CreatedAt and updatedAt

In a data table structure, the creation time and update time are essential fields. Because the business logic involves data time filtering query, data traceability and other requirements. Therefore, developers need to manually record the creation time and update time.

The related documents

When Mongoose creates a Schema, it provides timestamps. This parameter will enable the creation time and update time automatically.

Schema Definition examples:

const Role = new Schema({
}, {
    timestamps: true});Copy the code

The generated data is as follows:

    "createdAt": "ISODate("2021-01-13T10:05:46.987Z")"."updatedAt": "ISODate("2021-01-13T10:05:46.987Z")",}Copy the code

By default, the generated fields are named createdAt and updatedAt, which you can customize by setting timestamps.

Custom time field name

Schema Definition examples:

const Role = new Schema({
}, {
    timestamps: { createdAt: 'created'.updatedAt: 'updated'}});Copy the code

The generated data is as follows:

    "created": "ISODate("2021-01-13T10:05:46.987Z")"."updated": "ISODate("2021-01-13T10:05:46.987Z")",}Copy the code

By default, the time format generated by Mongoose is UTC time, which is inconvenient to query data in this format. For example, for date range query, the time format can be fixed as string or timestamp number type

Modify the time format

Schema Definition examples:

const Role = new Schema({
    created: {
        type: number
    updated: {
        type: number
    }, {
    timestamps: { createdAt: 'created'.updatedAt: 'updated'}});Copy the code

The generated data is as follows:

    "created" : 1610534416616."updated" : 1610534416616
Copy the code

The default time is millisecond accurate!

Modify the timestamp format

By default, Mongoose uses new Date() to get the current time. You can set the timestamps. CurrentTime option to override the format in which Mongoose gets the currentTime.

Schema Definition examples:

const Role = new Schema({
    created: {
        type: number
    updated: {
        type: number
        timestamps: { currentTime: () = > Math.floor( / 1000), createdAt: 'created'.updatedAt: 'updated'}}});Copy the code

The generated data is as follows:

    "created": 1610536511."updated": 1610536511
Copy the code

Time to the second!


Most businesses have a need to record when data was created and modified. The server will unify the time into the number (1610534696) format or string (2021-01-13) format, the query method is more convenient, query performance will be better!