1. Interface packet capture

Find the interface you want to mock

The nuggets home page, for example, https://gold-tag-ms.juejin.im/v1/categories find the following interfaceCopy the code

2. Copy the interface data to the local PC

Right-click on the interface and choose Save ->… And Open as Local File -> Save to the desktop by default. In this example, the data is saved to 88_.json on the desktop

3. Modify data

Modify the json file saved locally. In this example, only the label data of the page is modified.

4. Add listening rules

Select AutoResponder -> Add Rule -> Select

5. Modify the rules

As shown in the following figure, the regular mode is used to match the interface

Format: regex: URL Regex indicates the regex match, and URL indicates the address of the interface to be monitoredCopy the code

6. Match data

Local file to return … Select Find a file…

7. Save and refresh the page