Thank you

I registered with the Nuggets on June 23, 2017, and didn’t write my first article until July 28, 2018. In nearly three years, I have published 33 articles. I’m sorry for my 935 followers, because MY update frequency is too slow. If I look back, my last post was posted on March 19, and the last post was posted on February 22. I have only written 3 posts in 2021 so far. At this rate, I won’t be able to keep up with the heat.

Those of you who are familiar with me should know that my blog is more or less monthly (and probably longer), not because I don’t want to update it, but because it is too difficult to write an article that satisfies me. In my opinion, writing is a sacred thing. So far, one thing I’m proud of is that I’m still writing, and I’m doing it with my heart.

So my blog is characterized by long updates and long content. I am very surprised, such a long period of renewal cycle, my family has not fallen behind, still accompany me, this is love? No, it’s probably forgetting to click “unfollow.”

Without further ado, I would like to express my special thanks to everyone who supports me. I hope my article can bring you some help.


To my shame, DURING the four years in college, I didn’t get any scholarship, didn’t get the honor of “merit student” or “outstanding cadre”. Instead, I learned to dance, drink, roll dice, punch, shake hands, guitar, skateboard, table tennis and other business activities. I failed the courses and skipped classes, but I didn’t look like a good student at all.

According to this trend, I will not have any link with the programmer, but the fate this thing is very wonderful, an accidental opportunity, join the school studio, and it was in the subway station, go to the golden eagle festival with ho, then talked about the school studio, ho, xiaoxie, small operators are joined, and I also want to join the play three points (heat), but at that time already closing date for application, So I asked a classmate in the studio to secretly hand in a registration form.

Interestingly, there were 23 students in the same class who signed up. Due to the studio’s free-range policy, the staff kept losing, and only four of us remained. To be honest, I wanted to go at that time, but the “face” character let me decide to wait-and-see (after all, the other three are classmates, can not be the first loser to quit), did not expect that I finally insisted on down, finally into the pit front.

The studio’s learning route was: HTML/JS/CSS -> PHP -> ThinkPHP5 -> Mysql. Give you goals, specific how to learn needs to be self-driven, so self-study on the road is very difficult. At that time, I needed to do everything by myself, such as installing VARIOUS software such as PHP, Mysql, Nginx, WampServer, phpStudy, etc. The front end was not fine, the back end was not a word: absolutely! I fell into the awkward situation of doing nothing and learning nothing.

In 2018, FACED with the dilemma of looking for an internship, I stood at the crossroads and thought for a long time. It was not that I was torn between the front end and the back end, but that I was not good at both, so I could get SI in either path. I chose the front end, because I know a little bit more about the front end than the back end, right?

The disorderly

If you also take the route of self-study, you must also know that this road is very difficult, especially now belongs to the front of the era of flowers bloom, with the development of the Web, the page is more and more rich, the need for more and more technology stack, all kinds of scaffolding. Today who has a XXXX-CLI, tomorrow there will be many similar XXXX-CLI-demo, XXX-XXX-CLI on the market, so that in the selection of technical framework for new projects, will consciously choose to use scaffolding, over time to become a loyal user of scaffolding.

I believe that most of the front-end learning partners, almost all of this assembly line:

I remember my first imitation station project: Vue development, Go to The net from the entry to the actual combat, I just watched the first three sections of the video, I gave up, if you ask me why, I will be proud to tell you that the building environment was not successful, the old configuration of Webpack is wrong, the project can not run. So behind the use of scaffolding, have to say, scaffolding really sweet, just need to input some simple instructions, can quickly build a good basic environment for us, based on this rapid development, so as to improve work efficiency. But gradually, when I became dependent on the scaffolding, THERE was a kind of panic, because the scaffolding smelled so good, I basically used the configuration has been written for me, I just need to sit back and enjoy. You say I am a male college student, I am not involved in such a cool and complicated project, I do not know about configuration packaging and other related things.

I don’t know if there are any friends who have the same experience as me. I once deleted all the business codes in A project A that could run and kept the codes related to configuration. Then when I created A personal project, I copied A folder and installed it, and the project could run. I’ve been building projects this way for a long time. In retrospect, it was silly. This is a serious consequence of a lack of knowledge of the configuration environment and related technical points.

There are a lot of things to learn in the front end, so you need to form your own knowledge system, delay the knowledge points of the knowledge system, continue to explore, in order to improve yourself. If you feel “chaos” now, it is better to stop and slow down.


How to calculate the volume? There seems to be no clear definition to summarize this word, I remember when I just got the internship offer, I asked a senior for advice, he said: learn to “act”, pretend to be busy, don’t be the first to leave work, others leave before you, after all, the first bird to shoot.

What is the purpose of the volume: progress? Learning? Grow? Or is it… Interest? I don’t know, and I don’t want to know, because right now, nothing is more important to me than companionship.


I always thought that when I became rich, I would take my parents to travel to different places in China. I took the first step. After graduation, I took them to Guangzhou for a physical examination in November 2019 and went to Macao for a tour. When the director pulled my parents away and told me the result in the office, I was completely stunned.

Before I always think, this so-and-so to this height, that who who is smaller than ME how so cattle force, I GIao, especially now a lot of technical public number frequently with “winter”, “crisis” this article everywhere selling anxiety, let me feel I really very dish chicken. “Natural selection is bound to come, not good or bad, not happy or dead.” I have to spend a lot of time to learn to catch up, afraid of being optimized.

However, after my father’s incident, I have been relieved that many things in the world are quite unfair, there is a gap between people, we can catch up and struggle, but we must have their own pace. If one is compared, it will backfire.

When I was a child, I like to see “lean on the sky and slay the Dragon”, which has a formula: he is strong by his strong, the wind blowing hills; How good others are is their own business. I can tell the difference by comparison, but everyone has their own pace of progress, as long as you make sure you are on the way to becoming good.

Is dubious

One year ago, I left a message saying THAT I would write a small book, but it took me a long time to make up my mind until January 2021. At 11:56 PM on January 4, I finished the outline, turned off the computer and lay in bed staring at the ceiling in a daze. In fact, I was not sleepy but extremely excited, and I thought it was very interesting, just like a big adventure.

This state does not last long. When the passion fades away, what is left is fatigue. After a few days of writing, I cannot write any more.

  • Outline is their own list, want to change change, there is no clear direction
  • There is no time limit, three days fishing two days “Internet”, want to write

There is no denying that most people are lazy. If they can lie down, they will not sit down, and if they can sit down, they will not stand up. I am not unique among all living beings.

Yesterday, I also received a comment message from an elder brother who asked: Have you written it yet? The answer is: ongoing, pre-sale next week.

Can be said to be happy and pain, write small volumes of two months, is two months I sleep quality is poorer, is also a challenge to do so for two months, every day in the seamless connection between programmers and writers, and in the requirements development, squeeze time to write small volumes of content, and for some knowledge points also need to check data, afraid to give friends knowledge transmission errors.

The brain is always in an active state, on the way to work in the subway to think how to write this chapter, the restaurant line for dinner is also considering whether the sentence just written will cause ambiguity, take the shuttle bus home on the way to take out the computer can write a little more is a little, especially in the evening, forced themselves to sit at the table output some article content. Very terrible is the night, night light code word, more code more excited.

For me, the difficulty of writing this small volume is much greater than writing a blog, only the chapter outline has been repeatedly revised 14 times, the content split is also after many times of consideration, the content of a chapter is afraid of too much, we expect is “easy to eat”, split many sections and worried about the segmentation of the content is not friendly to some friends. How to make small friends can empathize with, and can gain from it, this is the question I must ask myself before writing a small book every day.

I don’t know how the results of this little book shelves, but I did, I also according to my plan step by step, road resistance and long, line will come, line and stop, the future can be!

The tail

Finally suggest that we pay attention to the body, always feel young, the body resistance to dry cao, overtime is not a problem, stay up late is a small matter, but after my father about this, I found that I earn less money also nothing important, life also can get by, as long as you can afford to mom and dad, carry on the treatment of each year, simple is good.

More friends can spend more time with their families

Finally, do you have any health tea recommendations? My mother always says: if you don’t keep healthy today, keep a doctor tomorrow. After all, when it comes to hospital expenses, money is not money, but a string of numbers.

Tomorrow is another wonderful weekend, I’m going to take my parents to the park for a walk and take photos.