Highly available distributed file system components
The file management mode of traditional stand-alone Web applications, such as uploading and using image and video files, is mostly stored locally on the server. However, this management mode cannot be applied to micro-service applications. On the one hand, microservice applications are distributed in a distributed environment where multiple copies can be deployed anytime, anywhere, so their media files must be stored in a unified place. On the other hand, the establishment of an independent and efficient file system is also an integral part of the high availability, high performance application platform.
If we rent a cloud service, we can use a distributed file system provided by a cloud service provider, such as Ali Cloud or Tencent Cloud’s object storage OSs.
Next, to deepen the reader’s understanding of distributed file systems, we use open source FastDFS to build a highly available distributed file system.
FastDFS architecture
FastDFS is a lightweight distributed file system. You can use FastDFS to build a highly available and sustainable distributed file system.
FastDFS consists of a Tracker and a Storage. Tracers are used to schedule requests from clients and record information about storage servers. Storage nodes are used to store files and their properties and synchronize files. File storage is also organized in groups (or volumes). Two or more trackers can form a highly available distributed file system, as shown in Figure 14-1.
Based on the architecture design shown in Figure 14-1, we will use four servers to build a highly available distributed file system, the code is shown below.
Tracker Server1:
Tracker Server2:
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In this architecture, adding storage nodes can improve and expand file access performance. After the distributed file system is installed, you can use Nginx to set up a load balancing service for file access on the Web side.
This chapter will use the installation packages shown below, which can be downloaded from the web.
Libfastcommon - 1.0.35. Tar. Gz fastdfs - 5.10, tar, gz pcre - 8.40. Tar. Gz nginx - 1.10.3. Tar. GzCopy the code
The installation of FastDFS
The following installation is performed on all four servers. Assume that the downloaded installation packages are stored in the /opt directory.
First, create a FastDFS and Nginx user:
Useradd fastdfs -m -s /sbin/nologinUserAdd nginx -m -s/sbin/nologinCopy the code
Then, install the build environment:
yum -y install gcc gcc+ gcc-c++ openssl openssl-devel pcre pcre-deve
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Install libfastCommon and execute the following commands in that order:
Tar -zxvf libfastcommon-1.0.35.tar.gz CD libfastcommon-1.0.35. /makeCopy the code
Once done, create the soft link shown below so that the installer can find the relevant library files:
ln -sv /usr/include/fastcommon /usr/local/include/fastcommon
ln -sv /usr/include/fastdfs /usr/local/include/fastdfs
ln -sv /usr/lib64/libfastcommon.so /usr/local/lib/libfastcommon.so
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Execute the following commands in order to install FastDFS:
Gz CD fastdfS-5.10./make. Sh./makeCopy the code
After the installation is complete, a success flag is printed and the individual services are configured.
Tracking server configuration
On the Tracker Server machine, create the data store directory:
mkdir -p /data/fastdfs/tracker
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Run the following commands in order to edit the tracker.conf configuration:
cd /etc/fdfs
cp tracker.conf.sample tracker.conf
vi /etc/fdfs/tracker.conf
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Edit the following configurations in the configuration file:
Bind addr= # port=22122# connect timeout=30# Log data path base Path =/data/fastdfs/tracker# select group from path=/data/fastdfs/tracker# select group from path=/data/fastdfs/tracker 1: Sort by IP address 2: sort by weight store server=0 #storage Reserved storage space =10% HTTP. server port=8080Copy the code
Save and exit, and then start Tracker Server with the following command:
service fdfs trackerd start
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Use the following command to view the ports that the Tracker Server is listening to:
netstat -unltplgrep fdfs
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Storage Node Configuration
On the Storage server, create a data store directory as follows:
mkdir -p/data/fdfs storage/base
mkdir -p /data/fdfs storage/storage0
mkdir -p /data/fdfs_storage/storage1
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Run the following commands in sequence to edit the storage node configuration:
cd /etc/fdfs
cp storage.conf.sample storage.conf
vi storage.conf
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Edit the contents with the following commands:
#storage server owning group name=group1 # Bind IP address bind addr= # Storage server owning port=23000 # Connect timeout=30# Log data path Base Path =/data/ FDFS storage/base# Number of storage paths Store PathCount =2 Store Path0 =/data/ FDFS storage/ Storage0Store Pathl =/data/ FDFS storage/storagel# tracker server= server= the code
After saving the editing, run the following command to start the storage node:
service fdfs_storaged start
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Use the following command to check the running status of the service:
/usr/bin/fdfs monitor /etc/fdfs/storage.conf
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Uploading a File
Now go back to the Tracker Server machine (such as IP address and test uploading files using the following method.
Run the following commands in sequence to edit the client configuration:
cd /etc/fdfs
cp client.conf.sample client.conf
vi /etc/fdfs/client.conf
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Amend the following:
Base path=/data/fastdfs/tracker # tracker server= # tracker server IP address and port number HTTP. Tracker_server port=8080 # The HTTP port number on the Tracker server, which must be the same as the # setting of TrackerCopy the code
If a 1.png image file exists in /opt, run the following command to upload the file:
/usr/bin/fdfs upload file /etc/fdfs/client.conf /opt/1.png
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If the file is uploaded successfully, the following information is displayed:
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