“If you want to change careers in your 30s and learn programming from zero, is it too late? Can I get a good job?” This kind of question comes up again and again. Especially recently, I was inspired by “Self-study is a Craft”, and took the opportunity of participating in xue.cn to learn Python in a comprehensive and complete way. Some friends always ask me about this topic.

This article is my view on such issues. However, I’ve broken it down into three more detailed topics, so if you’re going to read it, be sure to finish it.

1, more than 30 years old, zero basic learning programming, can learn?

Of course you can. It’s not too late.

In fact, this life is about continuing to learn and grow. Many people, in their early thirties, have condemned themselves to death, believing they will never learn anything again. It is pathetic.

2. After learning programming, can I find a programming job?

There’s only one key to getting a good job in programming, and it depends on how competitive you are in the marketplace.

That self-taught programming, how to improve the competitiveness of the employment market?

On the one hand, basic skills should be solid.

  1. Learn the language as fully as possible. In addition to the tutorials or one or two books you have on hand, there should be official documentation, cookbooks, and even source code.

  2. The basic courses of computer major should also be made up by themselves, not just the content of a specific language.

Some enterprises or employing units do not like to recruit people out of training classes, in fact, is not like to only learn fur or learn too narrow people, this kind of people once the actual combat or can not work, or is walking bug manufacturing machine.

On the other hand to participate in projects, brush actual combat experience.

  1. To participate in open source projects and contribute,

2) You can also write small projects on your own or cooperate with others to do side projects.

Actual combat experience can be said to be very important, it is not easy to find a job at the beginning, we can only find such projects to brush actual combat experience.

3. Will the successful recruitment of programmers be better than their previous jobs?

Not necessarily.

Some programmers languish in their jobs for years without seeing significant growth in ability or salary. On the one hand, it depends on whether the enterprise or project is on the way up or not. It may even be just that the party has been unlucky for many times and has not met a good project or enterprise. On the other hand, we should see whether we have sustained growth, or even higher than the average level of growth.

But obviously, programmer is a very demanding job, and as long as you have a good learning ability and a solid track record in a language or direction, you can always find a new job.

After all, being a programmer is a job. On a track where you have zero accumulation and you are competing with others, you of course start out weak. But we all have different accelerations and speeds. If you don’t have a deep love for programming and a continuous learning ability, how can you compete with others?

Necessary complement

Some people look at the truth of the second and third points and think: if you learn programming, there is no guarantee that you will find a programming job, and even if you do, there is no guarantee that you will be better than your previous job, so you should not learn it at all.

Is this logic super familiar?

The logic is that you have a good job because you are competent and competitive in the marketplace.

The logic is that since no one promised me a good job, I simply stopped studying and improving my skills.

Do you think the logic of the individual is bigger, or the logic of the workplace?

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