In the first place in the Linux system installed on a detector node explorer, download address:

The probe periodically exposes Linux hardware metrics and kernel parameters via port 9100 and URL metrics.

Start Node Explorer and listen on port 9100:

To access the parameters collected by Node Explorer, type hostname:9100/metrics:

Some examples:

CPU usage in different working modes: node_cpu_seconds_total

Number of available bytes of the filesystem: node_filesystem_avail_bytes

Number of bytes received by a NETWORK adapter: node_network_receive_bytes_total

Prometheus is used to collect and display data exposed through Node Explorer.

Define a job in the Prometheus. Yml file in the Prometheus installation directory that points to node Explorer running on Linux:

Run the node_cpu_seconds_total{mode= “system”} command to query the time spent by all cpus on the server in system mode: http://localhost:9090/

Rate (node_cpu_seconds_total{mode= “system”}[1m]) rate(node_cpu_seconds_total{mode= “system”}[1m])

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