code: QDD3

Scott Meyers launched this “sequel” to Effective C++ in 1996. There are fewer articles, but there are more pages, because the material selection is more advanced than in “The first episode,” especially chapter 5. Meyers calls this chapter Techniques and makes it clear that there are patterns like Virtual Constructors, Smart Pointers, Reference Counting, Proxy Classes, Double dispatching… Each clause in this chapter is 15 to 30 pages long, which makes people feel like there is no way out after heavy mountains and rivers.

Although published a little bit earlier, there was no second edition of this book because when it was published (1996), the C++ Standard was almost finalized. This book was based on a draft of the Standard that was almost identical to the current C++ Standard specification. Meyers also illustrates and hints at several possible flexibilities

Introduction 001 Basics 009 Clause 1: Distinguish between Pointers and references 009 carefully. 012 Prefer C++-style casts. Never treat arrays as a polymorphic object. Default constructor 019 Avoid gratuitous default constructors. Operators 024 Clause 5: Be wary of custom "type conversion functions." Clause 6: Distinguish between prefix and postfix forms of increment and the pre-prefix and postfix forms of increment/ Decrement operator Decrement operators. Clause 7: don't overload, &&, | |, and operator 035 Never overload, &&, | |, or,. Understand the different meanings of new and delete 038 Understand the different meanings of new and delete 045 Use destructors to prevent resource leaks. 050 Prevent resource leaks in constructors. 058 Prevent exceptions from leaving destructors. Clause 12: Understand the difference between 'throwing an exception' and 'passing a parameter' or 'calling a virtual function Calling a virtual function. Catch exceptions by reference. 6. Use exception specifications judiciously. 078 Understand the costs of exception handling. 082 Remember the 80-20 rule. 085 Consider using lazy evaluation. 093 Amortize the cost of expected computations. 098 Understand the origin of temporary objects. Facilitate the return value optimization. 105 overload to avoid implicit type conversions. 107 Consider using the operator compound form (op=) instead of its single form (op=). 110 Consider alternative libraries. Clause 24: Understand the costs of virtual functions, multiple inheritance, Virtual base classes, and Runtime type identification Virtual Functions, Multiple Inheritance, Virtual Base Classes, and RTTI. Techniques, Idioms, Patterns 123 Virtualizing constructors and non-member Functions 123 Virtualizing constructors and non-member Functions. 130 Limit the number of objects you can build on a class. Requiring (or disallowing) objects to be generated in heap 145 Requiring or prohibiting heap-based objects. Reference Counting 183 Proxy classes 183 Proxy classes 228 Making functions virtual with respect to more than one object type Miscellaneous Article 32: Develop the Program under the future tense. 258 Make non-leaf classes abstract. 270 Understand how to combine C++ and C in the same program. 277 Familiarize yourself with the language standard. General Index (Index of Example Classes, Functions, and Templtes) 313Copy the code

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