“Micro service Open Source Ecological Report” collects the recent community dynamics of each open source project, helping developers to understand the latest progress of each open source project more efficiently.

Community dynamics include, but are not limited to: release, people dynamics, project dynamics and planning, training and events.

We welcome other open source projects in the field of micro services in China to send us recent community trends, and we will release them together.

For our first review, click here.

For the second review, click here.

For the third review, click here.

For the fourth review, click here.

The following is the content of the fifth issue of “Microservices Open Source Ecology Report”.

01 Apache Dubbo

1. Project dynamics and planning

  • According to the 2019 Open Source White paper released by the Information And Communications Institute, seven security vulnerabilities were detected in Dubbo. All of them were later confirmed to be Spark’s vulnerabilities, but Dubbo was not detected by bug scanning software. For a statement, click here!
  • 2.7.3 Release. RC3 is now in the voting stage and is expected to be completed next week. Welcome to participate in the trial and voting.
  • 2.6.7 release, now entering the RC2 voting stage, is expected to be completed next week.
  • The development of 2.7.4 is in progress. This version will provide the ability of service introspection, and Xiao Ma will conduct in-depth interpretation in shenzhen salon.
  • To avoid infringement, projects under github.com/dubbo began to migrate to github.com/thubbo
  • dubbo-go

Dubbo-go-hessian 2 has been migrated to Apache, and the dubbo community has voted for it. It is still in the process of cleaning up intellectual property rights. After completion, the Apache incubator community will vote to start sorting out Dubbogo documents.

2. Service fuse degrade feature is being developed.

Dubo-go-hessian2: V1.2.0 Released, Add Decimal Support

2. Training and activities:

Dubbo Developer Day Shanghai platform topics have been collected and are currently in the screening stage.

02 Nacos

  • Project dynamics and planning
  • In response to community feedback, centralized optimization of logs, including dynamic log configuration, redundant log turn-off and print level adjustment, see here for details!
  • Nacos client 1.1.1 was released, fixing client version display issues.
  • Nacos Go SDK 0.1.0 supports service discovery and configuration management.

03 Seata

1. Version release

Release Seata 0.7.0 and 0.7.1 (recommended) versions.

Seata 0.7.0 combined 60+ PR in this Release, mainly including:

  • Metric design and implementation, seamless with Prometheus.
  • Protocol Codec supports ProtoBuffer.
  • Design and implementation of new protocol. In order to ensure better scalability, the protocol Header has been redesigned and implemented, which is no longer compatible with the lower version (0.7.0) protocol.
  • Bugfix several, code optimization several. Click here for details!

Seata 0.7.1 provides emergency fixes for several important issues in version 0.7.0, including:

  • The seata-codec-all dependency has been added to seata-Spring for compatibility with the seata-Spring independent dependency usage.
  • Fixed an issue where Spring Cloud AutoConfiguration could not be initialized due to GlobalTransactionScanner section priority.
  • Fixed 0.7.0 issue where the version number could not be replaced and dependencies could not be pulled from the central repository because the MVN plugin was too low.

2. Project dynamics and planning

  • In order to better serve the community, Seata users to open information registration, see here! ;
  • Published article: Seata Mertric Design and Use;
  • Seata will release oracle support and SAGA mode in 0.8.0;
  • Invite community to develop and test Seata client side go version, welcome to sign up and participate.

04 Sentinel

Project dynamics and planning: The community organized an online meeting to discuss the overall design of Sentinel Golang version. More Go developers are welcome to join us to build Sentinel Golang.

05 Spring Cloud Alibaba

Project dynamics and planning: The community will discuss the new package name, Maven groupId and version number. We welcome more community members to join us by clicking here.

Author of this issue: Dubbo-Zhang Hu-xing, GitHub ID @ralf0131; Dubbo – Yu Yu, GitHub ID @alexstocks; Dubbo-he Xinming, GitHub ID @hxMHLt; Nacos – Pengfei Zhu, GitHub ID @nkorange; Seata – Ji Min, GitHub ID @slievrly; Sentinel-yihao Zhao, GitHub ID@sczyh30; Spring Cloud Alibaba – Square Sword, githubid@fangjian0423;

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