Ladies and folks, Mobike front-end weekly has launched. The Mobike front-end team will collect the best front-end articles of the week and publish them to the nuggets platform every Friday. Please follow us

The higher I got, the more amazed I was by the view.

It’s 9102 years ago and you’re asking the difference between GET and POST

If you were asked the difference between get and post, what would you say? Different from the previous search out the answer, this article from the Angle of HTTP packets to parse, you can learn ~


Front-end Basics CSS World

“White Fox” recommendation: You probably write CSS code every day sometimes feel painful: this layout CSS is so hard to implement! A seemingly simple layout takes a long time to realize, and occasionally there are some weird phenomena that are beyond comprehension. This is because we only have a general understanding of CSS, not the essence of CSS. Want to understand the nature of CSS together to learn!

Address: juejin. Cn/post / 684490…

Flexible use of JavaScript development skills

HK recommended: As programmers, writing code also requires a lot of writing skills. A good piece of code is refreshing, easy to understand, comfortable, and rewarding. The following article is a summary of some JavaScript development techniques that the author has used over the past three years.


With the keyboard 8 keys to play a dandelion agreement to 996 of their own or a moon on behalf of my heart to her Tanabata

“Chen” recommendation: This project is implemented with just a few simple front-end technologies, for every music loving coder 🎹

Address: juejin. Cn/post / 684490…