“This is the 14th day of my participation in the Gwen Challenge in November. Check out the details: The Last Gwen Challenge in 2021.”
First, the use of modules
1. If you do not want certain functions and variables of the module to be used by other modules, you can start with a single underscore. Import is removed, but can still be called using import mode and then mode.fun. Starts with a double underscore in class. 2, Use from… Import The imported symbol, which should be a local symbol, cannot change the value in the module. This can be changed by using mode.name=. A package is also an object, and py is the package’s constructor. Importing this package automatically executes __init_. Py. If you import other symbols in the py, importing the package and adding will also import the symbol. 4. Import Cannot import symbols starting with _ in modules. But it’s okay not to. The essence of an import is to create a symbol that points to a reference to an object. This symbol is unrelated to the symbol of the module being imported. Extern is not the same as c extern. Extern can change the value of a variable; however, this is not possible in Python.
From srctest import itest, outitest, setitest import srctest # itest = 9# # this can change the itEST in srctest, but does not change the itEST in the current module, i.e., this setting cannot be synchronized. Print (itest)# print(itest)# print(srctestCopy the code
Python’s design philosophy: There is a Python design philosophy behind this seeming inconvenience. Convenience is often the enemy of modularity. In software development, the shortest path between modules is not necessarily the most reasonable path, and is often the most unreasonable path. It destroys the original interaction principle of software. The reason for Python’s design should be to try to put data and operations on it together. If the data is proliferating, then make it read-only. This helps improve the cohesiveness of program modules (global variables are the enemy of cohesiveness) and reduce coupling. Reduce the complexity of the program (data read-only, easy to debug according to). Srctest. itest can change the value of itest, indicating that we can change the object (module is also an object) by changing its properties. It might be a bit of a drama queen. 6. Two modules cannot be imported bidirectionally. What if both modules want to call each other? Python’s design philosophy tells you this is not a good practice, so it doesn’t work. What should I do? A module calls another module, and if the called module wants to call the method that called the module, it does so through a callback. This ensures that all connections between modules are one-way.
Second, the use of logs
1. The standard logging module can basically meet my work. Set log initialization:
filename = "test.log",
format = "[%(asctime)s-%(levelname)s] %(message)s [%(filename)s,%(lineno)d]",
level = logging.INFO,
datefmt = "%F %T")
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3. In addition, a more powerful function is the filter function: you can filter by level, file, line number and many other things.
The use of introspection
1. Type () displays the type of the object. That’s introspection. Which is to see what kind of person you are. This feature is useful in dynamic languages. 2. Getattr function: this is a very useful function that can be called to get properties and methods from modules, classes, and object instances based on strings. This functionality is very similar to function Pointers in C and Pointers to member functions in C ++. 1) Get functions and members from modules
import testfun
tf = getattr(testfun, 'test')
tstr = getattr(testfun, 'str')
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Class test();
tst = 2 def __init__(self): self.abc = 1 def method(self): print('in test.method', self) def __test(self): Print ('in test') tm = getattr(test, 'method ') Since there is no instance, the call must use the following method: t = test() tm(t)# request an instance and pass it in as the first argument. Tm = getattr(test, '__test ')# Tabc = getattr(test, 'ABC')# Cannot get. TTST = getattr(test, 'TST')#Copy the code
3) Get properties and methods from object instances
T = test() tm = getattr(t, 'method') tm()# can be called this way without passing in an instance of t. Tabc = getattr(test, 'ABC')#Copy the code
3. Callable: Function indicates whether an object can be called. This, combined with getattr, retrieves a list of all methods in an object:
methods = [method for method in dir[object] if callable(getattr(object, method))]
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Introspection is also called radiation. 5, exec(‘ print ‘test’) : This feature facilitates dynamic code execution and can be used for machine learning to automatically generate code. The exec argument can make an open file object, string, code object. Code objects can be execfile(filename[, globals[, locals]]) via a function similar to this. You can change the method of a class to point it to a new method. As follows:
class ctest(): def test(self): print('c test test') def testfun(): print('test fun ! ') c = ctest() c.test = testfun c.test()Copy the code
The method test on object C is replaced with the new method: testFun. This feature facilitates implementation based on dynamic code, but tends to increase code transparency. Similarly, setattr can do the same thing. Delattr can delete attributes.
setattr(c, 'test', testfun)
delattr(c, 'test')
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C. test()# ctest (); That is, delattr removes the setattr property first, and only removes c’s test method if delattr is called once more. However, if setattr is called several times, delattr can be deleted with only one call. So, to delete a method, delattr is called at most twice. This feature can be used to change code dynamically. Can also be used for patches. Setattr does not operate on Python’s C extension module. 7, How to determine whether a variable exists:
'v' in dir() 'v' in locals.key()Copy the code