Small knowledge, big challenge! This article is participating in the creation activity of “Essential Tips for Programmers”
MongoDB is a document database, which supports very loose data structure and can store complex data types. Query statements can be written in JavaScript, and its supported JSON data model is very friendly to Node.js/JavaScript developers.
The biggest feature of MongoDB is that the query language it supports is very powerful. Its syntax is similar to object-oriented query language, and it can almost achieve most functions similar to single table query of relational database, and also supports data index. There are many other features of MongoDB, please see the following introduction.
Mongo characteristics
- JSON data model: The JSON data model of MongoDB supports storing one or more objects nested in a document. The corresponding relational database needs to design multiple tables to associate the relationship, which may cause an error point “MongoDB is schema-free”, but in fact, MongoDB also has a schema design. We just omit it in most simple scenarios.
- Flexibility: Adding or removing fields from MongoDB’s document model can be done at the application level without having to go offline to the database service to change the Schema. The downside of this flexibility is that adding and deleting fields at random can also create messy data. On top of this flexibility, you can define a rule to restrict data operations.
- High availability: Maximize the Replica Set of MongoDB nodes to ensure the high availability of nodes. After the failure of one node, other nodes can work normally and have self-recovery capability, supporting multi-center disaster recovery capability. At least 3 nodes should be guaranteed. After all, heartbeats between nodes also consume resources.
- Transaction support (ensure data consistency) : MongoDB supports single-table and single-document native support. 4.0 supports multi-table and multi-row transaction operation of replication set; 4.2 supports multi-table and multi-row transaction operation of shard set.
- Sharding technology: The sharding technology of MongoDB meets the service requirements when the amount of data increases significantly. The server CPU will be occupied due to the query of large data sets. The concept of sharding can split data into different instances.
Local edition database
MongoDB is divided into community version, enterprise version of two types, learn to use select community version is enough… This is the download center for MongoDB. Select the version and operating system you want to download. Stable versions of MongoDB are all even numbers, so choose your production environment carefully.
Install it on a Mac system
Installing MongoDB via Homebrew is relatively straightforward for Mac systems. If Homebrew is blocked, try MacPorts.
Brew install mongodbCopy the code
Linux Installation
The following describes how to decompress the installation package. You can also download the TGZ version of the corresponding Mac OS in this way.
Wget $$tar XVF - Mongodb -linux-x86_64-ubuntu1604-4.2.2 $export mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1604-4.2.2 $export PATH=$PATH:./data/soft/mongodb-4.2.2/binCopy the code
Mongo global environment variable configuration
The export PATH= command is invalid after the current terminal is shut down. If you search online for how to configure global environment variables after MongoDB installation, you will get answers similar to the following:
Vim ~/.bash_profile export PATH=$PATH:./data/soft/mongodb-4.2.2/binCopy the code
When you’re done, you may be lucky to succeed, but you may also fail. The reason is that some systems have bash terminals by default, so this is fine. But if you’re using ZSH, you’ll need to modify the.zshrc configuration file.
Vim ~/.zshrc export PATH=$PATH:./data/soft/mongodb-4.2.2/binCopy the code
Check the version
Check whether the MongoDB version is successfully installed. If the following information is displayed, it is correct.
$mongo --version MongoDB shell version v4.2.2Copy the code
Starting the MongoDB Service
Use the –dbpath parameter to customize the directory path. If the –dbpath parameter is omitted, the default data directory (/data/db) is used. –dbpath specifies the directory where the MongoDB database is stored.
$mongod --dbpath < custom directory path >Copy the code
After the preceding command is executed, the MongoDB service is enabled. The default listening port is 27017. If information similar to the following is displayed, the MongoDB service is successfully started.
$ mongod --dbpath ./data
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.943+0800 I NETWORK [listener] Listening on 127.00.1 MM YYYY - - DDTHH: MM: ss. 943 +0800 I NETWORK [listener] waiting for connections on port 27017
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.944+0800 I SHARDING [LogicalSessionCacheReap] Marking collection config.transactions as collection version: <unsharded>
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.023+0800 I SHARDING [ftdc] Marking collection as collection version: <unsharded>
Copy the code
What we built above is a stand-alone version of the database. Later articles will introduce the use of replication set to build MongoDB server cluster. Here is a simpler solution to quickly start a MongoDB cluster in the cloud.
Cloud Database
MongoDB Atlas Cloud is a database running in the cloud with no installation, configuration, or Mongo service installed on our machine, just a URL to access the database and a very cool UI interface that is easy to use. Most importantly for us beginners it is free to use with a maximum limit of 512 MB, which is sufficient for small projects.
The Serverless article explained how to start a MongoDB Atlas Cloud cluster with detailed steps. Check out this article building REST apis using ServerLess, Nodejs, and MongoDB Atlas Cloud.
The following is a database cluster that has been created. It is indicated in several places that it is Replica Set 3 node. The link method is provided so that you can register an account to experience it.
The terminal connects to the MongoDB Server
The terminal is connected to the MongoDB Server through the mongo command of the client. After the MongoDB Server is installed, the mongo command of the client is usually installed.
If the command is not available locally, you can also install brew Install mongosh and use Mongosh instead of Mongo.
Link to the local MongoDB Server
Open the local console and enter the command mongo to connect to the mongodb server. You can also specify an IP address and PORT
$mongo --host --port 27017Copy the code
If the following information is displayed, the mongodb version number and link address are displayed. The default port number is 27017
$ mongo --host 127.00.1 - port27017MongoDB shell version V4.2.6 Connecting to: MongoDB ://127.00.1:27017/? compressors=disabled&gssapiServiceName=mongodb Implicit session: session {"id" : UUID("8e2f9799-473f-48e9-84cf-3515480f084f") }
MongoDB server version: 4.26.Copy the code
Link to MongoDB Atlas
MongoDB Atlas Cloud can generate a link string of terminals. For security, IP whitelist needs to be configured and a user needs to be created. The link success is shown as follows:
$ mongo "mongodb+srv://cluster0.******" --username admin
MongoDB shell version v42.6.
Enter password:
connecting to: mongodb://cluster0-shard-00-02.******,cluster0-shard-00-00.******,cluster0-shard-00-01.***** * =true
Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("bfe6c53b-accb-4f51-93e1-d849c099a9c4") }
MongoDB server version: 4.48.
MongoDB Enterprise Cluster0-shard0:PRIMARY>
Copy the code
Some basic command operations for the database
- Show all databases: show DBS
- View the current connected database: DB
- To view all collections (tables) under the current database: show Collections
- To switch/create a database: use Demo to switch a database, we do not need to create additional database before using Use, in Mongo will create their own when needed.
Graphic tools link
In the client side to quickly view or retrieve some data, graphics has a lot of convenience, recommend a tool Robo 3T, 官网 by yourself, the link example is shown below, above is the link mode of replication set, below is the straight link mode.
Another tool comes with….
Application link
Take Node.js as an example. You can use node. js of MongoDB to drive MongoDB or Mongoose.
Every time we create a link on the client side, the Node.js driver of MongoDB will maintain a link pool in the background, and we can create an instance in the application layer, so singleton mode can be adopted to prevent creating too many links.
const MongoClient = require("mongodb").MongoClient;
const dbConnectionUrl = 'mongodb+srv://:<password>';
// const dbConnectionUrl = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/test';
let dbInstance = null
async function getMongoInstance() {
try {
if (dbInstance) {
return dbInstance;
dbInstance = await MongoClient.connect(dbConnectionUrl);
console.log("[MongoDB connection] SUCCESS");
return dbInstance;
} catch (err) {
console.log(`[MongoDB connection] ERROR: ${err.message}`);
throw err;
Copy the code
How to learn MongoDB?
Recommend several MongoDB learning resources, can be used as reference materials in the learning process, there are fees and free, but also the author in the study, work read some information, if you have other learning resources welcome to the message area recommendation.
- MongoDB official document, this is a first-hand learning material, MANY API do not need to remember completely, when using it can be found above, often used API time long slowly also remember.
- MongoDB Chinese community, there is MongoDB Chinese manual, there are some big community blog, will release some MongoDB articles and some practices, most of the questions encountered, in this can also find the answer. There are also some offline salon meetings every year, and it’s nice to have been to a few with colleagues before.
- MongoDB master course: geek time on a fee course, the quality of the course is still quite good, you can first see the course introduction
- I recently is working on a directing a series of articles, recorded in the study, work some summary about the directing practice, welcome the attention.
- MongoDB books: for example, MongoDB authoritative guide, MongoDB actual combat, etc., do not take on too much, read how much to buy, books can help us to master the knowledge of the system, but there is also a bad point is easy to be outdated.
- MongoDB offers free online courses, which can be considered authoritative.