Ladies and folks, Mobike front-end weekly has launched. The Mobike front-end team will collect the best front-end articles of the week and publish them to the nuggets platform every Friday. Please follow us

You have got to put the past behind you before you can move on.

Js Basics – Interviewers want to know how well you understand call,apply,bind? [No Regrets series]

The apply, call, and bind methods in the function prototype chain are very important concepts in JavaScript.

Address: juejin. Cn/post / 684490…

Career Path: What is the logic of advancement for front End Engineers

HK recommended: This article is about the logic of being promoted as a front-end engineer. I hope it will help guide you on your career path.


Understand and use array methods efficiently by implementing 25 array methods

“White Fox” recommendation: a very complete on the array method implementation of the article, help better understand the array method, come to learn and efficient use of it, become an excellent developer.


Use new CSS properties to create special images

Chen recommends using one or more image-related CSS attributes (background-blending-mode, Mix-blending-mode, or filter) to achieve many special image rendering effects. This article is reprinted from Bennett Feely’s website and lists 20 different ways to display images.
