On July 9, 2018, that is, a few days ago in the morning of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which has witnessed numerous companies listed, a young enterprise from mainland China was officially listed, he is Xiaomi Company. In addition to the attention of Xiaomi itself, as the first listed company with the same share and different rights listed in Hong Kong Stock Exchange since April 24, 2018, when the Hong Kong Stock Exchange issued new IPO regulations allowing dual-class share structure companies to go public, the news of Xiaomi’s listing has also become a hot topic.

For those of you who have been paying attention to this, the road to xiaomi’s ipo has been a bumpy one. Xiaomi, which was originally scheduled to go public on June 19, will go public on July 9. And the biggest controversy around millet during this period is the way of its parabolic valuation.

Valuation all the way low, capital winter when the past

At its peak, the company was valued at $100 billion when it filed IPO documents on May 3. However, as the prospectus was disclosed, xiaomi’s IPO valuation went down to just $54.3 billion, up only $9.3 billion from 2014.

Millet is listed, the leadership let me to rub the hot spot, to see if we can make “Hui New cup” competition fire up? In fact, including li ka-shing, ma, ma industry leaders such as more than thousand stock investors subscribed to millet, but capital environment is not the best period at present, due to various reasons, weak market recently, the stock market downturn, so while there are so many giant subscribe, but millet just opened then breaks down, as of 9, 11 points in 31 points, Xiaomi started at HK $16 per share and is now trading back at HK $16.90.

Investment institutions are more cautious, entrepreneurship competition may become a bridge

This shows that today’s investment institutions are increasingly cautious. Already developed relatively mature large company financing is still like this, then located in the early stage of the entrepreneurs how to contact venture capital institutions, access to financing?

In order to raise funds, many entrepreneurs are constantly looking for opportunities to show their projects to investors. In addition to their own contacts, more entrepreneurs have noticed various innovation and entrepreneurship competitions. In fact, the state is also actively guiding capital investment and optimizing the entrepreneurial environment, so various innovation and entrepreneurship competitions emerge endlessly, many of which are led by state institutions. In addition to college students, there are also entrepreneurial teams/enterprises oriented by financing expectations.

Direct dialogue is cast orgnaization, opportunity needs oneself fight for

Millet is listed, the leadership let me to rub the hot spot, to see if we can make “Hui New cup” competition fire up? The first “Huixin Cup” Emerging Technology + Internet Innovation Competition, which has been closed for registration until July 31, is jointly held by the Industrial Culture Development Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the People’s Government of Longhua District, Shenzhen. The total prize money of this competition is more than 5 million RMB, and there are thousands of venture capital institutions as judges. Excellent projects can obtain equity support from venture capital institutions and some policy support from the government.

The original intention of the competition is to “inspire innovation and entrepreneurship enthusiasm of college students, scientific and technological talents, research teams, small, medium and micro enterprises and social groups through the competition, improve the quality of entrepreneurship and employment, build a new pattern of public culture, and deliver new strength of social welfare.” Welcome the growing innovative and entrepreneurial enterprises to participate in this competition. Learning from others is the key to success, and we hope that the participants of this competition will gain experience and growth that no other competition can achieve. Contest the registration website is: www.chuangcheng.org.cn/67