Since 2013, I have set up my personal blog with wordpress. In four years, I have written nearly 50 articles, recorded some problems and solutions I encountered in daily development, and also made several series of technical sharing. Although the number of blog posts is not very many, but every article spent a lot of thought in writing, and recently I have been thinking about the problem of keeping writing blog and keeping blog updated frequently.

WordPress is phper’s favorite blog system, and also a very popular CMS management system around the world. Its advantages are frequent updates and iterations, powerful functions, and quite a number of themes and plug-ins available. But the disadvantage is that the front-end rendering is slow, and the background references some CDN and AVATAR libraries that are walled. If you don’t configure them well, the experience of writing articles in the background will be quite bad. In recent years, Hexo has been on the rise, becoming a favorite of most bloggers due to its Markdown writing style and static publishing nature. With these considerations in mind, I came up with the idea of moving my blog from wordpress to Hexo. The following documents the migration process. For those of you who have the same needs, quit wordpress and join Hexo

Upload pictures to Seven Cows

In wordpress before writing articles, containing images are using wordpress multimedia add, so pictures to access the links are basically like, Therefore, in order to enable the normal display of images after the blog migration, it is necessary to write scripts to upload the images in the wordpress media space to Qiniu, and then replace the image links contained in the articles in batches.

  1. Introduce the Seven Cow SDK

    composer require qiniu/php-sdkCopy the code
  2. Write scripts to upload local pictures to Seven Cows


require_once './vendor/autoload.php';

use Qiniu\Auth;
use Qiniu\Storage\UploadManager;

$accessKey = 'RKassuWW4TB4_xxxxxyyyyyQj2iLEIBq9GSGs8E';
$secretKey = '6iVWfPayYPhosxxxxxyyyyyO909Wp6GsV0oOt';
$bucket = 'idoublog';

$auth = new Auth($accessKey, $secretKey);

$token = $auth->uploadToken($bucket);

$uploadManager = new UploadManager();

// Upload images in batches
$basePath = 'D:/phpStudy/WWW/project/idoubiblog/wp-content/uploads/';
$fileDir = 'D:/phpStudy/WWW/project/idoubiblog/wp-content/uploads';
$files = getUploadFiles($fileDir);

$successCount = 0;
$failCount = 0;
foreach ($files as $k => $v) {
    $key = str_replace($basePath, ' ', $k);
    $file = mb_convert_encoding($v, 'gbk'.'utf8');            // Transcode the file path to prevent garbled characters when the file name is Chinese

    list($res, $err) = $uploadManager->putFile($token, $key, $file);
    if (empty($err)) {        // Upload succeeded
    } else {                // Upload failed
        var_export('Upload failed:' . $v);
        echo "\r\n"; }}echo "Upload success: {$successCount}, upload failure: {$failCount}";

// Get all files that need to be uploaded
function getUploadFiles($dirPath) {
    $files = array(a); $scanFiles = myScanDir($dirPath);foreach ($scanFiles as $ak => $av) {
        if (is_array($av)) {
            foreach ($av as $bk => $bv) {
                if (is_array($bv)) {
                    foreach ($bv as$ck => $cv) { $files[$cv] = $cv; }}else{ $files[$bv] = $bv; }}}else{ $files[$av] = $av; }}return $files;

// Walk through the files under the folder
function myScanDir($dirPath) {
    $files = array(a);if (is_dir($dirPath)) {
        if ($fp = opendir($dirPath)) {
            while(($file = readdir($fp)) ! = =false) {
                if($file ! ='. '&& $file ! ='.. ') {
                    $filePath = $dirPath . '/' . $file;
                    if (is_dir($filePath)) {
                        $files[] = myScanDir($filePath);
                    } else {
                        $files[] = iconv('gbk'.'utf-8', $filePath);        // Transcode the file path to prevent garbled characters when the file name is Chinese
    return $files;
}Copy the code

Exporting wordpress Data

  1. Batch replace image addresses contained in database articles

    update wp_posts set post_content = replace(post_content, ''.'');Copy the code
  2. Export XML files in the wordpress background

Install hexo

npm i -g hexo-cli
hexo init idoublogCopy the code

Migrate data to Hexo

  1. Installing the Migration plug-in

    cd idoublog
    npm install hexo-migrator-wordpress --saveCopy the code
  2. Modify plug-ins (to prevent garbled article titles after importing data)

    # add node_modules/hexo-migrator-wordpress/index.js on line 63
    if (slug) slug = decodeURI(slug);Copy the code
  3. Import data

    hexo migrate wordpress /path/to/wordpress.xmlCopy the code

Install the theme

  1. The fork theme the code
  2. Install the theme

    cd idoublog/
    git submodule add [email protected]:mikemintang/hexo-theme-indigo.git themes/indigoCopy the code
  3. Modify the theme configuration and submit it to fork’s theme repository

Generated content

hexo generateCopy the code

Local preview

  1. Install the browser sync plugin to sync your preview while writing your article

    npm i hexo-browsersync --saveCopy the code
  2. Preview with port

    hexo s -p8031Copy the code

Publish content

  1. Configuring the Publishing Environment

    type: git 
    branch: masterCopy the code
  2. Publish content

    # after executing this command, the blog static content will be released to
    hexo deployCopy the code

Cloud server synchronizes blog content

  1. Initialize the project folder used to synchronize blog content

    mkdir /idoublog
    cd /idoublog
    git init
    git remote add origin the code
  2. Write automatic synchronization shell script vi /shell/

#! /bin/sh
cd /idoublog
git pull origin masterCopy the code
  1. Execute shell scripts periodically

    crontab -e
*/1 * * * * /bin/sh /shell/deploy_idoublog.shCopy the code

Through the above steps, my blog was successfully migrated from wordpress to Hexo. I can now write a blog locally with Sublime, then execute hexo deploy –generate and the blog content will be automatically synchronized to