
I. Introduction to PMM

Prometheus+Grafana monitoring tool for Prometheus+Grafana monitoring tool for Prometheus+Grafana Monitoring tool for Prometheus+Grafana Monitoring tool for Prometheus+Grafana Monitoring tool for Prometheus+Grafana Monitoring tool for Prometheus+Grafana Monitoring tool

Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) is a free, open source platform for managing and Monitoring database performance that runs in a Docker environment. It proactively manages and monitors databases such as MySQL (AWS RDS MySQL, Aurora MySQL, and user-built MySQL instances), MariaDB, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL. It also monitors ProxySQL middleware, and provides various metrics and alarm methods.

Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) is an open source platform for managing and Monitoring the performance of MySQL and MongoDB. The database Monitoring data collected by the PMM client is graphed using third-party software Grafana.

PMM provides monitoring of MyISAM, InnoDB, TokuDB, and PXC/Glarera. It also provides Query Analytics to see which SQL instructions are being executed and optimizes poorly executed syntax. The MySQL replication topology structure is also supported in the new version. The Demo website: http://pmmdemo.percona.com

The PMM also provides monitoring of hard disks, networks, CPUS, and RAM for the operating system. In particular, it provides monitoring of Context Switches, Processes, and Interrupts. Context Switches allow you to see how the CPU switches up and down. Processes makes it easy to know how many programs on a system are waiting for I/O.

PMM is a good monitoring product on the whole. It has very professional indicator statistics for MySQL, PG and Mongo, and it is easy to deploy and pack the whole set into containers. After 2.0, the underlying persistent database was changed from MySQL to PG, and the performance was greatly improved.

The ARCHITECTURE of the PMM is as follows:

Two, installation and use



docker pull percona/pmm-server:latest

-- Pull mirror
docker pull percona/pmm-server:2.14

Create PMM data containers
docker rm lhr-pmm-data
docker create --name lhr-pmm-data \
   -v /pmmdata \
   percona/pmm-server:2.14 /bin/true

Create the PMM server container
docker rm -f lhr-pmm-server
docker run -d --name lhr-pmm-server -h lhr-pmm-server \
  -p 280:80 -p 2443:443 \
  --volumes-from lhr-pmm-data \
  -e SERVER_USER=lhr \
  --restart always \

-- Access the Web interface

- Access the PMM server
docker exec -it lhr-pmm-server bash

Connect to the PMM server
pmm-admin config - server - insecure - TLS server - url = HTTP: / / https://admin:[email protected]:443
pmm-admin list

Copy the code

It can be accessed using HTTP or HTTPS, with different port numbers.

Once logged in, you can see the following information:

[root@lhr-pmm-server opt]# pmm-admin config - server - insecure - TLS server - url = HTTP: / / https://admin:[email protected]:443
Checking local pmm-agent status...
pmm-agent is running.
Registering pmm-agent on PMM Server...
Configuration file /usr/local/percona/pmm2/config/pmm-agent.yaml updated.
Reloading pmm-agent configuration...
Configuration reloaded.
Checking local pmm-agent status...
pmm-agent is running.
[root@lhr-pmm-server opt]# pmm-admin list
Service type                Service name                        Address and port       Service ID

Agent type                  Status     Metrics Mode   Agent ID                                      Service ID
pmm_agent                   Connected    /agent_id/57124a26-ea3e- 4240.-b39d-ec91af80e559  
node_exporter               Running    push  /agent_id/fed6ce91-c926- 49d1- 8 -bcb- 17a8e3225f78  
vmagent                     Running    push  /agent_id/cbd8515c-d655- 4467.-a6bd- 42c9db580ff2
Copy the code

3. Monitor MySQL database

You can add multiple monitored instances by:

[root@lhr-pmm-server opt]# pmm-admin add mysql --query-source=perfschema --username=root --password= LHR --host= --port=3317 - service - name = mysql -
MySQL Service added.
Service ID  : /service_id/28cd296f- 597.a- 4043.- 8 -c87- 792308.b31d37
Service name: mysql192.16866.35.- 3317.

Table statistics collection enabled (the limit is 1000, the actual table count is 535).

[root@lhr-pmm-server opt]# pmm-admin add mysql --query-source=perfschema --username=root --password= LHR --host= --port=3318 - service - name = mysql -
MySQL Service added.
Service ID  : /service_id/aceb0ad7- 86.c64 -ec89 -c45- 8 -fe7f4135721
Service name: mysql192.16866.35.- 3318.

Table statistics collection disabled (the limit is 1000, the actual table count is 1042).

[root@lhr-pmm-server opt]# pmm-admin list
Service type                Service name                        Address and port       Service ID
MySQL                       mysql192.16866.35.- 3317.            192.16866.35.:3317     /service_id/28cd296f- 597.a- 4043.- 8 -c87- 792308.b31d37
MySQL                       mysql192.16866.35.- 3318.            192.16866.35.:3318     /service_id/aceb0ad7- 86.c64 -ec89 -c45- 8 -fe7f4135721

Agent type                  Status     Metrics Mode   Agent ID                                      Service ID
pmm_agent                   Connected    /agent_id/57124a26-ea3e- 4240.-b39d-ec91af80e559  
node_exporter               Running    push  /agent_id/fed6ce91-c926- 49d1- 8 -bcb- 17a8e3225f78  
mysqld_exporter             Running    push  /agent_id/5a8f8a51-c342- 4108.- 8 -f94-1779e00ed118 /service_id/aceb0ad7- 86.c64 -ec89 -c45- 8 -fe7f4135721 
mysqld_exporter             Running    push  /agent_id/b8342bd90c20- 40d6-a666-b6b79903f5e8 /service_id/28cd296f- 597.a- 4043.- 8 -c87- 792308.b31d37 
mysql_perfschema_agent      Running      /agent_id/908ad693-b9a243 -a9-abd2-f0d06ca1ca09 /service_id/28cd296f- 597.a- 4043.- 8 -c87- 792308.b31d37 
mysql_perfschema_agent      Running      /agent_id/f965b782- 76.eb-49e8- 874.c-df52d47c7cb7 /service_id/aceb0ad7- 86.c64 -ec89 -c45- 8 -fe7f4135721 
vmagent                     Running    push  /agent_id/cbd8515c-d655- 4467.-a6bd- 42c9db580ff2
Copy the code

PMM Monitoring interface:

MySQL slow query analysis

PMM can monitor and analyze slow queries:

Iv. Monitor PG database

The PMM server’s back-end metadata store uses the PG database, so we can directly monitor the library:

[root@lhr-pmm-server opt]# pmm-admin add postgresql --username= pmM-managed --password= PMM-managed --host= --port=5432 --service-name= pg-
PostgreSQL Service added.
Service ID  : /service_id/cb3c1b6d-fea04 -a819 -dcb2 -c1840fc547b
Service name: PG127.0. 01.- 5432.

[root@lhr-pmm-server opt]# pmm-admin list
Service type                Service name                        Address and port       Service ID
MySQL                       mysql192.16866.35.- 3317.            192.16866.35.:3317     /service_id/28cd296f- 597.a- 4043.- 8 -c87- 792308.b31d37
MySQL                       mysql192.16866.35.- 3318.            192.16866.35.:3318     /service_id/aceb0ad7- 86.c64 -ec89 -c45- 8 -fe7f4135721
PostgreSQL                  PG127.0. 01.- 5432.                   127.0. 01.:5432         /service_id/cb3c1b6d-fea04 -a819 -dcb2 -c1840fc547b

Agent type                  Status     Metrics Mode   Agent ID                                      Service ID
pmm_agent                   Connected    /agent_id/57124a26-ea3e- 4240.-b39d-ec91af80e559  
node_exporter               Running    push  /agent_id/fed6ce91-c926- 49d1- 8 -bcb- 17a8e3225f78  
mysqld_exporter             Running    push  /agent_id/5a8f8a51-c342- 4108.- 8 -f94-1779e00ed118 /service_id/aceb0ad7- 86.c64 -ec89 -c45- 8 -fe7f4135721 
mysqld_exporter             Running    push  /agent_id/b8342bd90c20- 40d6-a666-b6b79903f5e8 /service_id/28cd296f- 597.a- 4043.- 8 -c87- 792308.b31d37 
postgres_exporter           Running    push  /agent_id/28bfba92- 4872.4 -cd9-b3a1- 5273670.a44a2 /service_id/cb3c1b6d-fea04 -a819 -dcb2 -c1840fc547b 
mysql_perfschema_agent      Running      /agent_id/908ad693-b9a243 -a9-abd2-f0d06ca1ca09 /service_id/28cd296f- 597.a- 4043.- 8 -c87- 792308.b31d37 
mysql_perfschema_agent      Running      /agent_id/f965b782- 76.eb-49e8- 874.c-df52d47c7cb7 /service_id/aceb0ad7- 86.c64 -ec89 -c45- 8 -fe7f4135721 
postgresql_pgstatements_agent Running      /agent_id/5cf99a1b-b474- 48a9- 94.ad-acc6bdc77efb /service_id/cb3c1b6d-fea04 -a819 -dcb2 -c1840fc547b 
vmagent                     Running    push  /agent_id/cbd8515c-d655- 4467.-a6bd- 42c9db580ff2
Copy the code

PMM Monitoring interface:

5. Monitor MongoDB database

When using PMM to monitor a cluster, you should enable monitoring for each instance, including replica sets, Mongos, and all configuration servers in the shard cluster, using the PMM-admin add command.

- password-less
pmm-admin add mongodb - host = - port = 27017 - service - name = mongo -

- have a password
pmm-admin add mongodb - the username = root password = LHR mongo -
pmm-admin add mongodb --username=root --password= LHR --host= --port=37017 --service-name=mongodb-

-- Clusters, replication sets
pmm-admin add mongodb --cluster hr-mongo-cluster --replication-set=lhr_rep --username=root --password= LHR --host= --port=37020 - service - name = mongo - - lhr_rep
pmm-admin add mongodb --cluster hr-mongo-cluster --replication-set=lhr_rep --username=root --password= LHR --host= --port=37021 - service - name = mongo - - lhr_rep
pmm-admin add mongodb --cluster hr-mongo-cluster --replication-set=lhr_rep --username=root --password= LHR --host= --port=37022 - service - name = mongo - - lhr_rep
pmm-admin add mongodb --cluster hr-mongo-cluster --replication-set=lhr_rep --username=root --password= LHR --host= --port=37023 - service - name = mongo - - lhr_rep
pmm-admin add mongodb --cluster hr-mongo-cluster --replication-set=lhr_rep --username=root --password= LHR --host= --port=37024 - service - name = mongo - - lhr_rep

- the query
pmm-admin list
Copy the code

After adding:

[root@lhr-pmm-server opt]# pmm-admin list
Service type                Service name                        Address and port       Service ID
MySQL                       mysql192.16866.35.- 3317.            192.16866.35.:3317     /service_id/3d97792c- 928.c- 4475.-b5f3-f619d3b976e1
MySQL                       mysql192.16866.35.- 3316.            192.16866.35.:3316     /service_id/4247b3f30b7c- 48c6-aa72- 3545.a07d71c9
MySQL                       mysql192.16866.35.- 3315.            192.16866.35.:3315     /service_id/5318af15-e338- 4628.-a7ba-19e2f510239d
MySQL                       mysql192.16866.35.- 3318.            192.16866.35.:3318     /service_id/e527f5f2-e6f44 -eb99 -c73- 86469.fbf08e8
MongoDB                     mongodb192.16866.35.- 37024.-lhr_rep 192.16866.35.:37024    /service_id/04e6a8b3-cb604 -a51-ae33-d67190a1da90
MongoDB                     mongodb192.16866.35.- 27017.         192.16866.35.:27017    /service_id/11d684d1-f851- 48f7-aec2- 809814.d073d2
MongoDB                     mongodb192.16866.35.- 37021.-lhr_rep 192.16866.35.:37021    /service_id/178fb790-6e89- 478.e-b3c3-d50cdb158bcf
MongoDB                     mongodb192.16866.35.- 37020.-lhr_rep 192.16866.35.:37020    /service_id/333c1bfa- 6c514 -b57- 9002.9 -bc9cca41880
MongoDB                     mongodb192.16866.35.- 37022.-lhr_rep 192.16866.35.:37022    /service_id/7f8a5062-0e78- 4078.-80e1-f8a70f2d2b0a
MongoDB                     mongodb192.16866.35.- 37017.         192.16866.35.:37017    /service_id/924ec922- 3d7d4 -b539 -bfc-aa9345109dda
MongoDB                     mongodb192.16866.35.- 37023.-lhr_rep 192.16866.35.:37023    /service_id/c2ee57919 -d23- 41ee-af7d-d21b50c2dd77
PostgreSQL                  PG127.0. 01.- 5432.                   127.0. 01.:5432         /service_id/278f216a-c3d543 -fd- 9163.-e7a30dd459e1

Agent type                  Status     Metrics Mode   Agent ID                                      Service ID
pmm_agent                   Connected    /agent_id/f304147a43 -a6- 484.b9 -d32-d8f3c721cb63  
node_exporter               Running    push  /agent_id/89311eaa-bf62- 4730.- 8 -f3b-ebddb9ddfe57  
mysqld_exporter             Running    push  /agent_id/13bca963- 69.be- 4313.-b6b4-ed4234c0abb5 /service_id/3d97792c- 928.c- 4475.-b5f3-f619d3b976e1 
mysqld_exporter             Running    push  /agent_id/29177549-d62443 -dd-ae28-f29e913587d0 /service_id/e527f5f2-e6f44 -eb99 -c73- 86469.fbf08e8 
mysqld_exporter             Running    push  /agent_id/ee281335- 8 -d7b- 47fd- 91.a9- 873062.beff2d /service_id/4247b3f30b7c- 48c6-aa72- 3545.a07d71c9 
mysqld_exporter             Running    push  /agent_id/fc3fad174 -dd14 -ae7-aa4e- 22cce69dfe02 /service_id/5318af15-e338- 4628.-a7ba-19e2f510239d 
mongodb_exporter            Running    push  /agent_id/690ab339- 5838.43 -c5-978e-73bb188d434a /service_id/7f8a5062-0e78- 4078.-80e1-f8a70f2d2b0a 
mongodb_exporter            Running    push  /agent_id/69905494- 247.a- 41d1-b45f-a8e31639baf9 /service_id/333c1bfa- 6c514 -b57- 9002.9 -bc9cca41880 
mongodb_exporter            Running    push  /agent_id/7d97045e-afae-4e05- 8216.- 5fbf5f28a74b /service_id/924ec922- 3d7d4 -b539 -bfc-aa9345109dda 
mongodb_exporter            Running    push  /agent_id/860ed641- 3599.4 -fdc9 -f57- 8137.d45f06b8 /service_id/11d684d1-f851- 48f7-aec2- 809814.d073d2 
mongodb_exporter            Running    push  /agent_id/87be410e-dd684 -ce2- 80.fa- 05d7827b5300 /service_id/178fb790-6e89- 478.e-b3c3-d50cdb158bcf 
mongodb_exporter            Running    push  /agent_id/c5f4b04a- 3520.- 4355.-aca5-7e41646883c5 /service_id/c2ee57919 -d23- 41ee-af7d-d21b50c2dd77 
mongodb_exporter            Running    push  /agent_id/c78247a4- 1a66- 410.d-bb18- 7032.f9fa016b /service_id/04e6a8b3-cb604 -a51-ae33-d67190a1da90 
postgres_exporter           Running    push  /agent_id/e6f7e9f2- 2657.- 48ac9 -fb0-ef7e4bd5a547 /service_id/278f216a-c3d543 -fd- 9163.-e7a30dd459e1 
mysql_perfschema_agent      Waiting      /agent_id/100d98c1- 3b3d4 -dee- 8 -bc1- 843495.ed529a /service_id/5318af15-e338- 4628.-a7ba-19e2f510239d 
mysql_perfschema_agent      Running      /agent_id/9827db007 -a694 -d05- 9295.- 85.c06fb2ebc3 /service_id/3d97792c- 928.c- 4475.-b5f3-f619d3b976e1 
mysql_perfschema_agent      Running      /agent_id/e3e3890c-cbbd-4e05-8e23-ba4e624f78a5 /service_id/4247b3f30b7c- 48c6-aa72- 3545.a07d71c9 
mysql_perfschema_agent      Running      /agent_id/fa3201ca-b5d8- 46aa-9e04-f1b5102e6336 /service_id/e527f5f2-e6f44 -eb99 -c73- 86469.fbf08e8 
mongodb_profiler_agent      Running      /agent_id/4887dbdf-e603- 45d7-af74-a9067cbe56c8 /service_id/11d684d1-f851- 48f7-aec2- 809814.d073d2 
mongodb_profiler_agent      Running      /agent_id/4e51521d-ea164 -dd5-a3e2- 940.c717a3e53 /service_id/c2ee57919 -d23- 41ee-af7d-d21b50c2dd77 
mongodb_profiler_agent      Running      /agent_id/5cd5dee9-e15843 -a0- 9511.-ad4c7b2d9e47 /service_id/7f8a5062-0e78- 4078.-80e1-f8a70f2d2b0a 
mongodb_profiler_agent      Running      /agent_id/807b4342- 735.c- 4816.-b491-e3cbbf4170bd /service_id/178fb790-6e89- 478.e-b3c3-d50cdb158bcf 
mongodb_profiler_agent      Running      /agent_id/c2737dd57 -ec4- 47fe-aa66- 68209.d4f3225 /service_id/924ec922- 3d7d4 -b539 -bfc-aa9345109dda 
mongodb_profiler_agent      Running      /agent_id/c8511980-db30- 476.a- 8776.7 -aa14a32eebf /service_id/04e6a8b3-cb604 -a51-ae33-d67190a1da90 
mongodb_profiler_agent      Running      /agent_id/fc4a0fa59 -fb44 -ba3- 99.d9- 3d9c30d443e3 /service_id/333c1bfa- 6c514 -b57- 9002.9 -bc9cca41880 
postgresql_pgstatements_agent Running      /agent_id/e00bddb3-ef8e4 -f749 -c9b-98e6b274769d /service_id/278f216a-c3d543 -fd- 9163.-e7a30dd459e1 
vmagent                     Running    push  /agent_id/4b564af7- 7775.- 4337.- 86.cf- 950.daeabb354
Copy the code

PMM Monitoring interface:

Monitoring content is more, you can click to view:

Monitor ProxySQL middleware

[root@lhr-pmm-server opt]# pmm-admin add proxysql --username=root --password= LHR --host= --port=16032 --service-name= proxysqL-
ProxySQL Service added.
Service ID  : /service_id/84d87f04-e701- 4480.-abc9-bde170bfd478
Service name: proxysql192.16866.35.- 16032.
[root@lhr-pmm-server opt]# pmm-admin list
Service type                Service name                        Address and port       Service ID
MySQL                       mysql192.16866.35.- 3317.            192.16866.35.:3317     /service_id/3d97792c- 928.c- 4475.-b5f3-f619d3b976e1
MySQL                       mysql192.16866.35.- 3316.            192.16866.35.:3316     /service_id/4247b3f30b7c- 48c6-aa72- 3545.a07d71c9
MySQL                       mysql192.16866.35.- 3315.            192.16866.35.:3315     /service_id/5318af15-e338- 4628.-a7ba-19e2f510239d
MySQL                       mysql192.16866.35.- 3318.            192.16866.35.:3318     /service_id/e527f5f2-e6f44 -eb99 -c73- 86469.fbf08e8
MongoDB                     mongodb192.16866.35.- 37024.-lhr_rep 192.16866.35.:37024    /service_id/04e6a8b3-cb604 -a51-ae33-d67190a1da90
MongoDB                     mongodb192.16866.35.- 27017.         192.16866.35.:27017    /service_id/11d684d1-f851- 48f7-aec2- 809814.d073d2
MongoDB                     mongodb192.16866.35.- 37021.-lhr_rep 192.16866.35.:37021    /service_id/178fb790-6e89- 478.e-b3c3-d50cdb158bcf
MongoDB                     mongodb192.16866.35.- 37020.-lhr_rep 192.16866.35.:37020    /service_id/333c1bfa- 6c514 -b57- 9002.9 -bc9cca41880
MongoDB                     mongodb192.16866.35.- 37022.-lhr_rep 192.16866.35.:37022    /service_id/7f8a5062-0e78- 4078.-80e1-f8a70f2d2b0a
MongoDB                     mongodb192.16866.35.- 37017.         192.16866.35.:37017    /service_id/924ec922- 3d7d4 -b539 -bfc-aa9345109dda
MongoDB                     mongodb192.16866.35.- 37023.-lhr_rep 192.16866.35.:37023    /service_id/c2ee57919 -d23- 41ee-af7d-d21b50c2dd77
PostgreSQL                  PG127.0. 01.- 5432.                   127.0. 01.:5432         /service_id/278f216a-c3d543 -fd- 9163.-e7a30dd459e1
ProxySQL                    proxysql192.16866.35.- 16032.        192.16866.35.:16032    /service_id/f43ada33-f77d4 -cbf9 -c98- 331.b7ba2310e

Agent type                  Status     Metrics Mode   Agent ID                                      Service ID
pmm_agent                   Connected    /agent_id/f304147a43 -a6- 484.b9 -d32-d8f3c721cb63  
node_exporter               Running    push  /agent_id/89311eaa-bf62- 4730.- 8 -f3b-ebddb9ddfe57  
mysqld_exporter             Running    push  /agent_id/13bca963- 69.be- 4313.-b6b4-ed4234c0abb5 /service_id/3d97792c- 928.c- 4475.-b5f3-f619d3b976e1 
mysqld_exporter             Running    push  /agent_id/29177549-d62443 -dd-ae28-f29e913587d0 /service_id/e527f5f2-e6f44 -eb99 -c73- 86469.fbf08e8 
mysqld_exporter             Running    push  /agent_id/ee281335- 8 -d7b- 47fd- 91.a9- 873062.beff2d /service_id/4247b3f30b7c- 48c6-aa72- 3545.a07d71c9 
mysqld_exporter             Running    push  /agent_id/fc3fad174 -dd14 -ae7-aa4e- 22cce69dfe02 /service_id/5318af15-e338- 4628.-a7ba-19e2f510239d 
mongodb_exporter            Running    push  /agent_id/690ab339- 5838.43 -c5-978e-73bb188d434a /service_id/7f8a5062-0e78- 4078.-80e1-f8a70f2d2b0a 
mongodb_exporter            Running    push  /agent_id/69905494- 247.a- 41d1-b45f-a8e31639baf9 /service_id/333c1bfa- 6c514 -b57- 9002.9 -bc9cca41880 
mongodb_exporter            Running    push  /agent_id/7d97045e-afae-4e05- 8216.- 5fbf5f28a74b /service_id/924ec922- 3d7d4 -b539 -bfc-aa9345109dda 
mongodb_exporter            Running    push  /agent_id/860ed641- 3599.4 -fdc9 -f57- 8137.d45f06b8 /service_id/11d684d1-f851- 48f7-aec2- 809814.d073d2 
mongodb_exporter            Running    push  /agent_id/87be410e-dd684 -ce2- 80.fa- 05d7827b5300 /service_id/178fb790-6e89- 478.e-b3c3-d50cdb158bcf 
mongodb_exporter            Running    push  /agent_id/c5f4b04a- 3520.- 4355.-aca5-7e41646883c5 /service_id/c2ee57919 -d23- 41ee-af7d-d21b50c2dd77 
mongodb_exporter            Running    push  /agent_id/c78247a4- 1a66- 410.d-bb18- 7032.f9fa016b /service_id/04e6a8b3-cb604 -a51-ae33-d67190a1da90 
postgres_exporter           Running    push  /agent_id/e6f7e9f2- 2657.- 48ac9 -fb0-ef7e4bd5a547 /service_id/278f216a-c3d543 -fd- 9163.-e7a30dd459e1 
proxysql_exporter           Running    push  /agent_id/86664e69- 156.a- 487.d-aaa09 -ab585befb99 /service_id/f43ada33-f77d4 -cbf9 -c98- 331.b7ba2310e 
mysql_perfschema_agent      Waiting      /agent_id/100d98c1- 3b3d4 -dee- 8 -bc1- 843495.ed529a /service_id/5318af15-e338- 4628.-a7ba-19e2f510239d 
mysql_perfschema_agent      Running      /agent_id/9827db007 -a694 -d05- 9295.- 85.c06fb2ebc3 /service_id/3d97792c- 928.c- 4475.-b5f3-f619d3b976e1 
mysql_perfschema_agent      Running      /agent_id/e3e3890c-cbbd-4e05-8e23-ba4e624f78a5 /service_id/4247b3f30b7c- 48c6-aa72- 3545.a07d71c9 
mysql_perfschema_agent      Running      /agent_id/fa3201ca-b5d8- 46aa-9e04-f1b5102e6336 /service_id/e527f5f2-e6f44 -eb99 -c73- 86469.fbf08e8 
mongodb_profiler_agent      Running      /agent_id/4887dbdf-e603- 45d7-af74-a9067cbe56c8 /service_id/11d684d1-f851- 48f7-aec2- 809814.d073d2 
mongodb_profiler_agent      Running      /agent_id/4e51521d-ea164 -dd5-a3e2- 940.c717a3e53 /service_id/c2ee57919 -d23- 41ee-af7d-d21b50c2dd77 
mongodb_profiler_agent      Running      /agent_id/5cd5dee9-e15843 -a0- 9511.-ad4c7b2d9e47 /service_id/7f8a5062-0e78- 4078.-80e1-f8a70f2d2b0a 
mongodb_profiler_agent      Running      /agent_id/807b4342- 735.c- 4816.-b491-e3cbbf4170bd /service_id/178fb790-6e89- 478.e-b3c3-d50cdb158bcf 
mongodb_profiler_agent      Running      /agent_id/c2737dd57 -ec4- 47fe-aa66- 68209.d4f3225 /service_id/924ec922- 3d7d4 -b539 -bfc-aa9345109dda 
mongodb_profiler_agent      Running      /agent_id/c8511980-db30- 476.a- 8776.7 -aa14a32eebf /service_id/04e6a8b3-cb604 -a51-ae33-d67190a1da90 
mongodb_profiler_agent      Running      /agent_id/fc4a0fa59 -fb44 -ba3- 99.d9- 3d9c30d443e3 /service_id/333c1bfa- 6c514 -b57- 9002.9 -bc9cca41880 
postgresql_pgstatements_agent Running      /agent_id/e00bddb3-ef8e4 -f749 -c9b-98e6b274769d /service_id/278f216a-c3d543 -fd- 9163.-e7a30dd459e1 
vmagent                     Running    push  /agent_id/4b564af7- 7775.- 4337.- 86.cf- 950.daeabb354
Copy the code

PMM does not provide ProxySQL monitoring templates by default. https://github.com/percona/grafana-dashboards/blob/master/dashboards/ProxySQL_Overview.json

Download it and upload it to the PMM monitoring interface.

Interface after monitoring:

About Me

● The author of this article: Wheat seedling, some content collated from the network, if there is infringement please contact wheat seedling delete

● This article is updated synchronously on personal wechat public number (DB Treasure) ● QQ group number: 230161599, 618766405, wechat group private chat ● Personal QQ number (646634621), wechat account (db_bao), indicate the reason for adding ● Completed in Xi ‘an in March 2021 ● Updated date: March 2021 ● All rights reserved

● Wheat Seedling wechat store: weidian.com/?userid=793…

Low wheat seedlings in the publication of the database class series: blog.itpub.net/26736162/vi… Low wheat seedlings OCP, OCM, high availability, the DBA course (Oracle, MySQL and no () : blog.itpub.net/26736162/vi… Low database written interview question and answer: mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Vm5PqNcDc…

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