Ladies and folks, Mobike front-end weekly has launched. The Mobike front-end team will collect the best front-end articles of the week and publish them to the nuggets platform every Friday. Please follow us

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On the Top list

Use of CSS selectors

CSS selectors in gamified form, a lot of useful but not known or ignored knowledge. Xiao Zhi teacher is also I have been concerned about the teacher, recommend can pay attention to the public number. CSS attainments and Zhang Xinxu teacher have a fight.



In-depth understanding of JavaScript execution context and execution stack

Execution context and execution stack is one of the key concepts in JavaScript, and also the difficulty of JavaScript. Understanding these two concepts is very helpful to understand the concepts of closure, scope, promotion mechanism and so on in JS.


Js design pattern publish/subscribe pattern

If you want to learn the vue source code but find it hard to get started, start with the basic publish/subscribe model. Follow the author’s train of thought step by step, can have a lot of harvest.


Shallow copy and deep copy

Evil recommended: Projects often have bug episodes due to not making deep copies of data before processing. The author analyzes and gives examples from three aspects: direct assignment, shallow copy and deep copy. Finally, loadsh function is introduced.

Address: juejin. Cn/post / 684490…


Front-end build tips

Caroline recommends: a very detailed recipe for building a webPack front end.

Address: juejin. Cn/post / 684490…