1. How to load a running online project that cannot be loaded in the following way?
<script type="systemjs-importmap">
      "imports": {
        "@portal/payroll": ""
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  1. The exception information is as follows:
VM6614:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<'
VM6598 single-spa.config.js:830 The loading function for single-spa application 'payroll' resolved with the following, which does not have bootstrap, mount, and unmount functionsƒ () {(e [I]. [I]. Q = e q | | []), push (the arguments)} (anonymous) @ VM6598 single - spa. Config. Js: 830 Promise. Then (async) (anonymous) @ VM6598 single-spa.config.js:830 Promise.then (async) (anonymous) @ VM6598 single-spa.config.js:830 Promise.then (async) at @ VM6598 single-spa.config.js:830 (anonymous) @ VM6598 single-spa.config.js:830 Promise.then (async) qt @ VM6598 single-spa.config.js:830 xt @ VM6598 single-spa.config.js:830 ./single-spa.config.js @ VM6598 single-spa.config.js:970 __webpack_require__ @ VM6598 single-spa.config.js:710 (anonymous) @ VM6598 single-spa.config.js:762 (anonymous) @ VM6598 single-spa.config.js:765 VM6598 single-spa.config.js:981 payroll: Application'payroll' died in status LOADING_SOURCE_CODE: "does not export an unmount function or array of functions"
    at v (http://localhost:3000/dist/single-spa.config.js:830:4731)
    at m (http://localhost:3000/dist/single-spa.config.js:830:3977)
    at http://localhost:3000/dist/single-spa.config.js:830:13725
    at async Promise.all (index 0)
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