Ladies and folks, Mobike front-end weekly has launched. The Mobike front-end team will collect the best front-end articles of the week and publish them to the nuggets platform every Friday. Please follow us

It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.

Vue Project Performance Optimization — Practice Guide (most complete/detailed online)

This article from the Vue code level, Webpack configuration level, the basic Web technology level, describes how to optimize the Vue project, so that the project has more efficient performance, better user experience, easy to understand.

Address: juejin. Cn/post / 684490…

10 useful vue.js tools and libraries

The popularity of Vue is growing, and more and more users are using it. Vue. Js tools are everywhere. This article summarizes some of the most interesting tools and libraries that you will use in your own vue.js projects. Let’s have a look!


These functions do not need JS, CSS can handle

“HK” recommendation: seemingly need JavaScript to complete the function, in fact, CSS can be completed, even simpler, let’s learn.


Array.from() five super useful uses

From () allows you to easily convert an array-like object into an Array, clone an Array, initialize an Array, generate a range, and implement Array de-duplication.

Address: juejin. Cn/post / 684490…