• Svn vs Git

The differences between SVN and Git are as follows

  • CloneSvn engineering

$git SVN Clone SVN project address –no-metadata — Trunk = Trunk / –branches=branches –tags=tags –authors-file=./userinfo.txt -s alias optional notes: -r specifies the start version number. -s Specifies the name of the clone folder — Trunk refers to main development projects –branches refers to branch projects. –ignore-refs does not include branch projects –tag does not include tagged projects –authors-file does not include SVN user files mapped to Git –no-metadata prevents Git from exporting unwanted information contained in SVN. You can also add the folder name as a clone directory, if not the default is the current path. 1.1 Creating a mapping file userinfo. TXT between SVN users and Git users. The file format is as follows: SVN account =Git account For example, zhangS = Zhangsan

Sort out the branches and tags

After clone is complete, the original code exists in Git mode. Git branch -a: git branch -a: git Tag – b: git Tag -l: git Log All tags now exist as branches. The local default master branch. $rm -rf. git/refs/ $rm -rf. git/ $rm -rf. git/ $rm -rf. git/ The Tag to Git real Tag directory $cp – Rf. Git/refs/remotes/origin/tags / *. Git/refs/tags / $rm – Rf. Git/refs/remotes/tags / 3, Finally moved under the remote branch are to local $cp – Rf. Git/refs/remotes/origin/tags / *. Git/refs/heads / $rm – Rf. Git/refs/remotes /

Migrating to Git

Svn To Git: Svn To Git $git remote add Origin $git push -u origin –all $git push -u origin –tags

Now you can use Git to manage your project as much as you like. All SVN project contents including logs, branches, and tags are all in Git