1. Check the mobile phone number

Return false if the mobile phone number is entered incorrectly. True if the mobile phone number is entered correctly.

    return /^1[3456789]\d{9}$/.test(val);
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2. Verification of ID number

False if the id number is entered incorrectly. True if the ID number is entered correctly.

    return /(^\d{15}$)|(^\d{18}$)|(^\d{17}(\d|X|x)$)/.test(val);
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3. Verify the id number in detail

Function cardFun (code) {var city = {11: "Beijing", 12: "tianjin", 13: "hebei", 14: "shanxi", 15: "Inner Mongolia", 21: "liaoning province", the 22: "jilin", 23: "31: heilongjiang province", "Shanghai", 32: "jiangsu", 33: "zhejiang", 34: "anhui", 35: "fujian", 36: "jiangxi", 37: "shandong", 41: "henan", 42: "hubei", 43: "hunan", 44: 45: "guangdong", "guangxi", 46: "hainan", 50: "chongqing", 51: "sichuan", 52: "guizhou", 53: "yunnan", 54: "Tibet", 61: "shaanxi", 62, "gansu province," 63: "qinghai", 64: "65: ningxia", "xinjiang", 71: "Taiwan", 81: "Hong Kong", 82, "macau", 91: "foreign"}; Var row = {pass: true, MSG: "verify ",}; if ( ! code || ! /^\d{6}(18|19|20)? \ d {2} [1-9] | (0. 1 [012]) (0 | [1-9] [12] \ | 3 d [01]) \ d {3} (\ d | [xX]) $/. The test (code)) {row = {pass: false, MSG: "id number format error,"}; } else if (! City [code.substr(0, 2)]) {row = {pass: false, MSG: "",}; If (code.length == 18) {code = code.split(""); if (code.length == 18) {code = code.split(""); / / ∑ (ai (Wi) (mod) / / var factor weighted factor = [7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2); / / check digit var parity = (1, 0, "X", 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2); var sum = 0; var ai = 0; var wi = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 17; i++) { ai = code[i]; wi = factor[i]; sum += ai * wi; } if (parity[sum % 11] ! = code[17].toupPerCase () {row = {pass: false, MSG: "",}; } } } return row }Copy the code

4. Verify the Universal Social Credit code

Returns true if the verification format is correct, false if it is strictly incorrect


return /(^[^_IOZSVa-z\W]{2}\d{6}[^_IOZSVa-z\W]{10}$)|(^[A-Za-z0-9]\w{14}$)/.test(val);

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5. Verification of authentication homepage url in the legal service network of the jurisdiction

Returns true if the verification format is correct, false if it is strictly incorrect

ValidateWebsite: (val) = > {return [s] {0, 1} / HTTP: \ \ / (/ \ w + \ /? \S*/.test(val); },Copy the code

6. Verify mobile phone numbers or numbers

Returns true if the verification format is correct, false if it is strictly incorrect

ValidateTelOrPhone: (val) = > {return/(a ^ 1 [3 4 5 | | | 8] [0-9] \ d {4, 8} $) | (^ 400 [0-9] {7}) | (^ (0 [0-9] {2, 3} \ -)? ([2-9] [0-9] {6, 7}) + (\ [0-9] {1, 4})? $)/.test(val); },Copy the code