Rapid experience


Open source address


Technology stack

PHP: >=5.5.9 laravel: * — develpr/phindle:dev-dev — eventviva/php-image-resize:~1.5


  1. Pomodoro technique + To-do list

– [support] Support to guide the use of the function – [support] support to customize the Pomodoro method clock, find their own most efficient time (minimum more than 10 minutes) – [support] after the completion of the Tomato clock, Double-click the to-do list to add the description of the tomato clock – [support] record meaningful things that have not been completed by the tomato clock – [support] Reminders support eye-catching reminders after the deadline – [support] To-do list supports four quadrants to manage, That is, unimportant but not urgent, Important but not Urgent, Urgent but not Important, and Not Urgent But not Important – [Support] To-do Items Manage tasks by target for subsequent summary and summary. – [Soon support] To-do items Hide long-term tasks temporarily

  1. reading

– [support] support RSS subscription – [support] support drag management subscription sort – [support] support later reading, star, favorites, etc. – [support] support to share to social networks – [support] support voice play an article – [soon support] add for Weibo, wechat public account subscription – [Soon to support] headline blog, personalized recommended blog – [soon to support] daily read subscription function

  1. Mind mapping

– Quick addition of maps Add description – Shortcut keys Insert new nodes, change nodes, etc. – Mind Maps, export as images – One-click generation of FAVORITE articles HTML articles – More efficient editing box add map description

  1. idea

– [supported] Supported label function Supported public or private publishing – [supported] Supported on chrome and other advanced browsers, Voice recording idea function — support sharing page to idea automatic reading page title — support sharing picture to idea — automatic guide writing daily mini goal daily summary

  1. Kindle Subscription Push

– Support for pushing subscriptions to your Kindle device – support for test push with image push – support for custom push specific RSS feed content

  1. statistical

– [support] Monthly pie and bar chart records for reading, tomatoes, ideas, etc. – [will support] more detailed pompomo method statistics, more complete reminder

How to use Montage GTD more efficiently

  • To quickly subscribe, install RSS Subscription Extension in Chrome and click Subscribe now
Entry: subscribe to Montage GTD input url: http://task.congcong.us/feeds? url=%sCopy the code
  • Quick sharing, right click search for Chrome installation
Right click "right click search logo" select options, of custom Settings: page menu: https://task.congcong.us/notes? Zoned add_content = % s word menu: https://task.congcong.us/notes? Add_content = % s image menu: https://task.congcong.us/notes? Type = image&add _content = % s link menu: https://task.congcong.us/notes? add_content=%sCopy the code

How can you quickly deploy or redevelop based on this

  • The fork the project at https://gitee.com/accacc/task
  • Obtain SQL from /database/db. SQL to create related tables
  • Install PHP environment in advance, install corresponding extensions, configure nginx or Apache virtual domain, etc., nginx configuration refer to
  • Execute Composer Install to successfully access

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